Audi A4 Lava Gray Paint Stains


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Jan 20, 2014
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Hey all,

I've just had my 2014 A4 in the dealers to look at the paint stains which look a bit like water marks. They're all over the car and especially the bonnet. Audi's 'paint guy' has insisted they are bird dropping marks and can only be fixed with a respray. However I cant see how this is true as although the car lives on my drive if I ever see bird bits on the car it gets wiped off straight away!

May I ask if anyone else has experienced this and perhaps what options I have?

Many thanks all,



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Suggest you take it to a Pro detailer who might be able to give you some advice. If it is just on the laquer it can be polished out. Paint guy would have known this if he knew what he was talking about!
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Thanks for the advice.

I spoke to the dealer and he said that its below the laquer and only fix is a respray. The car is in warranty but Ill will take your advice and take it to a detailer for a second opinion. At least that may weight the conversations with the dealer.

My next question then is does anyone have any recommendations for pro detailers in or near Chelmsford, Essex?
How can it be under the lacquer? That would mean its a manufacturing defect!

Anyhow I'd highly recommend Rob from gleam machine in Essex.

One of the best in the business
Cheers for the reply. I appreciate the advice and recommendations. :)

I had another interesting conversation with them yesterday and spoke to the paint guys boss. He admitted its not under the laquer but wouldn't budge from saying that it was birds despite me stating the car gets wiped once thats noticed and my other half's car doesn't have the same marks. Not sure what else can cause it? He then also offered to 'mop' the bonnet over to remove a small layer of the laquer but thats all that could be done?
Take it a detailer first get their opinion. Rob probably won't charge for just having a look
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Don't let Audi mop car. Same happened my fathers car and they said same thing. Bird droppingd. They mopped it and removed bird dropping but left it all swirls. I took it to local detailer who corrected their mistake and all good from then.

Take it to detailer first and get a price. Then get Audi to cover cost as its best option
My Lava Grey car lives outside and does not get marks like that on it.

But it depends where you like as I guess the species of bird and their diet will affect their droppings.
Thanks guys. Its good to know that its not with all lava gray and that mine I guess must be more prone but Ill see what the detailer has to say...
It's seagull cr ap that does it with the chemicals they produce in bowl...

Hopefully you get sorted
exact same marks I had ALL OVER mine. Audi had done a respray before I bought it and the paint was soft and really easy to mark, bird poo for 2 minutes would cause the same mark. I cried after parking under a tree one day :(
They also said only a respray and it was down to paint and it genuinly did look like it was, but it was rubbish as I had it detailed professionally and there is not even a slight mark now :) I also had something called cquartz put on which is a hard layer treatment on the paint, so that it is protected more from acidic bird poo!

Where are you based? The detailer I really recomend for it
from the picture it doesn't look down to the paint, looks like etching to the top laquer. Mine genuinely looked miles worse and felt the paint was lumpy and dipped where it was, so from the pictures, if mine looked worse than yours and came up great, I would say it looks hopeful (obviously cant guarantee not in person).
Dont try with a DA at home as I did and the DA didnt remove them, but going to a professional detailer his machine got them out and you would never know
I agree seagull sh1t is the worst one of Cornwalls finest dumped on mine the other day it was about the size of a small plate and burnt on in the midday sun!!! Can't tell you how p1ssed off I was when I saw it but after soaking it for ages and then about 4 treatments with meguairs ultimate compound and the polish and wax it's as good as new!! Pic below it was 4" to the left of the fuel cap!

2015 04 12 212649
2015 04 12 212612
picture above looks like bird droppping marks.

they should polish out by a detailer if not polish i think if he wet sanded it then polished it should be all sorted. don't think i respray is in order.
Really good information so thanks soo much. Its def not bids on mine though and thats what originally annoyed me as Audi were so insistent it was. Myabe a few of the marks might be but I cant see how they are all caused by the little buggers.

Im based in Chelmsford but away working at the moment. Once I get back Id planned to give Glean Machine a call as recommeneded earlier. I was hoping he would be able to advise on what it was and options so I could push back on Audi. Im just relcutant to spend the sort of money listed on his site when the car is only a year old and not too mention it cost a small fortune! :)
If the car is a year old plenty of warranty left. How about trying another dealer if that's possible?
picture above looks like bird droppping marks.

they should polish out by a detailer if not polish i think if he wet sanded it then polished it should be all sorted. don't think i respray is in order.

need to read my previous posts, this was removed a year ago, my car was covered boot to bonnet. Audi said respray but detailer got them ALL out.
Just to reasure this guy :)
I did think about another dealer but then thought they'd be just as 'helpful.' Cant hurt though so will give one a call and see.

Manda were your marks caused by birds then or just seem to appear over a short space of time? Since the detailer worked their magic have any returned?

They was caused by bird poo modt definately, i parked under a tree and it was like they had payed angry birds on my car, seeds the lot.
I had a few marks like this before.
And Audi most definately will NOT pay out or help as it is just bad luck I am afraid. They have no control of the birds and some paint is just soft and it isnt a fault on Audis part as soft paint looks nicer. Ferraris are known to be insanely soft and get etching easy.
You will need to pay for the full detail, But also look into getting something like C quartz which puts a clear hard layer on your paint, so aslong as you whipe the poo away quickly it shouldnt etch. If you leave it over night or in the sun any car will etch though.
Good luck!
Thanks Manda. I suspected so as you did mention it before.

I dont mind paying if its the birds as you're right I can expect Audi to fork out of soemthign outside of their control. I just remain unconvinced this is it and that somehow the laquer isnt doing the job right. Ill def arrange the detailer when I get back and see what happens. Will post an update also...
I did think about another dealer but then thought they'd be just as 'helpful.' Cant hurt though so will give one a call and see.

Manda were your marks caused by birds then or just seem to appear over a short space of time? Since the detailer worked their magic have any returned?

All dealers are not the same. Worth a punt if there is no cost to you?