Ajs Avant

I like the door cards, did you do that yourself or is it a special edition finish

Thanks. Door cards are alcantara, Half leather Recaros with the alcantara centres. Think it came out of a DTM, was one of my best(bargain) buys.

Inspirational thread!

Cheers, hard graft but starting to see the rewards now.
Top work just had a read through the whole lot, nothing better than finding a good project thread.

Amazing effort with the carbon skinning, always something I've fancied trying. Got addicted to carbon when I was building my road bike.
Got a few interior bits on the go but nothing major. I'm actually fuming at one of them, ordered 14 weeks ago on a 3-4 weeks basis and still waiting!!
Possible Marmite mod coming up in a week or two, been something I wanted to do for a while but will be interested to see if others like them too.
Got my eye on another set of wheels but being strong and not ordering until my others sell.
Got a few interior bits on the go but nothing major. I'm actually fuming at one of them, ordered 14 weeks ago on a 3-4 weeks basis and still waiting!!
Possible Marmite mod coming up in a week or two, been something I wanted to do for a while but will be interested to see if others like them too.
Got my eye on another set of wheels but being strong and not ordering until my others sell.
Another set of wheels!!!
At the moment I've 3 sets of good wheels and for me that's 2 sets too many. Love the Ultraleggeras so would like to move on the others but no one wants them.
Really just looking for a set to tidy up and paint myself then run over the winter. Air ride's opened up my fitment choices so can run a wheel I've liked for a while now.
So after waiting 10wks over the quoted 2-3 wks for some custom interior trims I finally got hacked off with my scratched up supposedly temporary ones and dug out a spare set I had to play with.
Painted them body coloured first but wasn't really happening for me so thought I'd try a Xirallic(fancy metallic) I had in the garage, started to fire it on but then thought about fading it in so gave it a bash and cleared it up.
Did very little prep as it was really an experiment and thought it looked a bit chavy outside in the sun but once fitted it's actually grown me, it's kind of cool that depending on light and angle you see more or less of the red.
Got holidays coming up but if the custom stuff doesn't turn up after that I think I'll do the rest and see what it looks like, might be tricky to get the fade equal across all of them but I'll give it a bash. It's not going to cost me anything so nothing really too loose, if they turn out decent I'll claim back my money for the other ones.

why you just not put OEM carbon ... anyway you have a few carbon details and i think will be much better as well - but this is my opinion !

Had some and sold it. I don't really think it does that much for the interior if I'm honest especially considering the cost of it, I found it quite dull.

If the guy eventually gets his finger out and finish these I'm have custom carbon but in the mean time I'll keep playing in the garage with paint.

And what it looks like when it's finished, maybe one day!!

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Just read this from the beginning and i have to say, what a great thread and as for you car it's quite simply stunning, everything you have done it looks amazing. A lot of work gone into that inside and out, well done it's a real credit to you.
Who's doing your red carbon? C6?

I'd emailed them ages ago asking for prices for that very same thing, but never ever heard back. I think they are pretty busy folk.
I tried C6 a while back too but the same no reply.
It's a guy in states, oCarbon. He was getting great reviews back then but he seems to have dropped the ball now and the guys on Audizine hate him now:)
Ah think i'd looked at their site before and was put off by the need to do it on an exchange basis - if I remember rightly their work was meant to be top notch.

Wasn't aware there were issues with them though - hope you get it sorted!
Thanks mate. I do actually think I'll get them eventually but I never thought it would take anywhere near this long, I just hope Paypal will play ball if I decide to escalate it.

Bashed on with the other trims tonight, was a bit concerned about matching to my trial one but think I've managed, actually really enjoy painting wee bits and bobs. Not quite sure what I'll do with the gear surround and ashtray yet but need to find my spare ones first!!

You can see how the finish changes depending on angle and light, same bits from different sides,

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Stunning car. Never seen anything even near the quality of this.
Thanks mate!!

Popped the trims in today and I love them, awesome that the effect changes depending on how the light hits them. Sometimes they just look subtle and other times the red really pings through, almost as if there's red led down lighting on the overhangs above. I think I'll give the dash panel another go after my hols, the larger overhang of the dash darkens the top and hides a lot of the red making it look mismatched especially on the join between the passenger door. I probably went too heavy on anthracite colour so will bring the fade a bit further down the trim next time.

The line of vertical fade is actually level all the way but you can see in this pic how natural light makes it fade along the length of the trim too. Depending on the light the red shining through actually moves.

You can see here that the red's almost gone on the dash panel because of the dash overhang shadowing it, need to try and bring the fade down a bit.
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Thanks guys, mine is Brilliant red.

Wheels collected from the powdercoaters today and 100% happy with them now, a wee shade lighter and now with a shiny, metallic finish, won't get a chance to refit tho until home from hols:-(

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The dash panels look really good, and it's something different too which is always refreshing.
OZs are 8.5J ET45 but spaced to ET37.

Mixed results today. Had another go at the dash panel which turned out great and now matches where it meets the door trims nicely. Then decided to have a bash at the ashtray and gear lever surround, seemed like a good idea but think I've cheesed it up a bit too much. Hate the chromed bits in red so will try them in the grey or black first to see if that will tone it back a bit.

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Have to agree, a bit too much red. I think black will look good though.
First time I'm not too keen on something you've done! I think if you go for black you'll be happy with the results. Seen a special edition with gloss black trims and they are really nice. If I didn't have brand new fish scale alloy ones myself that's what I'd be buying for mine.
Yeah I think you need to loose the red trim from the surround and ashtray.
Agree with you all, all black does nothing for me tho but I've rubbed them down and will tone them down a bit. The door and dash trims look awesome tho, constantly flipping colour depending on the light, really love them and go well with the red of the car.
Trouble is since I swapped over to painting with a proper gun I actually really enjoy it and I'm getting good quality work instead of the crap you get with aerosols so tend to get a bit carried away, just need to reign myself in a bit!!
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Hopefully nailed it this time, smoothed the ashtray lid, lost all the pure red bits and ran the grey closer to the edge.

Also popped the OZs back on, 100% happy with them now:)

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Reactions: James.c, Mark-f, ash-k and 2 others
Very nice, I do like the OZ's. Is it just me or do they look a lot darker on the car than off it. Or is that just the light playing tricks
this build is brilliant, massively impressed with the 'can do' attitude, keep it up.
Thanks guys, not so much "can do" more so "will attempt to" tho:)

Yeah wheels are a shade lighter in reality, not sure if the camera over compensates because of the brightness of the red paint, I can't seem to capture the shine of them either. They're a light anthracite, BMW Ferric grey but actually look too light in this pic, suppose that's why I like them, different light, different shades.

Couldn't wait for the clear to fully harden so carefully reassembled the bits, they'll bake well in the car over the next few days if the weather continues. Much happier now with them being a bit more subtle.

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You won me over again with the trims now, much more subtle. I eat my hat now!

Love the wheels, love that coulor too. Good choice.

I'd like that colour wheels on my car but don't think the contrast with silver bodywork would work for mine

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