Quad pipes ... only for show?


Registered User
Oct 31, 2014
Reaction score
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
One really cold morning last week I had my S3 idling on the drive while it defrosted itself and I couldn't help notice that the condensation/exhaust fumes only seemed to come from the inside pipe of each pair.

I got to thinking that maybe this was because only one pipe in each quad pair is actually connected to the silencer box and that maybe the outer one in each case is only for show!

Since I wasn't able to investigate this apparent anomaly further at the time, I wonder if anybody has any definitive information on this issue?
Unlike the air scoop on the bonnet of a Mini Cooper they do actually do something.
You need to be in Dynamic mode for all 4 pipes to be "used".
But only over 3000 rpm or something. Theres a thread about somehwere saying you can unplug the valve and all 4 will be used at all times. Im sure v8 will link it at some point.
Lazy phone typing. Thanks.

Will give that a try when i get home :)
I don't need anything extra to have my second set of twin pipes not to operate - it was done in the factory (check my signature!).
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How harsh is the ride in dynamic compared to comfort from personal experience?
Like you say I don't want to always be switching, leaving it in dynamic mode all the time if it is livable
You need to be in Dynamic mode for all 4 pipes to be "used".

I'm always in dynamic

lol I was going to add "If that's the case I'll leave it in dynamic 24/7 then" Just glad I'm not the only old boy racer here :)

A lad I work with came up to me last night to say he had seen an S3, he said the guy booted it from the lights and it sounded amazing :) Even my mates are looking forward to me getting it lol
lol I was going to add "If that's the case I'll leave it in dynamic 24/7 then" Just glad I'm not the only old boy racer here :)

A lad I work with came up to me last night to say he had seen an S3, he said the guy booted it from the lights and it sounded amazing :) Even my mates are looking forward to me getting it lol
It does sound amazing in my opinion, mental in S Mode
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Don't think I get S mode as I went for a proper drivers car - manual transmission :racer: :whistle2: :undwech:
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Manual of course .. need to be properly in control of 300ps!

As for Dynamic vs Comfort, etc... you can change the mode when you're actually driving along, according to the manual. I have yet to take mine out of Dynamic (why would you buy an S3 and have it any other way?). I wonder if it makes for less road noise because the suspension will feel softer?

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Dynamic steering is downright horrible.

It adds extra friction and weight, without any additional feel.
It also restricts quick lock to lock action, with all that additional friction.

Hence mine is in individual, everything dynamic except steering - that's in auto.
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This is evo's write up on the Dynamic setting for the dampers and steering:

"We tested the car it the south of France, where the super smooth road surfaces flattered the S3 saloon’s ride quality. Even so, switching the Drive Select system to its ‘Dynamic’ mode firmed up the adjustable dampers to an uncomfortable degree – and we know that the hatchback really struggles when asked to deal with UK roads. ‘Dynamic’ mode also adds extra weight to the steering, but does nothing to increase feel."

Well, you shouldn't have sent me that video of you and velvet being rubbed on you .... :p
In all seriousness, regarding friendly banter. Is there any way to add a chat box to the forum. When i was on cztoc.com they had it and it kept the threads a little less cluttered and chit chat free.

Si :)
Well, see, when I suggested this I was shot down in flames.

Some wanted threads to stay on topic, I wanted useful threads, others wanted threads that didn't have to have a point to them, I suggested chat, others wanted banter in the thread, some didn't care if the thread went off topic etc etc

Make of that what you will! ;)
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Will have to clean mine soon, all clogged up.
In all seriousness, regarding friendly banter. Is there any way to add a chat box to the forum. When i was on cztoc.com they had it and it kept the threads a little less cluttered and chit chat free.

Si :)

Surely without chit chat it would be a very clinical place.
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I wasn't so much meaning no chit chat, banter is what helps to keep a forum fresh. Was just thinking that sometimes threads can go very off topic when said banter makes up most of the comments on that thread :)

Would probably be a lot of work to introduce a chat box and i realise the forum staff are very busy as it is. Perhaps it worked on cztoc as there was a much smaller user base.

Oh well, back to work :)
