Mobile police units


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May 9, 2011
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Got picked up for speeding & I swear to god he must have been hiding in a bush or something! Clear road, what's worse is I wasn't even hammering it. 3 points & most definitely a high premium next year - so bye to a chance of an s3!
Got picked up for speeding & I swear to god he must have been hiding in a bush or something! Clear road, what's worse is I wasn't even hammering it. 3 points & most definitely a high premium next year - so bye to a chance of an s3!

Oh mate feeling your pain :-( not good...
Mobile f*ckers are the worst! I've heard loads of stories about their guns or whatever they use being way out of calibration.
They lurk everywhere. Seen one in the same downhill 30mph village spot over 2 consecutive days.
It's a good thing i live in a relatively small town, word usually gets round when they set up shop somewhere.

They usually have their vans and then further up the road a few ST's sitting there waiting for the go ahead.
Ive only been caught once, Round a blindish bend then boom they he is with his bright yellow jacket on with his radar gun on full show. 47mph in a 30mph Zone.

off to the back of the van where i filled forms out to say ive been naughty etc and that they want me to bring my license to police station and send off a cheque for £60 etc.

I did as i was told the next day:racer:, 2 months went by, i heard nothing. So i went to the police station and asked whats going on, id like my license sometime this year? they said, well we have lost your ticket and so heres your clean license and you can have your £60 back :w00t:

So everything refunded and to be fair, ive learnt my lesson from it. Im no angel but theres a time and a place to "let your hair down" not in a 30mph zone :asskicking:

Sorry to hear about your ticket :3sadwalk:If its an SP30 my insurance company told me that so many people have these now that the premiums are hardly affected, and infact didnt change mine. My mrs had a SP30 and i put her as a named driver and they didnt give a wotsit.
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I got 3 points few years back thanks to one of these units, 36mph in a 30mph zone.

He was parked up outside an old warehouse renovation alongside a dozen Contractor vans, very conveniently blending in. About as sneaky as it gets.

It was neither an accident blackspot, residential or otherwise, and he was near the bottom of the decline.
A completely cynical exercise in generating cash.

Unfortunately mobile cameras dont understand descretion.
if its your 1st 3 points, i would not worry about it, as it normally has no effect on your insurance.
At one point I had 9 points and a banned on my licence. only got the band to declare now :racer:
Unlucky mate , I only speed on motorways and dual carriageways lol :racer:
Motorways are crawling with unmarked cars, have to be careful these days. Mostly they leave you to it as long as your not doing crazy speeds. I've had an unmarked car behind me whilst doing 90 and luckily he didn't say anything.
I hope so, renewal in August and hoping to get a quicker car than this 1.6. Usually you notice them but nothing there to be seen. That road has no cars parked on sides and I'm sure I never saw a cop car or van there at all.

Cops are getting too sneaky nowadays
I got 6 points from one of those laser traps.

Summons came literally after 5 months and i thought i got away with it!

Evil evil things.
You need a Lazer Jammer, get the one which also acts as front parking sensors.
Had it fitted to the wife's Type R Civic, it saved my skin twice.

Car now sold but I remember it cost £300 fitted. The plod never checked or questioned it.
As previously said insurance co's dont really bother about an SP30 on the licence as most people nowadays have one. Thanks to the sneaky twossers hiding in bushes etc etc.

i got done through some roadworks on a dual carriage way. usually 50mph zone but with roadworks was down to 30mph. sneakers got me doing 56mph. luckily 3 points and £60 fine. in the local paper it was front page news on how many motorists were being caught through the roadworks, and at 57mph they were summonds to court!!!! WOW!! majorly lucky!!!

the points are off my licence now, have to send the licence away to gegt them taken off and all they do is put a red pen line through them!!! could do that myself!!!!!
As previously said insurance co's dont really bother about an SP30 on the licence as most people nowadays have one. Thanks to the sneaky twossers hiding in bushes etc etc.

i got done through some roadworks on a dual carriage way. usually 50mph zone but with roadworks was down to 30mph. sneakers got me doing 56mph. luckily 3 points and £60 fine. in the local paper it was front page news on how many motorists were being caught through the roadworks, and at 57mph they were summonds to court!!!! WOW!! majorly lucky!!!

the points are off my licence now, have to send the licence away to gegt them taken off and all they do is put a red pen line through them!!! could do that myself!!!!!

What speeding through roadworks where you do not know who/what may be working there at the time thus endangering their lives!! .. that's reckless mate. I've had lots of mates hit by vehicles because of 'stupid' speeding motorists.. Call police sneaky, but your down right dangerous. If you do not like the speed limits even how stupid 'some' can be, give up driving.
Started writing about my ma still waiting for a ticket after she says she went past a van at the top of a crawler lane at around 85mph. No chance the police even noticed the car she was overtaking had been going 40-50 for the past 20 miles and then decided to speed up just as my ma went for the overtake. It turnde into quite a rant, so editted it down a bit.

A lot of times the police are actually decent about using restraint and common sense, but other times they're absolutely tools about going 5mph over the limit.
I regularly have a mobile speed trap on the road right outside my house. It's a busy road. Dead straight and wide for half a mile at least. It's hard to keep to 30 and not many do. It's quite fun watching the sheer number of people that get pulled over. There are usually about 10 coppers just to deal with all the naughty drivers!

Needless to say I religously stick to 30 all the way along everyday just in case. And every day have people tailgating. My missus has even been overtaken whilst doing 30.
proud owner of a laser detector and jammer... £400 well spent. i dont have an iron foot but once in a while i find a lovely clear road... and satan takes over.. but i only brought it because last time satan took over i landed 6 points!!! so this ones for you satan!
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proud owner of a laser detector and jammer... £400 well spent. i dont have an iron foot but once in a while i find a lovely clear road... and satan takes over.. but i only brought it because last time satan took over i landed 6 points!!! so this ones for you satan!

laughed my head off:]
Are they technically illegal or gray area? Think I know the answer :gun2:

Not legal. But the manufacturers make them as dual purpose. Some act as auto garage door openers others ( like mine) act as front parking sensors.
the garage openers are ok providing u have a electric garage door which can be operated by the detector if they ever check. The plod has been known to go to owners homes. Buy the parking sensor ones. Laser jammers do work.
I just set my cruise control to the speed limit. Never had a ticket yet.
these laser jammers/parking sensors.... what do they look like?

Dont have the car ny more. But it was a small match box size transmitter fitted inside the front grill. This went to a module mounted inside the car. I had it fitted. It worked on all mobile and hand held cameras. I had a switch fitted inside the car to turn it off once I had slowed down to legal limits. Like I said b4 it saved my skin twice.

Moved to company car so can't fit them against co policy.
I don't mind them checking speeds, but it does my tits in when they set up shop just inside a speed limit change... they're literally sat there to catch people who missed a single sign - presumably out-of-towners. Touch wood I've never been caught yet in the UK - if I did, I'd be ****** off as I genuinely drive very sensibly in town, and rarely more than 80 on the motorway.

The annoying thing is, the people who ritually do stupid speeds are the ones who're practiced at spotting the cameras/vans on bridges or just know where the police hang out locally, so they're not the ones who get caught. The ones who get caught are the normal people visiting a new area who just miss a single sign.

Cynical cash-generating and prosecution-taget hitting with virtually no attempt at actually doing any good, in my opinion - I never see one sat outside a school at opening/closing time, nor do you see them at accident blackspots: you see them where they're gonna catch most people doing a safe speed which happens to be over the advertised limit.

And the time I got caught was a fair cop in the US - end of a 600 mile drive and I just wanted to get home, caught doing 71 in a 55mph work zone and slapped with a $520 fine. :(
I hate the mobile camera brigade, got done by one about 10yrs ago doing 51mph on a 40mph dual carriageway, fair enough. However for a first offence they gave me 6 points & a £350 fine because in their words, they didnt like the fact I was driving a work van (used to work for autoglass).

The key difference here between fixed & moblie cameras is obvious, fixed cameras are for safety, mobile cameras are for revenue.

If mobile cameras weren't just a money making scheme they'd have to put up camera warning signs & be clearly visible like the fixed cameras. In fact, mobile cameras are even meant to be clearly visible so you can see them, & we all know this isn't the case as they're always hiding behind a wall or another car!
has anyone ever challenged these lazer speed tickets?
im sure they cant be 100% accurate all the time.
Why shouldn't the detector van/car/person blend in, bit like an un-marked car.
Do the crime, do the time... Would you like your kid hit by a car doing 30 or 36 in a 30 zone? the USA it's zero tolerance, 1mm past the speed sign and if your over the speed..POW!! ticket...
Only make revenue it you allow them. i.e if you speed. So in the end it's your own fault. Stop moaning and 'suck it up' m8..
Mobile camera zones have to be indicated by signs and are also available on sat-nav systems.

You must have missed the signs !
Why shouldn't the detector van/car/person blend in, bit like an un-marked car.
Do the crime, do the time... Would you like your kid hit by a car doing 30 or 36 in a 30 zone? the USA it's zero tolerance, 1mm past the speed sign and if your over the speed..POW!! ticket...

That's not true at all. Different counties have very different approaches to speeding. Most of the time in Texas, they sit at the top of a hill with their lights on so people can see them miles off and everyone slows down. The idea is to deter people from speeding, not to penalise the few who do. Fair enough, go 90 past a camera and you deserve a ticket. They're placed in accident black-spots so people know to slow down there. For some reason, a sign saying "Slow Down" isn't enough so there has to be the threat of a fine. Sure, sometimes cops hide just over a hill, and behind a sign, so you have no chance of seeing them and they will ticket anyone over the limit but you can't just say "in the USA it's zero tolerance".

As for kid getting hit, they shouldn't be in the road to get by a car going at any speed. If the car is going 36 is could be past your kid by the time they run out and there'd be no crash at all. If that's really your argument, why isn't the speed limit 20? Or 15? That's be much better than 30mph for pedestrian safety.

Education and common sense are all that's needed to drive safely.
if its your 1st 3 points, i would not worry about it, as it normally has no effect on your insurance.
At one point I had 9 points and a banned on my licence. only got the band to declare now :racer:

Rarely so. Most insurers will penalise you AND any family member where you are a named driver.
Every UK car forum I have ever visited has contributors forever whingeing on and on about about speed limits and cameras and how unfair it all is. Many aspects of life are unfair and usually no amount of moaning will change matters or change the system. If there are things you can't change then change your attitude to those things. Just grow up and stop throwing your toys out of the pram like a baby.
If you knowingly speed, however empty the road is then it serves you right when you get caught. Even if you accidentaly speed it's still your fault. Your opinion or judgement as to whether a speed limit should be set and enforced is of no interest to anybody.
Sure I have taken a few chances but I'm no angel and my first 3 points & £60 fine ( after 20 years and more than half a million miles ) are my fault and mine alone caused by being too preoccupied by other matters and not concentrating on the road or the prevailing speed limit. It was a fair cop, I was VERY annoyed with myself but with nobody else so kept my moans to myself.
Firstly, I'm not moaning about the speed limits and saying I am exceeding them, I'm going to moan about the extent some of these mobile cameras go to around my area to be hidden but catch people.

There is an A road dual carriageway which was extended to dual carraigeway a few years ago but the speed limit was never changed to represent this. It's not a residential area or "red route" for collisions.

Along this carriageway there is a bridge over a railway, and the police sporadically like to get people as they come down the slope. But as it is on a slight bend, they hide behind the large road sign which means they hard to see until 100m away max.

It only frustrates me that they can get away with being so sneaky, especially when 95% of motorists obey the speed limits on this road, and that the dual carriageway carries on after the roundabout they wait near, at which point the speed limit becomes 70mph! I'm all for the speed limit of this road being increased to 50/60 as it should be, then the traffic police can have cameras there as often as the want to catch the 2% willing to exceed that limit.

They need to invest some money in the condition of the roads, instead of mobile camera vans and use police time better to catch some real criminals such as thieves.

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