Anyone considered giving up the S3 due to rising fuel costs?

I spend about £400 a month in petrol costs commuting daily from Luton to Milton Keynes and I drive like my gran up the A5! Then theres the mortgage on top - so was I mightily pleased when the Bank of England kept interest rates at 0.5%!
Blimey, I am actually selling my A3 TDI 170 to get an S3!

I do a mixture of driving but never see over 400 miles and its a diesel so getting a perfomance petrol doesnt sound so bad after all! lol
Blimey, I am actually selling my A3 TDI 170 to get an S3!

I do a mixture of driving but never see over 400 miles and its a diesel so getting a perfomance petrol doesnt sound so bad after all! lol
Wow i was thinking of making the opposite switch from an S3 to an A3 TDI 170 quattro im very suprised you never see over 400 miles but how much fuel is that, i put on average 56 litres in my S3 but am i right in thinking the tanks on the newer A3s are smaller?
Mine has a 55 litre tank and costs 76 quid + to fill up

Even audi have told me that the 170's are not that economical

I used to have a Mondeo st220 before my last one and could get 380 out of that on a long run and that was a 3.0l v6
Lol yeah them things pack some punch!!!

The longest travel now on a regular basis is from notts to Chesterfield every couple of weeks to a friends so I'm not to concerned about the fuel consumption ( not wanting to sound flippant ) so I am going to make the most of it while I can :)
Yes - decided I'm going to sell mine and move to the oil burning side for a bit... :(
Had the S3 for 2 days and done 185.1 miles and the needle is bang on half a tank.

I think that's great considering how I been driving lol

No doubt it will plummet like a stone over the few miles though lol
I Sold my Tunned Bora TDI which got around 450 miles out of a tank and bought my S3 whcih gets around 280 to 320 miles out of a tank.

Yes fuel is expensive but for a balance of fuel and economy I don't think you can beat the S3 or 1.8T GTI's, the MPG isnt too bad at all even when you tune them a reasonable amount.

I wouldn't switch back to a derv, really happy as I am , its worth the extra cost.
Besides derv goes up just as much as petrol.
I Sold my Tunned Bora TDI which got around 450 miles out of a tank and bought my S3 whcih gets around 280 to 320 miles out of a tank.

Yes fuel is expensive but for a balance of fuel and economy I don't think you can beat the S3 or 1.8T GTI's, the MPG isnt too bad at all even when you tune them a reasonable amount.

I wouldn't switch back to a derv, really happy as I am , its worth the extra cost.
Besides derv goes up just as much as petrol.

this should read a balance of performance and economy, not balance of fuel and economy! Oops.
Does anyone else find they drive carefully to save fuel straight after filling their S3 up at the petrol station, only to start driving enthusiastically again the next day?! I think it's just the temporary shock of handing over £80 to fill up.... Gold fish memory! I soon forget..... I feel the need.. The need for speed!!! :sm4:
Does anyone else find they drive carefully to save fuel straight after filling their S3 up at the petrol station, only to start driving enthusiastically again the next day?! I think it's just the temporary shock of handing over £80 to fill up.... Gold fish memory! I soon forget..... I feel the need.. The need for speed!!! :sm4:
i did it today ahahaha!! i averaged 27.3 today! i was so proud of it i decided to give it some and it read 5.8 when accelerating. so i stopped :( haha
i did the very thing in 2008 when the price hit £1.30. i couldnt sell the s3, no one interested unless i was to give it away. i ended up doing a part ex for a 320d with a wad of cash my way. i just couldnt afford to keep it. i was £70 a week in petrol. when i got the 320d it changed to £60 a fortnight. insurance halfed and road tax was a fraction of the cost.

i was gutted but i had just bought a £170k house so something had to give.

its soul destroying to have to make those decisions. i ended up going back to audi and now have an 04 1.9 tdi quattro sport fully loaded feels as solid and well built as my s3 and is pretty pokey. i can get 600miles + to a full tank on a long run.
I'm about to get on my bike now and do my first ever cycle to work. I don't want to waste any more money sitting in traffic for a 3 mile journey each day. I might as well sit in my car in the traffic throwing pound coins out me window!

Wish me luck ;)
Good luck with the cycling.

I dug my bike out of the attic last year with the exact same thing in mind... Hadn't used the bike in 13 years so needed a bit of tlc. After about a month of riding it and feeling great for it I got on eBay bought a better one with full suspension for £200......I then got the damn mod bug for the bike.... It also now costs me a fortune.... Nearly finished upgrading all the kit on it to shimano xt....I love the hydraulic disc brakes I fitted, so much better than the old v brakes! The saving money idea didn't go to well!!!!
Good luck with the cycling.

I dug my bike out of the attic last year with the exact same thing in mind... Hadn't used the bike in 13 years so needed a bit of tlc. After about a month of riding it and feeling great for it I got on eBay bought a better one with full suspension for £200......I then got the damn mod bug for the bike.... It also now costs me a fortune.... Nearly finished upgrading all the kit on it to shimano xt....I love the hydraulic disc brakes I fitted, so much better than the old v brakes! The saving money idea didn't go to well!!!!

Haha, my bike is fine for what I need. I'm just cycling 3 miles down a toe path along a river. I've got front shocks and shimano shoes that clip into the pedals. The bike needs a service as the gears are a bit clicky but that's it.

I'm now sitting at my desk at work absolutely shattered :lazy:
Aslong as you drive carefully all its not too bad. Ok its not an S3 but the audi still does about 300miles around town on 99ron fuel and thats a lot of start stop at rush hour.

My missus hasnt long got a MK1 Mazda 3 MPS and last month the new tax figures came in and its gone up to £450 a year lol! Fuel wise though around town its not too bad at 27/28 mpg and you only have to go on reasonable run at a steady speed to see it at 32mpg with cruise control set, even at 70-80. Not been down the motorway in it yet but will easily go over 35 most people report which for a 260bhp 2.3 5pot turbo isnt too shabby lol.
Does anyone else find they drive carefully to save fuel straight after filling their S3 up at the petrol station, only to start driving enthusiastically again the next day?! I think it's just the temporary shock of handing over £80 to fill up.... Gold fish memory! I soon forget..... I feel the need.. The need for speed!!! :sm4:
I do this every time lol.