iPhone owners!


My BM is fixed!
VCDS Map User
May 26, 2004
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If, like me you own an iPhone (upon which I am writing this post) and you love it (which I do) for it's ability to do just about everything. It has apps which make it stand head and shoulders above everything else, all other manufacturers try to copy it's operation but fail miserably.
If you have called upon your iPhone to navigate your way out of a tricky geographical spot, remotely take over someone's pc (logmein app) or just find the closest starbucks, you will probably be smug in the knowledge you invested in the best the Market has to offer.

If this is indeed the case with you as well as me, and you are on facebook (app anyone?) then log on there and join the iPhone smugness group!

BlackBerry bashing and Nokia knocking awaits your smug arrival.
I am waiting for my upgrade from a samsung which is awful (quite sturdy though as I have been a wee bit impatient with it at times)
the only concern I have about having an iPhone is that it seems to occupy each owners time as its always being tickled...is this true Chris ?
I love having An iPhone (he says whilst using it on a train home)

it's apps are cool,

everyone must download the best online shoot em up game available at mo on iPhone, eliminate pro, you won't look
back, trust me!! Anyone that does download this free game, add me, username: ronseal1
Honestly, its friggin awesome. I don't know how I ever ran my life before I owned it.
So the battery life is crapola but who cares? R8's get poor MPG but they're awesome.

I'm not sure if I'd go with o2 if I renew my contract and upgrade to the 3GS but I'll deffo get the newer handset, maybe Voda or back to Orange where I started.

A guy in my office got a 3G when they first appeared and as soon as he showed me it I bought myself out of my contract with Orange and got one.

If you get one I can help you out with apps, I have jailbroken mine and have tomtom and logmein and loads of other great stuff on there.

If you like bike riding like me, I have an app called Trails, when I go out mountain biking I open it up and shove the phone in my camelbak. When I get back home later the phone has recorded my exact path the whole time I'm out down to the nearest metre, with average speed, distance etc.

The apps make the phone without doubt, I don't know anyone with one that does not like it.
My iphone is the 3GS on vodafone, its rapid fast and get 3G signal pretty much where ever i go. Cant complain!
The iPhone is all things to all people basically. My mrs has just upgraded to the new BlackBerry bold 9700 and it just doesn't compare. Yeah it looks quite slick but it's not as intuitive to use, the keyboard is cramped and you have to pay an extra £5 a month fo web usage. On the plus side it does have that funky case...
I have a BB Bold 9700 which I really like, the principal reason I chose it over an iPhone is that I personally can't get on with touchscreen keypads for text inputting.
I upgraded to an N97, can't get along with it, but after a tinkle with a few iPhones, I regret not getting one! Also had a play with Blackberry also, the user interface is pretty good on those too, better for friends networking with a BB than iPhone if all your mates have one.
The best app I have for my iPhone is Copilot Live, which is an excellent SatNav for £25. Ticks all the boxes for me. The other useful ones I have are, eBay, Files, Sky News, iCricket, TouchTerm (Techie!!) and RDP. I'm another one who can't remember how I survived without it before I got it...

I've got an iPod and a Blackberry Storm and after using the two to type the Blackberry is miles ahead.
I just can't get used to touchscreen typing on a fixed immovable screen like the iPod's. The Blackberry's touchscreen that moves and clicks is a brilliant mix between full touchscreen with a button pressing feel.

Must say that the iPod's speed is better though.

For work, the Blackberry wins hands down for me.
Can't tell you how much I love these things. had a Blackberry Storm (5 in fact) which just did not work. Finally got a new boxed one from Vodafone, sold it and bought an iPhone 3G. As soon as the Vodafone ones were launched I received my 3GS. Sooooo good.

Also have a Sure Signal box in my house; 3G network all the time!
Ive not long since upgraded to the N97, but its pants so want to move to an iphone. Its going to cost me £350 - £400 to exit my current contract early. Is the iphone 3GS worth it?
Ive not long since upgraded to the N97, but its pants so want to move to an iphone. Its going to cost me £350 - £400 to exit my current contract early. Is the iphone 3GS worth it?

Why don't you just buy an iPhone 3GS and sell your N97, approx £250 to upgrade if you can get £200 for your N97.
If, like me you own an iPhone (upon which I am writing this post) and you love it (which I do) for it's ability to do just about everything. It has apps which make it stand head and shoulders above everything else, all other manufacturers try to copy it's operation but fail miserably.
If you have called upon your iPhone to navigate your way out of a tricky geographical spot, remotely take over someone's pc (logmein app) or just find the closest starbucks, you will probably be smug in the knowledge you invested in the best the Market has to offer.

If this is indeed the case with you as well as me, and you are on facebook (app anyone?) then log on there and join the iPhone smugness group!

BlackBerry bashing and Nokia knocking awaits your smug arrival.

I've had mine for about 6/7 months now - And it's a work phone... Love my boss :icon_thumright:

I've always had whatever phone was the newest thing out - Due to upgrades, and never cared to sh*ys about the things. But these as you say are more than a phone.
If my iPhone could cook dinner, carry my guns to the range and occasionally give me a BJ I wouldn't need my wife :icon_thumright:
I love having An iPhone (he says whilst using it on a train home)

it's apps are cool,

everyone must download the best online shoot em up game available at mo on iPhone, eliminate pro, you won't look
back, trust me!! Anyone that does download this free game, add me, username: ronseal1

Do you do what is says on the tin... I'll get my coat eh!
I've got an iPod and a Blackberry Storm and after using the two to type the Blackberry is miles ahead.
I just can't get used to touchscreen typing on a fixed immovable screen like the iPod's. The Blackberry's touchscreen that moves and clicks is a brilliant mix between full touchscreen with a button pressing feel.

Must say that the iPod's speed is better though.

For work, the Blackberry wins hands down for me.

I had a Blackberry for my work phone - Hated the ****** thing - Poor interface imo, slow, cheap feeling, and the battery life was appalling for voice calling - I had to wait 10 mins before it would turn back on if the battery ran out...
At the time i had 14 engineers working for me - Imagine how many fcukin missed calls/voicemails i had!

iPhone is out on it's own imo :icon_thumright:
Why don't you just buy an iPhone 3GS and sell your N97, approx £250 to upgrade if you can get £200 for your N97.

Becuase you can only buy them simlocked to O2 or Orange for reasonable money. I dont want to buy an unlocked version from the likes od ebay as there is an issue with push functionality
Becuase you can only buy them simlocked to O2 or Orange for reasonable money. I dont want to buy an unlocked version from the likes od ebay as there is an issue with push functionality

Nope, you can buy them simfree and request them to be unlocked from brand new.... so I was told.

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