Try and avoid this...scroll through the pics...

only 170bhp that golf :-/ I could have thought of better ways to go :-/
I remember the M5 one in the states with the same age lads...too early
I remember the M5 one in the states with the same age lads...too early
Sorry. No Sympathy From Me.

I'm sorry but you Sir are an inconsiderate ****

I can understand you not sympathising to the driver he should of been going fast but what about the other 4 lads was it there fault? No what about there family's? or friends that have just lost 5 mates in one go?

Think of it this way what if that was your family or your friends?
to be honest i think the whole thread is in bad taste
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what it does do it show alot of people how dangerous our pride and joy can be. It's in the news so people are free to comment as much as they like.

its not a thread that's funny at all. It just opens everyone's eyes just a wee bit more. there's a time and place for driving like a loony. it's not just your own lives at risk, it's that toddler on the pavement too.
Sorry. No Sympathy From Me.
I lost 3 of my closest friends 12 years ago in a very similar type of crash - I feel like ***** every time I drive past the tree planted at the scene in remembrance.. You are a complete muppet for this comment. It is a massive price to pay for their families and friends for making a young blooded mistake. Cars should be limited for new drivers the same way bikes are, doing it by insurance being high is not enough.
considering that none of the passengers had not worn their seat belts was just stupid, but the state of that car and the description of the accident is horrific!
honestly no one should die this way regardless of how stupid they were... feel sorry for the familys of the guys
I lost 3 of my closest friends 12 years ago in a very similar type of crash - I feel like ***** every time I drive past the tree planted at the scene in remembrance.. You are a complete muppet for this comment. It is a massive price to pay for their families and friends for making a young blooded mistake. Cars should be limited for new drivers the same way bikes are, doing it by insurance being high is not enough.

I totally agree. The DoT doesn't let kids ride powerful bikes until they've had a few years experience on smaller bikes, and the risk is only killing themselves. Yet a 17 year old can get behind the wheel of a powerful car and risk killing himself, his passengers and even innocent pedestrians. Sky high insurance premiums don't stop them.

I think 17 year olds should be restricted to sub-100bhp cars and then phase it up to unrestricted at 21. This is how it works for bikes and its become accepted. A 17 year old biker has to take a test to ride a 125cc bike. At 18 they can then take another test to ride a bigger bike but restricted to 33bhp. This restriction lasts for TWO years so that by the time they reach 21 they have at least two years riding experience before they're free to ride an unrestricted big bike.
Thats the harsh reality of it all. I remember driving to a club on a country lane when two Muppets overtook a BMW on the brow of a hill. BMW had a head on crash with another car. I was first on the scene. What I saw scared the Shh out of me. Legs broken blood everywhere. Just goes to show how dangerous driving can be
I don't get why people are *****ing and posting stupid remarks, at the end of the day four young lads have had their lives taken way too early. the driver was obviously at fault driving too hard for the road conditions and/or his abilities. Someone somewhere is still going to morn the driver regardless of his actions, on top of that they will no doubt carry the guilt for the other passengers. To have no sympathy is fk'd up mate, as for the thread being bad taste I totally disagree awareness saves lives.
Agreed.Ive dealt with accidents like that, and they are traumatic for all involved.The stench of body fluids and scraping faces off windscreens aint nice.Telling the relatives isnt much fun either.There are varying degrees of sympathy esp when kids are involved.The tea leaf smashing into an innocent party deserves no sympathy of course, but he leaves people behind that do etc.
On a lighter note, the op's link to the translated german site made me laff 'The owner had the Gulf in a turban and 170 hp engine taken only a few hours earlier in reception.'.Dont you just love google
Agreed.Ive dealt with accidents like that, and they are traumatic for all involved.The stench of body fluids and scraping faces off windscreens aint nice.Telling the relatives isnt much fun either.There are varying degrees of sympathy esp when kids are involved.

My dad was a traffic officer when I was growing up in the 60s and 70s. He had to deal with situations just like those you have described. I can remember him coming home from a shift completely white-faced and in tears. He'd had to pick the remains of two children out of a ditch.
traggic to hear things like this. unbelievable how ungrateful we are towards life

a 18/19 yr old kid just died in a car accident in our town and he wasnt even driving. they were in a a3 and the driver was supposibly doing over 100mph and lost it on a bend. the driver and front passenger were unharmed as they had belts on but he was in the back and went through the windscreen and into a wall. the cowards fled the scene while he laid there mangled. he died a few days later in hospital.

here's the bbc news link;
BBC News - Rotherham teenager seriously injured in A6021 crash

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