urgent help needed - lost key


Registered User
Sep 29, 2006
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I have a month old A3 BE and like a complete pillock have managed to lose one of my keys.

Now I am 99% certain that it is floating about at the office but there is a small chance that I dropped it walking the 10ft from my car to the office door. If this is the case and since it is not there now I can only presume that whoever picked it up has nefarious intentions in mind.

I am a bit reluctant to rush down to Audi and have the keys changed only for the original to turn up in a few days.

Is there anything I can do in the meantime to make sure that my car doesn't disappear. Is it possible to disable one of the keys in VCDS for example.

Any ideas / thoughts much appreciated.

My last A3 was stolen 2 months ago so I can't face another being nicked!!

It's not exactly in the technical side of things I would get a steering wheel lock or a wheel clamp as a back up even if some one has your key they still can't take it that way without really trying. Or its new keys as far as I'm aware. May be wrong though. Hope you find them
Does your car insurance cover lost keys?

I would argue its cheaper to replace the key than the car lol
Alas I need the car at work. I am going to get someone to park behind me whilst I am in the office which should keep me safe until I decide what to do
Maybe fit a decent alarm that requires you to unlock the car with a fob? i know its extreme but i wouldnt like to come to where i left my car and find an empty spot with no signs of damage... how would you explain that to the insurance later?
Maybe fit a decent alarm that requires you to unlock the car with a fob? i know its extreme but i wouldnt like to come to where i left my car and find an empty spot with no signs of damage... how would you explain that to the insurance later?

aftermarket alarms are the work of the devil, steering lock or as you said get your mate to box the car in! Be vigilant until you can sort it once and for all
WHy you say that smoothie? I had a clifford G5 on my old Focus that had a remote engine start... was great in the winter for making it toastie before i got in :)
Spoke to Audi today and they are going to reprogram the existing key on monday. Neither Leeds or Bradford Audi could do it for nearly two weeks WTF! However, Harrogate can do it monday which is a relief. At least it cant be driven off then.

Of course they can get in still but since I lost it at the office and not my house I dont think that is much of an issue for now.

Bradford Audi quoted me £140 for a new key fob which is a stinger. Does anyone know if there is specific part number of MY11 vehicles. I have seen audi fobs on ebay for a lot less than that but I am not sure if they are all compatible.

I am still convinced it will turn up in the office somewhere
Spoke to Audi today and they are going to reprogram the existing key on monday. Neither Leeds or Bradford Audi could do it for nearly two weeks WTF! However, Harrogate can do it monday which is a relief. At least it cant be driven off then.

Of course they can get in still but since I lost it at the office and not my house I dont think that is much of an issue for now.

Bradford Audi quoted me £140 for a new key fob which is a stinger. Does anyone know if there is specific part number of MY11 vehicles. I have seen audi fobs on ebay for a lot less than that but I am not sure if they are all compatible.

I am still convinced it will turn up in the office somewhere

It's not the fob that's the problem - Audi Germany hold the 'secret' code that is required to produce another key. Dealers in UK have to send to Germany with all the relevant ownership details to get the code and then a new key has to be matched to the vehicle.

£140 is the cheapest price I have seen !!
No point in re programing the existing key unless you can re program the immobiliser as i said.. ?
I am not sure I understanding the issue with the immobiliser Paddy

My understanding is that they are going to clear the existing existing keys and then reprogram mine so that the missing key no longer starts the car.

Does that make sense?
Well as i see it the key is a transmitter that sends a signal to the immobobaliser that is recognised. If you change the transmitter frequency then you must change the immobaliser reception frequency.
I mean i dont know but it just seems you cant change one with out telling the other....

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