ASN's New Look & Feel...

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Staff member
May 23, 2004
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Hi All,

As I'm sure you've all noticed, ASN has moved to it's new home, and the forum engine has been upgraded.You'll find numerous little tweaks and new features, and there are some more significant new additions too.

There is new social networking functionality (groups, discussions etc), an upgraded photo album system, improved 'friend' listing/contacts management, profile visitor messaging, more powerful private messaging. The bread and butter stuff of reading and writing threads has some tweaks too - and there's improved search functionality with support for 'tags'.

Have a look around, we're sure you'll discover some useful new toys :) The Nav Bar at the top of the page (where you'll find new community stuff and a Radio & TV player) and your user profile controls are a good place to start...

We'll be building on this new platform furhter in the coming weeks/months, so keep an eye out for the extras as they come, and as always, if there's anything you think we should consider adding, drop us a line.

Have fun...

ASN Admin Team

PS> We've tried our best to make this move & upgrade as transparent and smooth as possible; but we are aware of some minor and intermittent database issues which may result in the odd blank page; this will be resolved ASAP. If you encounter other problems with the site following the work, we'd be grateful if you would get in touch, either in the Forum Helpline Section, or by PM.
Good work, was running VERY slowly earlier, however that could be network related as it was at lunchtime at work, will keep monitoring and advise accordingly, keep up the good work :)
It's looking very good, thanks for all the work!
Its looking good but it seems to be running a bit slower than it used to?


Looking great! I'm also finding that it's running a little sluggish.
Regarding the extra features.....fantastic, great job :thumbsup:

However, I don't particularly like the buttons (quote, multi quote, thanks etc...) and "running a bit sluggish" is an understatement, I almost forgot what I was replying to due to the amount of time it has taken to load the page.......I answered three threads on another forum in the time it took :whistle2:
Excellent job! :icon_thumright:

However, then navigating to ASNs homepage I receive the following page/details...

Zend Optimizer not installed

This file was encoded by the Zend Encoder / Zend SafeGuard Suite
In order to run it, please install the freely available Zend Optimizer, version 2.1.0 or later.
What is the Zend Optimizer?

The Zend Optimizer is one of the most popular PHP plugins for performance-improvement, and has been freely available since the early days of PHP 4. It improves performance by taking PHP's intermediate code through multiple Optimization Passes, which replace inefficient code patterns with efficient code blocks. The replacement code blocks perform exactly the same operations as the original code, only faster.
In addition to performance-improvement, the Zend Optimizer also enables PHP to transparently load files encoded by the Zend Encoder or Zend SafeGuard Suite.
The Zend Optimizer is a freely-available product from Zend Technologies. Zend Technologies is the company that develops the scripting engine of PHP, also known as the Zend Engine.
Hi Guys,

When I posted the news in a couple of places (as I know a few of you chaps don't stray to certain areas), I ran the risk of multiple little discussions.

I'll just say that the thread in Announcements & Site News has updates about most of the things you've found.

In short though, performance should be steadily increasing.

Aesthetic tweaks are in the pipeline, we got everything to as functional and tidy setup as we could in the brief period we took the site down. Refinements and enhancements can be made while we're still live.

mdre83 : I'm curious to know what browser you use?

Thanks and regards,

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