side mirrors removed without consent


Staff member
Dec 18, 2005
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someone left me with bits of wire where my side mirrors were.
Grrrrr if I find out who it is I am going to remove their testicles/flaps with pliers.

anyone have an idea of approximate price.
oh crap!! gutted for ya jason. did you have the chrome mirrors or standrad black?
thats the pearler...they were standard black ones and the fuckwits are not going to be able to use them.looked on ebay and they are sixty quid!?
mate asked if I had recently made an enemy and I haven't but I reckon losing my job just before christmas,my brother crashing his s3 and this ****** equates to me running a black cat over.
mate gutted for ya really am. you aren't having the best of luck at the moment. bad luck hapens in 3's mate hope the worst is over. where bouts do you live exactly. i'm already paranoid about mine when i'm back in cov for the weekends.
thanks Rav...just want a break as its ******* me off.I have had my car 3 years and this is the first instance of damage so I wouldn't be paranoid if I were you.

I hope whoever took them has piles.
I hate when you work hard for stuff and others just take it or damage it.

Had this happen on my old scooby not only did the break off the mirror they managed to put a ****** big dent in the door too!

Hope you catch them and give them a good lesson in respect for other peoples property.
you alright mate sorry to hear about this, does seem to be very common, was it done over night?you leave the car in the drive?

Could you not remove your brothers mirrors from his damaged motor?

Sorry to hear this mate, its not been a good start to the year for you has it???

Chin up, hopefully it will get better...

Oh and have a word with sidibear, he has a little something that you could make use of in a situation like this ;):gun2:

not very pretty at all
errmmm yes there was! (didn't see it originally)
Crikey, spend some time away from the forum and all hell breaks loose. Seriously now, was that you trying to get a little closer to the window at the McD's drive through?
jas is that you with your fist there. gutted bout it mate that just looks horrible!
Some bar steward did the same to mine last night!!!!! :mad: Although its not an S3. I am now missing my wing mirror :(

Is it worth buying from ebay or just go to audi stealers for a replacement?

Do they come heated as standard or are these different in price? I only noticed it today as I walked past my car on way to work.

It looks horrible and I am fuming and sad at the same time. HELP :( !!!!
Yeah its a replacement pillar aswell unfortunately mate, but I dont get the **** that did this, ok if they were the alum ones then you can see why, but as you said they were black plastic ones, so unless they wanted the mirror glass & motor then whats the ****** point, well doubt you'll find out who did it, sorry to see this happen, they say it comes in 3's so with luck you'll be clear for 09 now mate

New pillar will come with loom to connect to door anyway
Mine are colour coded and have the heated mirror and bluish tint.

If I needed to replace the repeater, what price would I be looking at? or maybe I could replace with aluminium ones :p

Since I am halfway there LOL !!!

My one isnt as damaged as Vors. But they did cut the wires perfectly. Misses just told me I am missing both clear indicators too LMAO!!

WTF, guess with credit crunch its only gonna get worse huh
I really dont understand. I mean unless its someone spying on my car as I do wash it outside my flat.

People see me all the time spending hours on my car each other weekend.

Sigh... so need to buy some side repeaters. I mean they only cost £10 ***.

But wing mirror will cost me about £100? Do they come in black only? as mine were colour coded. Will this cost extra or reckon I might try my luck at a scrappy?

I seldom see Audis at scrapyards in London :(
those wires dont look cut to me, they looked ripped apart as the sheathing has come away after the wire broke leaving all that wire exposed.
The really sucky thing about nicking mirrors like that is that it's just as quick, and a lot stealthier to just unscrew them and take them off properly without doing any damage.

Still, when you call the insurance company be sure and let them know it was the ally ones that were nicked ;)
You sure another vehicle hasn't got too close and caught the mirror... ripping it off. Something like a truck ?
i was thinking that lol, pretty much a god given that they were ally, you might aswell get them now :laugh:
The really sucky thing about nicking mirrors like that is that it's just as quick, and a lot stealthier to just unscrew them and take them off properly without doing any damage.

Still, when you call the insurance company be sure and let them know it was the ally ones that were nicked ;)

yes but unscrewing them would take time and as you can see they had no tools with them as Tim said the wires have been ripped off,not bothering insurance its not costing an awful lot to replace.

funny thing is the car originally came with the shiny ally ones as an option so my dealer mate says,so it seems its been done before...barstewards.
Mine wasnt done by a truck as it was towards the pavement side. So either someone has come along and kicked it really hard and went flying off.

There was no glass or anything on mine and basically they removed it and then cut the wires. The cut was a very clean cut.

I wont go through insurance as I can probably find a replacement. But no one has answered me on how much these thigs cost :(

Please help me... :banghead:
For ****'s sake, this kind of **** really ******* ****** me off. Why cant these ***** just get a ******* job like everyone else and stop stealing everyone else's ****.
Had the police around today and they told me some pikeys from the other side of Leicester were caught stealing car bits yesterday about a mile away so it must of been them.

Sounds like a night sortie with some well thrown former eastern bloc £5ea hand grenades is needed
Leicester it wasnt me,

ill have to becareful where i park now. Feel bad for you jase