Salesmans sympathy on delay of New A3.


Registered User
Mar 29, 2004
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I'm 19 years old and have ordered a new A3 (Lucky I know),
I was told a few weeks ago that the order on my new A3 has been delayed 2 months. I made the mistake of selling my previous car early, but did not need it while at university. I'm now home for the summer, and am now car less (was due to be delivered end of may/beginning of June). I have visited my Audi dealer a number of times for updates etc, and the youngish lad that sold me my car has been very sympathetic towards me and has tried his best to do everything in his power to sort out a temporary car. However, I visited my local Audi dealer (Priory Park, Hull) 2 days ago and spoke to the Head of Sales as the person that sold me the car is on holiday (I have spoken to the head of sales before and found him to be very unhelpful and rude). I went into his office with my friend waiting for me. I asked the head of sales if there was anyway of getting a temporary car sooner than they had offered (3rd week in June). I told him i was desperate for a car and would be willing to pay for rental fees of the first few weeks. He then said he could not get me a car and wouldn't explain to me why (he has also not told me why my car has been delayed even after asking numerous times).
However, I know someone that had recently bought an audi and his car was delayed 2 days and he was given the replacement of an Audi TT for these 2 days. I explained this to the salesman, only for him to start shouting at me asking "Do you want a car for 2 days! DO YOU WANT A CAR FOR 2 DAYS" He carried on to tell me it was my fault for selling my car too early. I became very frustrated and told him that I had not complained at all, until my car was due and I was to become carless. My friend interuped the dealers antics to say "Excuse me, dont speak to him like that" Only to have the response: "Who are YOU and what do YOU have to do with this?", my friend replied "I'm his best friend, and don't speak to me like that" The dealer than calmed down and said he would try to get a car earlier for me.
I would never have expected to be spoken to by a salesman in this way, and if this is the way I am going to be treated at Audi, I feel I should cancel my order.
I'm extremely disapointed and frustrated that I was spoken to in this manner, for the reason, i feel, is because I am young.
What should I do about this Age-Prejudiced salesman?
I have thought about writing a letter to his boss.
Sorry for the essay, but i'm sure you can understand my frustration, I'd appreciate any feedback/advice on this matter.
I'd speak to the dealer principle.
His attitude sounds bang out of order.

If the Dealer Principle doesn't want to know, complain to Audi customer services.
That's just wrong.

I used to live in Hull and my old S3 was serviced there once and they seemed ok. I'd first ask to speak to the dealer principal and also write a letter and hand deliver it.

To be honest, I'd just cancel my order and go get a virtually new A3 from Doncaster.

You really have no right to be treated like that anywhere.

I know when I lived there, people would see me Driving a S3 and some even asked me if I'd stolen it!!. Somepeople in Hull I found were narrow minded.

Good luck but don't tolerate that. Enjoy the car when you get it. Don't let one idiot put you off Audi's. Good luck
I would advise this sales person that you are going to write a letter of complaint about the treatment you have recieved so far and the attitude of this sales person. In the letter I would say that you want your deposit back and that you would like to purchase the car from a different dealership.

Nobody should be treated like that, esp considering the ammount of money you are spending.

Buying a new car should be a pleasure and shouldn't be ruined by some w*nker in the dealership.

What an arrogant to55er!
Shocking mate thats all I can say.
I have had a few experiences with audi salesmen where the appear to think they are better than the customer.I am 29 but look younger and my advice is not to let them get away with it.
I would write a letter to the salesman,the guy who gave you the abuse and the manager of the dealership.I would also send a copy to audi customer services and explain why you are cancelling the order.
Then I would go elswhere and buy the Audi.It might be worth asking in the dealers froum for a decent dealer near you.
Attitudes like this really pi$$ me off.The best way to get back at this ignorant moron is to hit him in the pocket.
good luck and let us know how it pans out.
Audi UK Phone number is 0800 699888
Thats for the customer service head office in Walsall.
I can honestly say my dealer is great with me, from when I was looking, buying and getting warranty work done.

I f I was treated as you were, I would have told him to stuff the order and walk out (go to another dealer or get a different car all together)..........he would then have to explain why he lost a sale.

Comlain to customer services too mate.
I assume that this car has a DSG gearbox as there is a problem with supply at present so I would be suprised if the dealer can do anything to speed up delivery. There is also high demand for the New A3 with some being built on a Volkswagen production line to keep up with demand.

The dealers attitude is shocking, no-one should be spoken to like that regardless of age, sex, race etc. The dealer needs a kick up the ****, the best way of achieving that would be to make a formal complaint to Audi UK not the dealer (you would be wasting your time). Audi UK are coming down hard on dealers who give bad service, I think you will be able to get a grovelling apology from them and some help with your predicament.

As for the no car for two months issue, legally you have no leverage unless you specified a delivery date as part of the contract. Morally the dealer should be trying to help you as part of the service, they can rent cars far cheaper than you can. If you push Audi UK on the basis of your bad treatment I think you should get somewhere particularly as you are prepared to pay something towards the cost of a loan car.

As for the Audi TT for two days, it is far easier to lend a car for a short period. Two months is a long time during which you could rack up a lot of miles (cost).
I agree with everyone else comments about cancelling the order and writing a letter.. Even if it is cutting your nose off to spite your face, theres no point making a hollow threat.

Incidentally does anyone know the address for Audi Customer Service ??
Thank you for all your replies, i'm taking them into deep consideration.
Just for reference my car does not have the DSG gearbox!
Thanks again.
Just for your info Stealth.
Heres an Extraxt from audi on there customer care.
Service by design -
At Audi we believe that every customer has a right to expect
excellent service each and every time contact is made with us.
To help ensure that this happens we have agreed a set of service
standards with our Audi Centre network that governs the way
that they do business with you, the customer. These standards
apply to both the sales and the aftersales experience and we
actively monitor their delivery to ensure that you receive the
highest standards of customer service. We believe that these
service standards are the very least we should deliver and go
a long way toward ensuring a consistent, stress free experience
whenever you are in contact with anyone who represents the
Audi brand.
I had the exact same treatment from a principal when I brought my S3 (age 22)

He had the ordasity to ask me how old I was after he gave me a lecture. I promptly gave him the finger to his face and told him he's the carsales man who relies on MY money.

I walked out and bruoght a S3 the day later from someone else
Stealth, I wouldn't buy a car from such dealer, never ever. I'd give a ring to the boss of this guy and let him know how I was threated. If he didn't come up with a replacement car after that, I'd just cancel the order, since they've breached their part of the deal (to deliver the car in time).

I've had such threatment also from several dealers (maybe because of age, and especially Volvo dealers), but not in BMW/Audi/Smart section. They've been most helpful, given me car over nights for test driving, good deal and so on. And, they got their customer also /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Customer is always right, remember.

- Yak
s8n said:
I promptly gave him the finger to his face and told him he's the carsales man who relies on MY money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stealth. There is no way any salesman should behave in that manner, least of all an Audi salesman. The problem is if he is the Head of Sales then those above him are probably no better.

I have an A3 2.0 TDI DSG SE on order at the moment. The order was placed on 18 March and I was given a build week of week 23 (w/b 23 May) but this has been moved a couple of times and is now week 28 (w/b 5 July), so I will probably get the car towards the end of July.

I currently have an A3 1.8T Sport which I am trading-in so I am not left without a car.

In my case the dealer has been very good and kept me informed and has said that they will stick to the price as of March and also stick to the trade-in value for my existing car as given in March. This is despite the fact that I shall be putting another 3000 miles on the clock in the next 2 weeks with a holiday to Austria.

I have used the same salesman at the same dealer for many years and whilst he treats me like a friend he also treats me like a customer. Recently, when I had some queries about the 2005 model year specification, my salesman was on holiday and I dealt with the Sales Manager who could not have been more friendly and helpful.

The problem, if you cancel the order, will be that you will have to wait even longer to get your new car and the dealer will have no problem in selling yours as there is such a waiting list.

Try speaking to Audi Customer Services and tell how you have been treated and ask if your particular order can be transferred to another dealer. Not sure if they can do this but it may be worth asking.

I work in a computer software house and our attitude is that whilst the Customer is not always right, they are always the Customer and should be treated accordingly.

Dave R
I'd rest and be thankfull i was lucky to be getting a Brand New A3!

Some of us on here can only dream of such things - wish i was you /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I know its along way away, but my local dealer (Plymouth, Audi) are great, maybe because its a new place and they are trying hard to keep their reputation up but they have a large amount of young staff that never seem to patronise me, unlike as i believe has been mentioned volvo who in my opinion dont deserve a leg to stand on, my father bought 8 new consequtive estates (joke please) from them always top of the range and they would treat him like something on the bottom of your shoe, their is alot to say about customer relations and in the case of the giving of the finger a exceedingly good choice!
I agree with nearly everyone on here!

I'd write a formal letter of complaint and explain that your decision to buy with Audi has been changed to that of another manufacturer. Don't ask, DEMAND a refund, be as stern as possible (strict poker face) and be really assertive - let them run up ur *** big time.

Call and make an appointment to hand deliver a letter to the dealership MD, and explain when you get there the reason for bringing a copy of the letter (as you are going to send the original to Audi Customer Care of course) personally is because you wouldn't trust any of the fcuking monkies that work for his establishment to take care of the matter in hand. I wouldn't buy the car from them, I'd really tell them to **** off, being like that to you and your mate - honest, that would have been it! I would have loved it for any poxy assed sales fcuka to say that to me! Damn it, I'd have the fcuka fired!

the guy I bought my car off was a great chap, and somehow we got talking about buying a bmw. He told me this story of a young japanese guy wanting to buy some top of the range jobby and the sales guy not taking him seriously at all...........well it turned out this jap kid was FCUKING MINTED and later went on to buy into the company and had the sales guy fired - now that's class! Can't remember where it was.

Nobody has the right to talk to you at all when buying anything, even the meatheads in dirty scrapyards are much friendlier than that, and they're the type of guys ya wouldn't say boo too! Don't deal with that salesman again - don't say hello/compalin or anything, but try and let yourself be seen by him - that'll make him sh!t himself, as he'll know he's in toruble.

No matter what they say, I'd just say "it's too late.......I'm going to spend my money elsewhere." just for the point of principal that's what I'd do, as I'd much rather land the MD in [censored], who'll ******* the salesman (for him getting into toruble) and he'll also lose the commision - that would be much more satisfaction to me than gettign a free set of car mats and a full tank of juice. Ya can get that from the other audi dealership you goto, and make sure you let audi customer services know this!

phew - that's a lot of typing, but thsi stuff reall pees me off!

let us know how you get on, I know it's a hassle bud, but hey your a stoodent, go get p!55ed, don't worry about a car at the moment! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif best of luck!

If you visit the dealer and start using the sort of language used in the last post you will lose the argument. Be forceful but remain polite at all times. If after speaking politely to Audi Customer Services you cannot get the order transferred to another dealer and you do decide to cancel your order, then the phrase 'cutting off your nose to spite your face' springs to mind. Assuming that you still want to purchase an A3 it will be another long wait for another order. Take the car when it's available and go to another dealer for all your servicing etc.and tell the dealer that is what you intend to do. Any extras such as GAP Insurance etc. can be purchased at any dealer.

No dealer should treat a customer in the way you have been treated, but unfortunately they hold all the cards if you still want an A3. If you cancel they will not be at all bothered. It just means that they have a new A3 in stock to sell to someone else. As all A3s are on long delivery times this will helpful to them and not you.

Dave R
David Robinson said:
If you visit the dealer and start using the sort of language used in the last post you will lose the argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

heh - I assume that refers to me, and yes of course don't go blazing in with swearing, that lowers the level. Also shouting and balling show's it's bothered you to the point of just wanting to make a point by arguing, if you're just stern about what you want and professional as to your money is better than going in their pockets you will feel much better (only my opinion of course, but as David says you may be a bit screwed in actually getting an A3).

Forgive me for posting in such a manner, just made my blood boil. David has some good points there, but as to the point of 'losing the argument' I'd personally not settle for it. Could you look into making your complaints, and by contacting Audi customer services, ask for the same deal to be transferred to another Audi dealership otherwise you're not going to buy an Audi - I think they would rally round ya to make something happen then - that stresses how upset the original dealership made you and it's not even worth trying to let them win you over.

I'd even look for any press releases/promotional leaflets in the original dealership - you know the usual sort of stuff "Audi of blah blah blah wins over blah blah blah" and think about posting a copy to the local newspaper along with your story - heh (maybe a little bit extreme - but even if you just mention your intentions to Audi customer care, it demonstrates how hurt you are /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif )

My cousin bought a beema, and when he collected it they presented him with loads of goodies including a bouquet of flowers for the missus and a bottle of champagne - and there's you and your mate getting told off for asking for a fair deal because of their **** up.

best of luck /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif

Thought you all might like to copy the following and post to Hull Audi -

Dear Sirs,

You maybe interested in viewing a thread on an internet forum concerning your dealership.

The site is '', the particular post is in the 'A3/S3 Forum' and is entitled "Salesmans sympathy on delay of New A3".

If what is portrayed is accurate, I for one will not be using your services in the future and will encourage every one else on numerous Audi internet sites to do the same.

I will be bringing this site to the attention of Audi UK if accurate, should the young man in question not receive an immediate apology from your member of staff in question.

Thanks a lot for all your advice guys, you've really help me clear my head up about what to do.
I'm currently writing a letter which is going to be sent to Audi Customer Care and I will be quoting that extract octagon posted. I have yet to decide whether to take a copy to the MD of the dealership.
Once again thanks for all your help,
I will keep you updated with what happens.
Absolutely unbelievable, Hayseldens at Doncaster fall over themselves to help out (even with my griping about the cam belt they have been sincere and admitted more or less straight away that it was their fault).

I would talk straight to customer services and withdraw my custom from them, thats disgusting behaviour for anyone let alone an Audi salesman.
Thats not right wat happen. Audi do have a problem with young customers. Am 19 and they just ignored me, Then i went with my dad an hour l8r, then they were bein nice.

Make sure you post the letter on here m8
Ive just had the Audi magazine in today.There is a readers letters section (for those who havent seen it)
The yreckon that they are always interested to hear from readers about the audi marque.Why don't you drop them a line to and see what they do with it.
I would be more than surprised if it got published but you never know.Maybe we should start a Name and Shame thread to give these guys the neg publicity they deserve.

Readers' Letters
The Audi Magazine
c/o Audi Press Office
Yeomans Drive
Milton Keynes
MK14 5AN
Hi ya

I can't believe that Audi Salesman.

I would complain to Audi customer services and also cancel my order.

I would not want to give money to a salesman that treated me that way.

There are plenty of other dealers that provide excellent customer service.

What spec did you order?

I am thinking of selling my A3 2.0 TDI.

It is only one month old.

Hope everything goes well for you.

Ask to speak or see the MD of the dealership Audi customer service will tell you its a dealer issue, although they will speak to them .I had a problem with Wolverhampton audi I went straight to the MD and ended up gettting all my money back.I ordered a new car from another dealer and had to wait four months they gave me numerous cars to use and only charged me £300 but the cars had a £1000 insurance excess.
I'm 22 and I have a 2.0TDI sport since April...

I got nothing but satisfaction from the stealer, had a problem with marks on the paint when it was PDI'd and I complained within hours of taking the car and within 3 days it was back in with a full buff and polish.

I dunno what the hell the delay is with your cars lads, I had mine in 9 weeks and it is highly specced so it wasn't a car lying around.

See if your can source a car elsewhere, telling them to stick their car up their **** will put such a smile on your face.
Just to update you on my situation. I went back to the dealer on Monday, he apologised for his behavior and sorted me out with an A2 to run around. I decided not to send the letter....I think i've made the right decision.
Excellent result, the A2 is an odd little car but it kind of grows on you.
I was given an A2 as a courtesy car for two days as some warranty work was being done......hated it after an hour of driving and then asked for something else and got an A6 TDi.......vast improvement
Ditto to all the above!!

Got given an A2 once while my car was in. Got to admit, it looked quite smart, but as soon as I sat in it, I was really disappointed. Felt like a Daewoo Matiz, not an Audi. As soon as I started it I hated it. It's quite pokey, but man is it awful. It vibrates, rattles, and sound like it's f*****d.

I'd never buy one.... ever!
Stealth said:
Just to update you on my situation. I went back to the dealer on Monday, he apologised for his behavior and sorted me out with an A2 to run around. I decided not to send the letter....I think i've made the right decision.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would still complain to Audi, to make them aware that there is a proplem with the dealership as it should not have escallated to that point to begin with.

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