Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip


Top Gear
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Apr 30, 2007
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On an Island

A surprise visit by US President George Bush to Iraq has been overshadowed by an incident in which two shoes were thrown at him during a news conference.

Just pathetic ****** journalist getting a name for himself, sad piece of ***** with nothing better to do

But I'd agree, good move, maybe he's been playing dodgeball in the white house basement

Its so ironic that the head of the country trying to bring democracy to iraq gets abused by a person exercising his rights under that democracy, if that had been Saddam having the shoes thrown at him, that journalist would have surely been tortured then executed.

They're a ******* hypocritical bunch them sand-kickers
Where was Bushs' security men.Mind he did laugh it off apparantly said ******** journalist takes a size 10 shoe.
Its so ironic that the head of the country trying to bring democracy to iraq gets abused by a person exercising his rights under that democracy, if that had been Saddam having the shoes thrown at him, that journalist would have surely been tortured then executed.

They're a ******* hypocritical bunch them sand-kickers

Yep...caught it on the news.....very impressive body swerves from Dubya !

Mind you, being a politician must get loads of practice !
It was probably a concealed bomb and the thicko forgot to light the fuse:laugh:
Wait for the riots to get him released.

If you read it again, if it had been done to saddam, the journalist, his family & the whole town would of been killed no doubt for the insult, where as today he'll be most likely cautioned or given small jail time, a day week maybe for the offence as any DEMOCRATIC country does, thats democracy Abdus, at least he's free to throw a shoe where as before he would have been eating it before being tortured to death, think you get my point & Chris's

whereas everyday, that democracy is taking hundreds of civilians' lives, soldiers and more.

And I still don't get it why that democracy is not being fought for in Cuba...which is nearer to the US.. or maybe Zimbabwe, N.Korea etc...why is it taking so long to get in these countries and free its people. Or is there nothing to gain to fight for the democracy there?

hope you get my point too :)
Ye oil is what alot of people think reason is for this whole situation, you make a good point, but if that area is left to destabilise anymore it will be WW3 for sure, we had to step in, where as other countries are more stable overall
I cant knock you for Zim as I hate Mugabe, give me a gun, if I was free to shoot him I would, I know good people from zim & I lived in SA for a year, he's turned whats is known or used to be the fruit basket of africa into nothing, he should be at the hague for crimes against humanity, Cuba is actually slowly changing if you keep up with current affairs with the advent of Fidel's health worsening(cross fingers), his brother sees the future now & yes North Korea is another issue all together as is that whole side of the world for democracy aswell as Russia
but back on cue its more the terrorists killing people not us so much as far as I'm aware of or did I miss Mumbai the other day, yes we do cause deaths but think you'll find they're responsible for alot more than we are, not that any deaths is acceptable at all you understand, but the biggest threats IMHO are Iran & China, human rights in these places is absolutely atrocious really are
To be fair Cuba is a little different to Iraq. Actually has a very good health service whereas in Iraq Saddam spent all his pocket money on a large army so he could invade his neighbours.

whereas everyday, that democracy is taking hundreds of civilians' lives, soldiers and more.

And I still don't get it why that democracy is not being fought for in Cuba...which is nearer to the US.. or maybe Zimbabwe, N.Korea etc...why is it taking so long to get in these countries and free its people. Or is there nothing to gain to fight for the democracy there?

hope you get my point too :)

Sorry I may have missed the point here, we were not discussing the validity of the war in iraq, merely the objectives.

I'm not a huge fan of the Americans but sometimes lives have to be spared to progress, just look at what the British Navy had to do for us to gain an empire, and in doing so brought civilisation to places like India, and Pakistan, and Australia for that matter.

The fact that the journalist is not wearing his tongue as a neck tie is testament to the fact that democracy is growing.

Oh as far as cuba and zimbabwe goes, we nearly went to world war and total destruction of the earth over Cuba. And as far as Zimbabwe goes, i think you'll find that we have embargoes against them, which is as much as we can do if they pose no threat to us, what they do to their own people is not really our concern. And yes, Zimbabwe does have mineral wealth.
Chris, if you still miss the point, then there's no point having a healthy debate.
The decision to go to war in Iraq was not down to the UN iirc, but only to the US and it's allies.

and maybe some might have missed this:

Iraq war my biggest regret, Bush admits

and who was behind Saddam when he was causing thousands of deaths during the 80's and 90's agaisnt the Kurds. Who supplied the weapons he used? Who supplied Iraq with all the weapons during the Iran-Iraq war? Who was the Iraqi's allies during that time?

Don't get me wrong, Hussein should have gone, well before he finally went. But look at the state if the country there now. People who were once against Saddam now admit that it was better to, at least, have a living under his dictatorship.

Iraq doesn't belong to the US and it's allies but only to Iraqis. It's not the US who decides when, where and how countries should be attakced.

If Hussein had to really go, what was the need to LIE to the world the reasons of going to war even after the Blix report that clearly showed that Iraq was coorperating and there was no solid evidence of WDM.

EVen at that time, there were embargoes against Iraq just like Zimbabwe now.

Regarding the point with Zimbabwe's mineral wealth, iirc, oil is of a little more importance to the world economy than minerals.
yeah a bit like the lies that the US and its allies used to start the war in took the same direction as your 'thread direction'...or maybe not, according to you.
To be fair Cuba is a little different to Iraq. Actually has a very good health service whereas in Iraq Saddam spent all his pocket money on a large army so he could invade his neighbours.

I don't think Saddam did spend "all his pocket money" on an army or anything else. Because of the vast amount of UN sanctions that crippled a modern Arabic state back to the third world with no medicine, running water (chlorine was banned under the sanctions), or power. Items were only allowed into Iraq via the oil for food sanctions and other goods, as long as they weren't for "dual use" were allowed. Thats why something simple like pencils weren't allowed because of graphite content, Literacy plummeted from 87% in 1987 (very high for an Arab state), yet helicopters for crop spraying were allowed. But then the helicopters were from European and US manufacturers.

All the crap about "Journo allowed to protest in a free iraq" seems to imply the justification for approx 600,000 civilian deaths, as "he wouldn't be allowed to do it if we hadn't gone in". :wtf:
1st of all it wasnt his money, it was the countries, 2nd I dont think it implies this at all & 3rd whose killing all these people exactly???
1st of all it wasnt his money, it was the countries, 2nd I dont think it implies this at all & 3rd whose killing all these people exactly???

The 1st point was or is semantics, his/countries, they didn't have vast amounts to spend on armies

The 2nd: point does imply this, as the only why the West could impose "democracy" is through the invasion, so justifiying the loss of life to achieve the end result.

3rd point: Do you think militia's, like the militia in Sadr city in bagdad, are responsible for an estimated 600,000. Or the west and people employed as a private army to the West and exempt from criminal prosecution in Iraq

An example:

Sorry to hijack the thread I just dislike the comments, that because of us he is allowed to throw a shoe...
The end may justify the means. This isn't the first time countries have gone to war and people have died now is it.
On the whole, the intentions of the armies are good.
yeah a bit like the lies that the US and its allies used to start the war in took the same direction as your 'thread direction'...or maybe not, according to you.

Yet again, you are mentioning something that I have not commented on, I have not discussed the validity of the reasons for going to war.
At the end of the day, you drive a car and moan about fuel prices, if you feel that strongly about the poor people of iraq then buy a car that runs on air. Because even if you bought an electric car it would be powered by a power station powered by oil.

It makes me sick that people all moan about the poor iraqis and then greedily buy up the product that is the "reason" for us being there.

Its total ********, we are not invading UAE are we, they have plenty of oil.
If the iraqis had any sense they would sell us the oil willingly and use the proceeds to enrich their county. Simple fact is most of them are savages or intellectual *******.
Yet again, you are mentioning something that I have not commented on, I have not discussed the validity of the reasons for going to war.
At the end of the day, you drive a car and moan about fuel prices, if you feel that strongly about the poor people of iraq then buy a car that runs on air. Because even if you bought an electric car it would be powered by a power station powered by oil.

It makes me sick that people all moan about the poor iraqis and then greedily buy up the product that is the "reason" for us being there.

Its total ********, we are not invading UAE are we, they have plenty of oil.
If the iraqis had any sense they would sell us the oil willingly and use the proceeds to enrich their county. Simple fact is most of them are savages or intellectual *******.

I didn't agree with you, but I understood your point.

Right up to the part at which you labeled one of the most historically and intellectually rich Arab countries ******* and savages...

So what happened to them then, they all decided to move into shithole houses and become idiots all of a sudden?
They let religion rule their lives over common sense.
Their parliament is a sham because the sunnis, shiites and the kurds can't agree on the time of day let alone anything political.
They all need to grow up a bit.
So what happened to them then, they all decided to move into shithole houses and become idiots all of a sudden?
They let religion rule their lives over common sense.
Their parliament is a sham because the sunnis, shiites and the kurds can't agree on the time of day let alone anything political.
They all need to grow up a bit.

They didn’t want to down grade from the highly advanced nation they were in the late eighties spending billions of dollars on infrastructure. But we bombed them into the 1880’s during the Gulf war, we then (with the no fly zones)maintained a bombing campaign right up to the next Gulf war, destroying bridges power stations substations and sanitation, what the sanctions didn't take the bombings from Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Diego Garcia surely did.

You are right religion is very strong to many, but Iraq was a secular country it was home for Christians and Jews along with the Muslim faiths. Saddam was the leader of one of the only Arab non-religious countries, many other border countries hated the secular state of Iraq (although that wasn't the only reason). He was still a brutal dictator no question. But now we have the other extreme, you have people walking into districts of other faiths creating road blocks and stopping cars, checking the occupants and slitting there throats in cold blood.

You are right about them not agreeing on anything, It is called "divide and rule", or the modern method is (proportional representation). You keep them squabbling amongst themselves and they can't unite against you, Britain did it in the establishment of Israel (proportional representation) did it in Germany (proportional representation). Israel created Hamas 20 years ago to counter the strong power of Fattah and Yasser Arafat. Divide the people and they pretty much won't gang up on you. Britain and the US have been destabilising the region for a 100 years or more, they inform Saudi about Egypt, Egypt about Syria etc etc. Until they never really quite trust each other, then do massive arms deals with one or all of them and hope that it never really all kicks off.

Sorry I do go on about this subject:tapedshut:
If I was the Prez of the US and some terrorists hijacked some planes and threw them into office buildings in my country I would nuke the crap out of theirs let alone invade it.
All about the oil? ********, revenge pure and simple.

And Russia, France and Germany also supplied arms to the Iraqis, it just so happens that the US got paid for theirs and the other countries didn't, hence their reluctance to join in the war.
Britain supplied some of the ordanance. The Iraqis were not always an enemy, once they got the arms they needed they turned against the west in their quest for world domination.
world domination? iraq? bahahahaha...

yeah, it's not oil alone, it's also about the contracts to rebuild the country they actually destoyed.

btw regarding some terrorists hijacking planes etc...and nuke the crap out bla bla you reckon the the UK should start with the IRA and its country of origin? or Spain with the ETA? or the US itself with T. McVeigh after Oklahoma? :confused:
If I was the Prez of the US and some terrorists hijacked some planes and threw them into office buildings in my country I would nuke the crap out of theirs let alone invade it.
All about the oil? ********, revenge pure and simple.

And Russia, France and Germany also supplied arms to the Iraqis, it just so happens that the US got paid for theirs and the other countries didn't, hence their reluctance to join in the war.
Britain supplied some of the ordanance. The Iraqis were not always an enemy, once they got the arms they needed they turned against the west in their quest for world domination.

Just to mention that Iraq didn't fly any planes into any buildings, it was a small terrorist group based in the Peshawar region on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, they were funded and trained by the US and ISI during the Afghan war with Russia to fight a gorilla war against the large Russian force in the country 1978-1989.

15 out of 19 hijackers were Saudi, 1 UAE, 1 Egyptian, 1 Lebanese (can't remember the last)

I must have missed the part where Iraq was on a quest for world domination. Invading Kuwait was wrong (even though he considered himself the king of Mesopotamia which would incorporate kuwait) but I wouldn’t consider Kuwait similar to a quest for world domination…
Just to mention that Iraq didn't fly any planes into any buildings, it was a small terrorist group based in the Peshawar region on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, they were funded and trained by the US and ISI during the Afghan war with Russia to fight a gorilla war against the large Russian force in the country 1978-1989.

Had to pick upon this as its pretty funny,


A Spanish Guerrillero

Guerrilla means small war, the diminutive of the Spanish word Guerra (war). The Spanish word derives from the Old High German word Werra and from the middle Dutch word warre.

Guerrillero is the Spanish word for guerrilla fighter, while in Spanish-speaking countries the noun guerrilla usually denotes guerrilla army (e.g. la guerrilla de las FARC translates as "the FARC guerrilla group"). Moreover, per the OED, 'the guerrilla' was an English usage (as early as 1809), describing the fighters, not only their tactics (e.g."the town was taken by the guerrillas"), however, in most languages guerrilla still denotes the specific style of warfare.


A Gorilla.
Just to mention that Iraq didn't fly any planes into any buildings, it was a small terrorist group based in the Peshawar region on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, they were funded and trained by the US and ISI during the Afghan war with Russia to fight a gorilla war against the large Russian force in the country 1978-1989.

15 out of 19 hijackers were Saudi, 1 UAE, 1 Egyptian, 1 Lebanese (can't remember the last)

I must have missed the part where Iraq was on a quest for world domination. Invading Kuwait was wrong (even though he considered himself the king of Mesopotamia which would incorporate kuwait) but I wouldn’t consider Kuwait similar to a quest for world domination…

i think if you do your research 911 was an inside job, it all leads back to Israel,

All the muslims hate the jews in Isreal, the jews have done nothing but cause the most amount of pain all around the world, out in the open and behind the scenes, so the muslims have not made the jews to welcome in the middle east, so how does the jews get the muslims off there back and put the spot light on them? get them the blame for an event and get the world to hate them and kill them for them, the jews are very good at getting others to do there dirty work, BUT now the world has woken up to there divide and conqure game that they have played out for thousands of years, Iv learnt so much by doing my own reaserch on the "NEW WORLD ORDER" you too can use google youtube and amany more sites to see what them 3 worlds mean, all i will say is follow the white rabbit all the way down the hole,

Back to the topic of this tread,

tossing your shoes at someone is classed as one of the most disrespectful things that a man can have done to him in the middle east, its worse than another man sleeping with your wife in a open public park in front of everyone!

Did anyone notice how BUSH (who is a jew) moved so fast ?

and the last note on this, Prescott Bush who is george bush grand father, was financing Hitler ? ummmm Goerge Bush snr sold the gas to saddam to use agains the kurds ? ummmmm :wtf:
Had to pick upon this as its pretty funny,


A Spanish Guerrillero

Guerrilla means small war, the diminutive of the Spanish word Guerra (war). The Spanish word derives from the Old High German word Werra and from the middle Dutch word warre.

Guerrillero is the Spanish word for guerrilla fighter, while in Spanish-speaking countries the noun guerrilla usually denotes guerrilla army (e.g. la guerrilla de las FARC translates as "the FARC guerrilla group"). Moreover, per the OED, 'the guerrilla' was an English usage (as early as 1809), describing the fighters, not only their tactics (e.g."the town was taken by the guerrillas"), however, in most languages guerrilla still denotes the specific style of warfare.


A Gorilla.

HaHa.. lol

You got me with a classic :salute:
i think if you do your research 911 was an inside job, it all leads back to Israel,

All the muslims hate the jews in Isreal, the jews have done nothing but cause the most amount of pain all around the world, out in the open and behind the scenes, so the muslims have not made the jews to welcome in the middle east, so how does the jews get the muslims off there back and put the spot light on them? get them the blame for an event and get the world to hate them and kill them for them, the jews are very good at getting others to do there dirty work, BUT now the world has woken up to there divide and conqure game that they have played out for thousands of years, Iv learnt so much by doing my own reaserch on the "NEW WORLD ORDER" you too can use google youtube and amany more sites to see what them 3 worlds mean, all i will say is follow the white rabbit all the way down the hole,

Back to the topic of this tread,

tossing your shoes at someone is classed as one of the most disrespectful things that a man can have done to him in the middle east, its worse than another man sleeping with your wife in a open public park in front of everyone!

Did anyone notice how BUSH (who is a jew) moved so fast ?

and the last note on this, Prescott Bush who is george bush grand father, was financing Hitler ? ummmm Goerge Bush snr sold the gas to saddam to use agains the kurds ? ummmmm :wtf:

I am aware of the hypothetical links to 911 from Israel, and while I don't completely disagree with the theories behind Mossad or shin bet involvement. I didn't include it due it being theory based.


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