8 pots saved my life!


Registered User
Sep 19, 2005
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fitted B7 8 pot brembos to my B5 a month ago.
have been bedding them in recently and unfortunately had to put them to test at the limit yesterday.

came over a crest at about 60 [cough] and someone had pulled out really slowly from a road on the left about 100yds further on. he slowed even more about 2/3 across the road and then moved forward towards me.
I can still see his wide eyes filling the windscreen as I stomped on the brakes and drove round the back of him! ABS worked a treat and I have never had to test out the whole "brake and steer" capability like that before!

absolutely confident that I would have hit him side on if I had been on my previous brakes/tyre combination.

Awesome stopping power, I knew they were good but had no idea they were that good.

well worth the time and money.
Good stuff!

You can't get better than a real world test, glad they worked well.

Was in a near miss this morning on the M9. Missus and i driving along in traffic, i see a bus in the inside swerve onto the hard shoulder and then i hear tyres screeching and see cars infront diving in all different directions. Missus romps the brakes on and i jam the hazard lamps on as we come to a halt. We'd stopped with feet to spare and without ABS intervention too, but i braced myself for the thump from behind. Luckily the guy behind managed to stop his motor in time (couldnt even see his headlights in the rear view he was that close once he'd stopped) and we managed to set off again unscathed. Looked like two or three cars had gone bumper to bumper and ended up against the central reservation, we were the fourth car behind those three so it was rather lucky!

I've always been one to go for the hazard switch in heavy braking situations on the motorway, as i think its much more noticable that somethings going on than just brake lights. Glad i did today, as i suspect without it that guy would have been into the back of us!
proper brown trouser moment!
I don't, that comes under the same heading as:
"how do you get the smell of split milk out of a car?"

A: Sell it
I you had been driving at a sensible speed for the conditions (cough) ie. speed limit or less when approaching a blind crest maybe you wouldn't have needed to test the brakes!

Glad you are ok but I think the learning of this incident would be to drive at a speed suitable for the road rather than rely on big brakes to get you out of trouble.
I don't think the road threw the situation at him, bad driving did.

So perhaps in his case it's upgrade brakes to compensate for poor driving ability and reading of the road.

Am glad all involved are ok, but after intermating that he was driving over the speed limit on a blind bit of road you can hardly say it was a great bit of driving. Luckily for the other guy he did have good brakes but if he had been travelling at a sensible speed all this would have been irellevant as stopping would have been easier.
Yep in the right situation they are great and this displayed their ability. But I think in this case the sensible learning would be that perhaps a blind crest needs to be taken at less speed or even the legal speed!

I always assume that every other person on the road is a fool and that they will do something stupid, therefore you anticipate the unexpected. A blind crest can hide a foolish driver pulling out the other side so better to anticipate that rather than rely on big brakes.

Like I said am glad all are ok, but all involved can learn from this incident.
...or if he was going much faster he possibly would have missed the incident in its entirety! lol (sorry)
LOL, good point, I take back all I said, he should have been driving faster. Perhaps utilising the crest to jump over the other other car dukes of hazard stylee.
Nice brakes !!

Glad they do what they ares supposed to do.

Tho tbh i am sure decent pads and the 288mm would have done the same ...... well once anyway.
I always assume that every other person on the road is a fool and that they will do something stupid, therefore you anticipate the unexpected. A blind crest can hide a foolish driver pulling out the other side so better to anticipate that rather than rely on big brakes.

well, if the driver who pulled out had anticipated the idiot coming flying over the crest at mach 1, he might have pulled out a bit quicker, or waited a few more seconds. :)

anticipating "the worst" will never guarantee you won't be involved in an accident - there's so much out there that you can't control, you're basically taking your life in your hands every time you set out.

especially if jcb is in the area... :scared2: :)
You are right there is so much you can't control. But your own cars speed approaching a blind crest can be controlled. Do that and then at least you did all you could to avoid an accident.
god is my mother on this board as well!? thats it, I am leaving......

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