Petrol prices dropping again!!

The price of heating oil is starting to come down too. It's about time we all got a break.
Someone should tell british gas,they have put their gas prices up 15% today,robbing barstards!!!
YEA British Gas have gone and fu**ed all their customers up aint they....when will things get easier???!!??
I've just forked out £553 for 900l of heating oil. This time last year the same amount was about £350.
Can you run your car on it?

Ooo now there's an idea! I bet its fine enough for a diesel engine to run on ok, considering you can run one on used chip oil!! 61p a litre too is reasonable value! Bet 50p that the delivery truck is running on the stuff if its an indie oil merchant!!
If price of fuel drops again you can bet the government will slap that 2p fuel tax they postponed straight on. :mad:
I hav just fixed my british gas and electric rate till 2011.
Downside is if it drops i loose out never mind at least i know it won't go up.
If price of fuel drops again you can bet the government will slap that 2p fuel tax they postponed straight on. :mad:

Fuc#ing hope not,how much extra tax have the greedy government had out of us all already due to the rising price of petrol.He must be rolling in it and then tells us its going to be a strain not to put the 2p tax rise on,****.