Caught by a speedtrap! what would you do?


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Apr 27, 2006
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Got caught doing 84 on a dual carriageway by the Welsh police, Midday on a quiet Saturday! I'd like to see them argue that wasn't a money spinner/target driven prosecution!

They didn’t even offer me the driver education course as an alternative!

So what would you do?

A, buy a Jammer and run the risk of being hunted down by the police afterwards.

B, hope next time you see the van and slow down in time!

C, swap 2 letter round on your number plate to avoid persecution!

Somebody with admin rights stick the above in a poll please, It won't work for me right now.
doeboy said:
C, swap 2 letter round on your number plate to avoid persecution!

Lol! Do the police catch you speeding often?

I've got a good idea though... Don't speed! TaaDaa, no more fines and points!
1st time in 9 years! it's the fact it was about making cash, the officers operating the van were probably on overtime! I know how it works, we have guys at our place who, in order to justify their working on overtime have to clamp X amount of cars! Or rather the bosses justify calling them in.

If it was near a school at kick out time i could understand but a rural carriageway at midday sat! come on!
It's ok, I got done not too long ago by a mobile speed trap, 1st in 10 years also, just take it on the chin bud, I got 6 points and a 200quid fine... 6 points mad sod all difference to my insurance premium also you'll be glad to know!
What a load of nonsense! You are making a huge assumption the officers were on overtime. They may have been but equally they may not have been.

Has it not occured to you that you may have been in a place where people are known to speed, which is against the law, and so the police are there to uphold the law, which is kind of what they are meant to do? Perhaps the positioning of a van where you least expect it is to make you think about speeding anywhere else too, they may just be where you least expect it! Too much emphasis is placed upon camera's as a means to generate revenue but they are there for a purpose. Yes, the position of some camera's is questionable but at the end of the day you were speeding and you got caught. I suggest you are simply sore about the fact that you got caught and are using the excuse of camera positions to justify the fact you exceeded the speed limit.

As jojo said, take it on the chin and get on with your life instead of trying to start stupid pointless polls on here and wasting everyone's time!
Jojo, i just scrapped the upper bracket, after 84 it was 6 points and a bigger fine i believe. I had a quote on a M3 Evo before the points it was £1130 and after £1247 or there abouts. However in a years time i'll only have 1 accident on record and an extra years NCB. so it will balance out.
doeboy said:
Jojo, i just scrapped the uper bracket, after 84 it was 6 points and a bigger fine i believe. I had a quote on a M3 Evo before the points it was £1130 and after £1247 or there abouts.

I consider the 117quid insurance hike as minimal for an M3 evo, I have read recently that reports show over 50% of motorists have 6 points or more! so 6 points these days is a normal thing for insurers, hence the minimal hikes in insurance...
lets face it, points and convictions doesn't really reflect you as a driver, it just means you was maybe unlucky or at the wrong place at the time, there are plenty of stupid and careless drivers out there with clean licences, they just havn't been caught yet!
doeboy said:
Shades, i don't like you.
Why? What have I said that, in plain and polite English, is offensive?

doeboy said:
if you take a dab at the truth and an expression of annoyance as literal then thats your problem. As for telling others what they feel, now thats just stepping on dangerious ground.

What problem? I simply see someone who was caught speeding and is attempting to garner sympathy from others by suggesting you were somehow hard-done-by. You were speeding, you got caught. Where, when and how is irrelevent. You broke the law and on this occasion someone was there to witness it.

In which part did I tell you how you are supposed to feel? I recall using the word "suggest". A suggestion is not a statement of absolute fact as you seem to believe it is. I did not say "You are just feeling sore at being caught", based upon the tone of your post I merely "suggested" you may be feeling sore, there is a clear distinction between the two.
jojo said:
lets face it, points and convictions doesn't really reflect you as a driver, it just means you was maybe unlucky or at the wrong place at the time, there are plenty of stupid and careless drivers out there with clean licences, they just havn't been caught yet!

You do have a point, again first conviction in 9 years and i speed like most people on a daily basis.

Your always right shades! thats why i don't like you! end of.
doeboy said:
Your always right shades! thats why i don't like you! end of.

I'm always right? That is a very large assumption to make based upon three posts! No, I am not always right. I never claim to be. Your attitude however is very revealing. I am always careful about wording and considerate whenever I make any post so as not to cause offense to people I do not know. I have the ideology that I respect everyone until they do something that warrants the loss of that respect. I still respect you despite your clear lack of courtesy and ability to cope with other, reasonable, views than your own.

Just because you do not like the replies you recieve, to a post on a public forum, there is absolutely no need to spit your dummy out and say 'I do not like you'. That is the reaction of a child.
Seriously! stop now please, this is supposed to be a poll
doeboy said:
Seriously! stop now please, this is supposed to be a poll
Wheres the poll graph?
Would a detector been any use?
voorhees said:
Wheres the poll graph?
Would a detector been any use?

Couldn't get the poll up and running one error meant that i couldn't repost a poll within 5 mins but when i tried the second time it posted the post anyhow! so i had to leave it without this time! or had a dozen "duff" polls

I don't think in that instance a detector would work, well depends when it warns you. TBH i think it's the first one i've driven past thats been active anyhow. And thats 9 years or so of driving. What narks me off is the old classic of you pay us money for doing something wrong. That goes for the lot, parking tickets etc.... When i was reading up on the situation there was talk of it being seen as demanding with menaces. ( pay us small cash now and we won't take you for more in court)

Wasn't there a challenge in the high court by a gent who was fighting it on the grounds there's not legal ground for prosecution.
Autocar had an article which said about the police having teams to sort out the people using the legal loopholes to get out of speeding i.e.calibration of speed measuring equipment.
They have you by your danglies and I've been done before and since then have a detector which has saved my bacon a few times,so recommend it
Yes, i wrote off asking for a copy of the photographic evidence, a copy of the calibration certificate and the statement of the user. They replied and supplied me with it too!

i also read how the turned up at this chaps house at 6am and arrested him and took his car. It turned out he had driven past a trap and they got an error, so they LOGGED/Flagged it on the PNC when it happened again in another county after finding it wasn't the first time they decided to pay him a surprise visit! He wasn't speeding both times either, they just got an error.

Hence why i though the best way was to order some "show" plates with 2 letters switched. I've only ever been pulled once in my 9 years and there was a good reason. Unless you are unlucky enough to drive past one of those vehicle recognition traps you'd be fine. Again! 2 letters ???? Silly me! must have put it in wrong when i sent off for the plates!

infact i wouldn't even switch the letters, just change 1 letter like E to C and you can claim the company couldn't read your writing!
doeboy said:
I know how it works, we have guys at our place who, in order to justify their working on overtime have to clamp X amount of cars!


so you work in wheel clamping so you can now have a work outing with the scamera guys...............

if you don`t then affraid unlucky , better luck next time
you can claim whatever you like in mitigation but if they catch you it's a £1,000 fine and if they catch you twice they can take your plate off you and issue you with a "Q" plate and that's not taking into account the £1,000 for obstructing an officer in the course of his duty.
Should they be replaced with "we" there dave by any chance?

I don't mind being "caught" for a reason, money spinning just ****** me off.
An a remote(ish) Dual carriageway in wales...let me get the photo (grumbles to self) the...... ah doesn't tell you, thats on the form i sent off. Anyhow remote, quiet and saturday at lunch time! grrr $$$
gutted for you mate - looks like you may have to take these points on the chin - buy a jammer - target lrc - there are a couple of members on here who have them and swear by them.
Yesterday all of my point were officially over 3yrs old -- hoooorraaaahhhh !!! just 1 more year now and i can have them removed - spent a bit of time with 6 and then 9 point on my licence. No fun. Hadnt bought a jammer just because i'd not set aside any money for it.

As for the mini bit of aggro in this thread......i think the comment which kicked this off was this....

Shades said:
get on with your life instead of trying to start stupid pointless polls on here and wasting everyone's time!

A bit out of order i thought......Shades, you have said you want to give your opinion etc but that was un-called for. He isnt wasting anybodies time - he is asking for advise, which happens an awful lot of this forum. Thankfully most people manage to be polite and answer constructivly to most queries or questions. Obviosuly there are a very few that dont.
shineydave said:
you can claim whatever you like in mitigation but if they catch you it's a £1,000 fine and if they catch you twice they can take your plate off you and issue you with a "Q" plate and that's not taking into account the £1,000 for obstructing an officer in the course of his duty.

What's a "Q" plate?
shineydave said:
you can claim whatever you like in mitigationmitigation but if they catch you it's a £1,000 fine

I definitely agree with this.

Also when your car goes for an MOT you would have to change back and then replace which kind of admits you know there was a problem with the plates.

Ignorance is not a defence in court, a few years ago you could probably get away with it and given the benefit of the doubt.

Not a chance now & if your really unlucky you could be charged with perverting the Course of Justice and go to jail.

I know he took the pi55 but it only takes one jobs worth and your in court too.
Harder to sell - even if you have the V5 and other documents to show age/registration?
Q plates are for kit cars/age-less cars and for vehicles that were written-off but restored...
as far as i understood they were used for a very wide spectrum
SamDude said:
Harder to sell - even if you have the V5 and other documents to show age/registration?

Just harder to sell not impossible.

If your buying a kit car or a specialist import then it will probably not bother you.

But a normal UK car & most people think its had a chequered history and shy away without asking why its actually on a ‘Q’ plate.

Quite a few years back my mate had a horrid time trying to sell his RS Turbo on a Q plate.
I know this thread has somehow progressed onto Q plates, but I have only just noticed something and feel I need to clarify a few things. I apologise for the long post:

DIABLO636 said:
A bit out of order i thought......Shades, you have said you want to give your opinion etc but that was un-called for. He isnt wasting anybodies time - he is asking for advise, which happens an awful lot of this forum. Thankfully most people manage to be polite and answer constructivly to most queries or questions. Obviosuly there are a very few that dont.

Granted, my comment may have kicked it off but I stand by it but it was certainly not un-called for, let me explain:

I dare say many people, since being on this forum, have at one point in time been caught speeding yet they largely restrict their posts to asking about how to deal with the legal proceedings after the event rather than ask, as the original post in this thread did, the best way to continue speeding and not get caught. Asking about speeding offences and how to deal with the legal proceedings is quite understandable given that most people aren't armed with a law degree. However lets face it, most people are either aware they were speeding when caught and are simply looking for 'loopholes' to possibly avoid/overturn any fine/conviction or genuinely don't know how to proceed.

Asking how to avoid being caught speeding is a different matter. The blindingly obvious answer to not being caught is not to speed. Unfortunately there are ways to attempt to avoid being caught, detectors for example, but I find all methods, mentioned and not, to be highly irresponsible and inconsiderate. It is not as if doeboy was unaware of his options either as he stated them in his original post. To attempt to start a poll about a preffered method of avoiding the law is quite frankly an enourmous waste of everybodies time and is too stupid for words. In essence the original post, and poll if it had of been made, would have meant anybody replying to it in a way that supports the original post would have been condoning the commiting of speeding offences. Whether anybody likes it or not speeding offences were created for a reason, to promote the safety of yourself, other road users and pedestrians, and not a means to simply generate revenue. This issue has become left behind and lost within the speed offences Vs revenue generation debate.

As technology has evolved it has given the opportunity to detect and deter crimes/offences in ways/place where it was not always realistically possible to place someone 24 hours a day. This is the real point of contention. "Law abiding" citizens are now being caught where they were previously not and they, like doeboy, obviously do not like it. Yet, just because they were not previously being caught does not mean they were not still breaking the law and now automatically have the right not to be caught. As I'm sure most people will be aware we are the most heavily CCTV observed nation in the world, with more cameras per head of population than anywhere else. Yet the only major (minor?!) dissenting voices I hear are those of "civil liberty" organisations and those who do not want to be caught breaking the law! 30-40 years after the introduction of CCTV to the UK we are still having roughly the same debate. Now its speed cameras, the objecting voices are still the civil liberty organisations and now previously "law abiding" citizens. Citizens who had no problem with the introduction of CCTV for the purposes of crime prevention/detection, but now object to being caught breaking the law themselves.

You may notice above I used the phrase "speed offences Vs revenue generation debate" rather than "speed camera Vs revenue generation debate" as such is the dislike of being caught speeding by "law abiding" citizens, the whole debate has somehow managed to emcompass the police. No-one had a problem with the Police doing it before, other than those caught, but such is the frenzy over speed cameras/offences the police have been caught up in it too. Technology has simply enabled other organisations to independantly witness road traffic violations and present their findings to the police (who have to verify every occurance) much in the same way that CCTV from shops is used as evidence when a crime occurs. However now the police are getting flack too for doing something that has always been part of their remit, something they have always done before and with the introduction of cameras; the detering/detection of speeding offences.

To summarise my point: Speed offences and their various detection methods are there for a purpose. Primarily the safety of yourself, other road users and pedestrians. Trying to circumvent these and the encouraging of such is, to me at least, highly irresponsible and and posts referring to methods of acheiving this, and the support of such, is therefore a waste of everybodies time (and could theoretically be a waste of someones life). Such posts have no merits upon which to be defended. I would like to apologise to doeboy if I caused offence, that was not my intention. He has the right to post anything he likes on a public forum and I have no argument against that, but I still find his original post inconsiderate, detestful and still a waste of time, for that I do not apologise.


I know this has been an incredibly long post and I thank you for reading but I would like to state something before I get accused of taking some sort of moral high ground. No, I do not consider myself to be perfect and yes I, like many others, have been known to stray above the speed limit. However I only consider myself to be lucky to have not yet been caught. I also consider myself lucky to have not been involved in an accident while straying above the speed limit. It is often this thought alone that is enough to make me think "Whoa, you're being bit of a tit now" and ease off the gas. But again, I'm not perfect so I occasionally still go over. There is no such thing as being unlucky to be caught, only lucky not to be caught. The only people who can consider themselves unlucky are those minding their own business, within the law, who are unfortunate to be involved in an incident.

Its not just a matter of my own safety either but that of others around me too, no matter how safe you think you are something unexpected can always happen. If something were to happen, and I am within the realms of the law, I can comfort myself with the knowledge that I am not at fault even if, for example, someone may have been injured (which I would obviously still feel bad about, as people involved in accidents through no fault of their own often do!). I would never consider myself unlucky to be caught speeding, I would appreciate someone or something is doing their job correctly, for the protection/safety of others, while I was being an idiot!
Get off you sodding moral high horse! I don't for one minute believe you don't speed and am pretty ****** sure you have done at least a few times if you confess you don't!

Your welcome to your opinion but that is exactly it thankfully, only your opinion! And you’ve made it clear, Just like I have an opinion about you and the world goes on. Selah.
you are either a cop, a solicitor, a shrink or a out and out bull shitter and should be walking not driving.
See how people are starting to come against you? perhaps it's your attitude don't you think?

I've read through the whole thread again and from the word go, your dismissive, your obnoxious not to mention rude, arrogant and basically have no tact straight in and throwing punches. And i'm pretty sure everyone or at least most people reading this thread will agree.

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