Nav maps update, is it 3 years or 5 updates?


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Aug 25, 2018
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When I was buying the car, the dealer told me I get 3 years worth of free navigation updates. But then reading the Audi Connect literature I see the mention of 5 updates. Now normally 5 updates, one every 6 months, would be about 3 years. However in my case my car is less than a year old and I've already done 3 updates myself. The car was built in Apr 2018 but came with the 2017/2018 maps on it. In May after taking Deliver I updated to the 2018 update, then in Sep the 2018/2019 and in Dec the 2019. If it's 5 updates, I will run out of free updates this Dec.

Also, who will complain first, the Audi Connect website, telling me I've already had my share of 5, or the car when I attempt to update it beyond 5.
It looks like from reading into this it’s 5 updates total over the three years of MMI license, I have used two of mine so far but my car is now just over two years old.
I can’t find much info about what happens if you use up all your life lines or cost after three years for renewal.
How do update maps? It let me do one and now it does not work
Also reading the Audi Connect documentation it seems to suggest that being stingy with the updates is no use either, because even if you skip updating your navigation and do just one every year, it still counts as two updates because there were two updates each year. And the car knows that the update you are putting on is x+2
The words say it's 5 update versions from the one the car had from factory.

So what happens if I finish my 5 updates in less than 2 years. I guess after 3 years, the updates were always going to be dealer paid for. The unknown bit is, would the car still update if the Audi Connect licence was valid or would it tell me I've had my 5.
Also reading the Audi Connect documentation it seems to suggest that being stingy with the updates is no use either, because even if you skip updating your navigation and do just one every year, it still counts as two updates because there were two updates each year. And the car knows that the update you are putting on is x+2
The words say it's 5 update versions from the one the car had from factory.

So what happens if I finish my 5 updates in less than 2 years. I guess after 3 years, the updates were always going to be dealer paid for. The unknown bit is, would the car still update if the Audi Connect licence was valid or would it tell me I've had my 5.
Not sure if you are quite right with your deduction on the five updates as each new update performed are recorded against the car, not the number released. Yes it is five updates from the factory and the car will come with an out of date map anyway. Once you have used up your allocation it will state no updates available...
I spoke to Audi about this and they told me that every map update has a version number. So it's not 5 updates that you make to the car, it is 5 map versions. So the car will only take a map update that is within x+5. Even if you choose not to apply the update, the car will still know how many versions have passed from the current one in the car to the one you are applying. Anyway, Audi have now confirmed in writing to me that my car will get map updates for 3 years. But I will know if this is true or not by this time next year.
I wonder what the 4th year cost will be.
I also wonder what will happen to a car in its 4th year if you try and apply a map update package from someone who has a valid Audi Connect licence.
You can't, do you not think somebody has tried it or audi would have thought of this? When the map is downloaded as far as I understand it is linked to that vehicle only...
I remember reading on a forum that a guy had two cars. Both of which had valid Audi Connect licences. But he was only ever downloading the maps once on a USB stick and updating both cars with the same stick. So it's probably not the package itself that is linked to the car but the fact that the Audi Connect licence is valid and allows an Audi Connect package to be applied to the car.
Correct. My point is that the map update package is not linked to the car. My guess is that it checks to see if the Audi Connect licence is valid. What I am still not clear about is who controls the 5 updates. Will Audi Connect stop offering me any, after I have downloaded 5 or will the car stop updating itself, saying it's had 5 updates. In my case by this Dec 2019, my car will have had 5 updates. But my Audi Connect licence will be valid until May 2021.
From what I understand both the mmi and the myaudi website will stop offering updates. Unfortunately that information is hard to find for the b9 but with the a3 this is what I understand happens. However I also thought that the number of updates were linked to the vin number. There is AS member DJAlix who might be able to shed some light on this..