GPS speed in satnav?

Hal Adams

Well-Known Member
VCDS Map User
Aug 8, 2016
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Is it me, but I am unable to find the toggle on the satnav that shows GPS speed. I thought this was a standard feature in satnavs these days, or has Audi supressed it in favour of a fat charge to switch it on maybe?

I would like to know the error in my speedometer as I use cruise control a lot and would like a definitive kph to set it to keep me on the limit plus the allowance. I am currently up to 139kph (I live in France where the motorway limit is 130 + 5%). I sailed through a police radar point on this setting a week ago and to date not received a ticket. On the basis that France gets tickets out almost immediately I am thinking the speedo is out by at least 2.5kph, but do I dare take the setting up to another notch I ask!:oncomingpolice:
No help but I always work on driving at +10% + 1mph over the limit in areas where safe to do so and where there may be speed camera's. In the UK the "guidelines" are to start giving out tickets at +10% + 2mph. I assume the speedo is accurate just to be safe.

In France the ticket is issued at +5% full stop! Which, coincidentally, makes the motorway safe limit in the UK and France the same with the difference here that they are sneaky and often the motorway will display a 110 speed restriction that is often easy to miss and I believe this is the largest income stream from 'speeding' motorists. In France it is all about the money!

But we are fortunate that fixed speed cameras are always preceded by a large warning notice...

Back on topic, I am googling the absence of a speed display, and found one post that says it is there in a hidden MMI menu, GPS Speed in MMI hidden menu - Audi Enthusiasts but not sure yet - until I try it - if this puts the speed on the navigation map screen or if it is only shown in the hidden menu. Another post says it can be opened in VCDS - something for me to play with over the weekend maybe!
It's important to remember the tolerance is in place to allow for any discrepancy in your speedometers. Travel to the maximum allowance and if you speedometer is reading lower than you're doing (usually shows higher), then you will get done.
Speedo's don't tend to read low though AN for that very reason.

Speedo's don't tend to read low though AN for that very reason.


Yes correct, they always are designed to overestimate. But it's worth remembering the tolerance isn't there for you to get away with an extra few mph, but to allow for faults.

The most I will do on the motorway in a hurry is 73-75, otherwise I sit at 70... not worth points.
In theory you'd get away with 78mph on the motorway, go on do it!

In theory you'd get away with 78mph on the motorway, go on do it!


Nope, no criminal on the motorway ;) In reality, 5mph will make hardly any difference day to day. But it will likely triple my insurance on a performance car.
All I can say is do not join the convoy to ADI next year with the other RS3's, you will have a heart attack ;)

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'Keep it under a hundred' ;)
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'Keep it under a hundred' ;)

I have a friend who spent 2 years travelling to uni on the motorway and he would do 100+ all the way, never had a ticket of any kind! I know the once I do it, I will get a ticket
I normally travel at <80 on the motorway as I do a lot of motorway driving. On the way to ADI some of the convoy were significantly North of that however the most surprising thing was they were battling through traffic all at about the same speed!

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In France the ticket is issued at +5% full stop! Which, coincidentally, makes the motorway safe limit in the UK and France the same with the difference here that they are sneaky and often the motorway will display a 110 speed restriction that is often easy to miss and I believe this is the largest income stream from 'speeding' motorists. In France it is all about the money!

But we are fortunate that fixed speed cameras are always preceded by a large warning notice...

Back on topic, I am googling the absence of a speed display, and found one post that says it is there in a hidden MMI menu, GPS Speed in MMI hidden menu - Audi Enthusiasts but not sure yet - until I try it - if this puts the speed on the navigation map screen or if it is only shown in the hidden menu. Another post says it can be opened in VCDS - something for me to play with over the weekend maybe!
Unfortunately the linked process will not work on the current MMI systems. The link if for MMI2G and 3G systems and all MQB and MLBevo platform cars now have MMI4G.
Yep! Just discovering all that now as you write Alix!

In fact I am nearing the stage of emailing you!! How can, if at all possible, the speed be displayed on the stanav map? And then in kph or mph - I only realise now from googling that GPS data is in Knots which I guess makes sense as it was/is primarily a military product.

TomToms at a hundred quid odd have not only installed the facility, but made the conversion from Knots to m or kph - why are we paying all this money to Audi and not getting a full product..?:wtf:
Yep! Just discovering all that now as you write Alix!

In fact I am nearing the stage of emailing you!! How can, if at all possible, the speed be displayed on the stanav map? And then in kph or mph - I only realise now from googling that GPS data is in Knots which I guess makes sense as it was/is primarily a military product.

TomToms at a hundred quid odd have not only installed the facility, but made the conversion from Knots to m or kph - why are we paying all this money to Audi and not getting a full product..?:wtf:
Unfortunately there is no way of doing this that I have seen. The only thing I can think of would be to test / compare your speedo to the MMI's GPS reading. To do this you would need to enter the "Green" Engineering Menu and browse to the needed section in order to have the GPS data display, then go for a drive and monitor how the GPS reading ties up to your speedo. Not what you are looking for but could help.

I bet I know what your next question is gonna be... How do I get to the MMI4G Green Engineering Menu? lol

There are two versions of the MMI4G, internally known as MIB1 (MMI4G version 1) and MIB2 (MMI4G version 2). If you have the MIB1 then you need to activate developer mode via module 5F via VCDS or alike, security access code = S12345. You would then access the menu via the following keypress combo:
  • Press and Hold the Back button then of the 4 buttons around the job wheel, press and hold the bottom left soft / selection button.
If you have MIB2 please accept my apologies as I cannot release the information as to how the Green Menu is accessed. I would be giving away a professional advantage as not many people out there know how to do this.
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I bet I know what your next question is gonna be... How do I get to the MMI4G Green Engineering Menu? lol

HaHa! No, I have lost the will to live now and reckon it will be easier just to get a proper GPS and keep it on the side - I see TomTom make an app for the iphone, so maybe this will do the job. I think if I need anything requiring data from the hidden menus, I shall call on you! Talking of which, aprpos our last chat re virtual cockpit, my neighbour just bought a new TT. I drove it back from the dealer for him and have to say the 'proper' VC is absolutely the dogs whatsits! I love it! Everything in front of you and surprisingly user friendly. I shall definitely not consider another Audi outside a TT or R8 until they have the same!

Back to GPS speed, I only want the speed showing so that I can every now and then check that the setting I make on the cruise control is correct. I am thinking here of tyre wear making the wheels rotate faster or mechanical tiredness of the speedometer.
As you imply - a lot of money for what is needed! Maybe as someone above said, just wind back my settings! Based on my past experience with the boys in blue, it looks like I have escaped a ticket at 139kph, so maybe I should use 138 and leave it at that!

I am still annoyed with Audi though...
I bought a Speed app the other day for the iphone and must say I cannot rate it as great as it bounces all over the place, but with my cruise control set at 139kmph, it jumps around at 131 - 133kph. Maybe it is correct, I just do not know. It is coming up to two weeks since I went through the radar gun and no ticket, so 139 must be below 135 true speed. But do I risk going up to 140 or 141 might be pushing it!