Belgian S3

Might be worth changing the oil pump whilst you've got the chance mate.It would be a shame to put it all back together and have to fumble about with that awkward bolt again :yes:
In the end it wasn't too bad. Once you get the proper tools, it comes out rather easy.
Going in might be a bit of another issue, but we'll see.

Anyway, I still have the slight oil leak at the front of the engine to take care of, so I'll replace the lot when I get to it then. I will keep an eye on oil pressure though.

Can anybody suggest a discrete oil pressure and temperature gauge ?
vdo from are very nice gauges. as for the oil leak, have you checked the oil dip tube for a crack? got the same issue here
So I put everything back together and went for a drive. All went well for the first 15km, but then the oil pressure warning came back on. So I drove home as a granny again. I really don't like doing this since the potential damage done to the engine.

I would like to be sure I actually have low pressure and not some wonky sensor. Can somebody point me in the direction of a decent oil pressure meter? And how to use it on our engines?

On the plus side, the 15km without the light were actually really nice. The car felt a lot happier than it ever felt before. Would be a shame not to get it going again.
been searching and reading up on oil pressure woes with these engines.
This thread looks like a nice read for anybody in my case.
Ok removed the oil pan again. I was surprised how much sludge I found in the oil after a 20km drive. I had some fun cleaning out the freshly installed strainer.
So I bought an oil cleaning agent and some cheapo oil to clean that stuff out.

Also had a look at the bearings, as you can see on the picture, no catastrophique damage. Bear in mind it's a 300.000km car so some wear was to be expected.

Next step is a new oil pump, sludge remover, then new oil filter and good oil. Hopefully that will make the oil pressure problem a thing of the past.

Sent from a green cloud on planet Procrastination
That bearing doesn't exactly look great
I agree, but it doesn't look terrible either. I'm hoping some fresh bearings and will do the trick. I couldn't see any markings on the crankshaft, but neglected to take a pic there.

That brings me to the next question, what's the torque spec for these bearing nuts?

Sent from a green cloud on planet Procrastination
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no scratch marks on the crank shaft? cause this looks pretty bad to be honost...
I am on standard rods indeed. So I guess I'll have to order some more parts at audi. Thanks for the heads up tuffty.

Couldn't see nor feel anything on the crankshaft. So hopefully it will be OK with a rinse, new bearings and bolts and a new pump.
Unfortunately I won't be able to find out for another week since the car is parked 140km away. :-(

Sent from a green cloud on planet Procrastination
Nope, parked at the coast, I'm inland :-/

Sent from a green cloud on planet Procrastination
I would imagine it should be but I have never personally had to replace std bolts on std rods... anytime I have done anything with rods its been to replace them with aftermarket ones so the head comes off to do that...

You should be able to do them a pair at a time by rotating the crank and sliding the assembly to the bottom of the bore... the squirter should stop you from dropping the piston out too far but be mindful that the squirters are fragile and easy to snap off...

If I remember and he hasn't chucked them all out I'll have a look at how easy the bolt comes out when I am at Bills Saturday

If I remember and he hasn't chucked them all out I'll have a look at how easy the bolt comes out when I am at Bills Saturday


Any luck at Bills?
Although I was near my car family duties prevented me from even touching a spanner :-/

Next shot will be Thursday ... took the day off :)
Any luck at Bills?
Although I was near my car family duties prevented me from even touching a spanner :-/

Next shot will be Thursday ... took the day off :)
Sorry dude... completely forgot... I have asked my mate who works there to see if he can have a look... will post if I get an answer for you


Pics from my mate... the bolt as fitted to a 20mm pinned rod...
22768389 10159592396395464 1256912195 o

...and it took putting it in a vice and not a small amount of effort to knock it out with a large hammer...
22790189 10159592401205464 1673500868 o

Basically they look like they are pressed in...

There maybe a 'tool' available that VAG themselves use (I don't know) but put simply... its head off and pistons out to change the bolts


Pics from my mate... the bolt as fitted to a 20mm pinned rod...

...and it took putting it in a vice and not a small amount of effort to knock it out with a large hammer...

Basically they look like they are pressed in...

There maybe a 'tool' available that VAG themselves use (I don't know) but put simply... its head off and pistons out to change the bolts


Thanks <tuffty/> ... not what I was hoping for but I'll still give it a shot Thursday.

therefor, upgraded rods? :)
mhh ... same difficulty. I already ordered the bolts and don't feel like pooring another couple of hundred quid in this engine before I know it's worth it, i.e. will survive and have oil pressure.
got facebook? perhaps send me youre name true a private message so i can add you, maybe i can help? Speaking in dutch would be easier, and i'm a car mechanic, i think i can help you out :)
I have stocks rods sitting in garage from my build and was a little intrigued by this so I went out had a look.

They take a fair whack lol not sure how you would do this in situ without potential collateral damage.
damn .... looks like i'll have a lot of fun on my back under the car :-(
damn .... looks like i'll have a lot of fun on my back under the car :-(
So, fun was had.

With some persuasion tools the bolts came out relatively easy.

Then off with the bearings and I'll let you guys be the judge of them.

Now I'm calling it a day. Next free time will be spent putting the oil pan back on, running some el cheapo oil wit some detergent for an hour and then a flush to finally put some good oil in. Dunno when I'll find time for that though.

Sent from a green cloud on planet Procrastination
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Then off with the bearings and I'll let you guys be the judge of them

I believe the word you are looking for is f*cked

What do the journals look like? you may get away with a light rub over with oil infused wet and dry

I believe the word you are looking for is f*cked

What do the journals look like? you may get away with a light rub over with oil infused wet and dry

Believe it or not, not a scratch on the journals. Couldn't believe it and spend a good 5 mins cleaning them to have a good look.

Sent from a green cloud on planet Procrastination
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That's a stroke of luck. Whilst they sound fine, can you get in with a micrometer to double check things are where they should be? Those bearings are downright nasty.
Put it all back together and went for a 25k testdrive. No errors, no warnings, all went fine.

Next up is a 140k testdrive. Fingers crossed that all will go well and I'll have my daily back
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Had a couple of days off work, so too the car for MOT.
Only one remark, my rear brake disks are a bit rusty ... might have something to do with it being stationary for a couple of months :)
So I can legally drive the car again on the roads.

Yesterday eve I took it to Brussels, so about a 150k trip. All went fine, no lights, no strange sounds, nothing. I might have her back. Now next stop is to get this el cheapo synthetic oil out and put some decent stuff in.
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good to hear that. hope the problems stay away for a while...
going to audi/vw day saturday @ circuit zolder??
nope ... didn't even know there was one ... Guess i'll have to keep a closer eye on facebook :)

In other news, the driver side door blade decided to come apart yesterday. Apparently the nylon and the rubber are separating :-(
Upon closer inspection the PO already had some trouble and glued them to the door, so no easy way to remove them. I ended up just cleaning the loos part with some methanol and sticking it all back together with double sideded tape (the one used to keep spoilers on cars, according to the guy who sold me the tape) Let's see how long it holds.

I've always had mixed feelings on the blades. Did anybody actually remove them permanently and make the body flush again? Any pictures?

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