1.8 TFSI fuel consumption when cold


Registered User
Feb 2, 2015
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Evening Folks.

Hopefully a quick one.......

With the temperature dropping, ive noticed a massive drop in fuel economy when cold. Only really driven the car in the warmer months, but recently been driving the 8 miles home from work at 3 or 4am, with the outside temp around 5 degrees C.

Now, the first mile is a fairly constant uphill, with the first 1/3rd a 30 limit, and the rest a 50. If i pull out of work, and limit the throttle to around 50%, and to 2500rpm, i cant get the fuel consumption up about 16mpg, regardless of how hard i try.

Anyone have similar?
somethings defiantly not right, even when Im driving hard, i struggle to get under 30. When was the car last serviced?
I struggle to get over 30 unless I'm sat at a steady 50mph.....

I serviced it at 78.5k( 7000 miles ago) and oil, plugs, air oil pollen filters, full inspection.

80k had new water pump and a full coolant drain/clean/swap at that time.

83.8k had a engine rebuild fully funded by audi, owing to piston ring failure/oil consumption issue. Clutch changed at that time. Only 2 wee issues from there, a boost leak which they say they fixed, and a stripped bolt on an engine mount.

I guess I can speak to audi about it, it's been rebuilt for 3 months now. There was a part of me that wondered if the cat died when it was drinking all this oil, however it passed it's mot emissions test no issues.

Worth throwing a set of plugs in it? It DOES have a Greenstuff air filter, in oem box. Only fitted it as it was going free(new)...
On at long last, someone who has a 1.8tfsi with piston ring issue.
Did your engine fail or did you have it rebuilt before then it blew up.
Depends on what you call failure. It was still running perfectly well, but the amount of oil it used was scary. The rings WERE failing, but that wouldn't have resulted in a "blowing up".

Initially took it to Audi for an oil consumption test, which it failed, then waited around for a few weeks, to be told by Audi that it was booked in for a rebuild free of charge, pending check on its service history, and receipts proving the correct grade of oil had been getting used.

Rebuild went fine with the small exception of the nick in a O-Ring for the boost pipes. no uses literally NO oil what so ever. There is a thread somewhere......
Probably speak to MikeJ - he helped me loads even just with pointers. Mine failed at 1.09L/1000km

83000 miles on a 59 plate, with partial audi service history, partly independents, but with receipts for genuine VAG parts.
Don't let them fob you off mate, be FIRM, but polite. You will get nowhere if you go in shouting and screaming at them. Just go in, tell them you want the oil consumption test done because you think your engine suffers from the known issue of faulty piston rings from manufacture. Do the test, and go from there !!!!! Let the dealer contact audi UK. At the end of the day, the dealer WANTS you to get a rebuild, and they know you'll likely only do it if audi pay the vast majority, or all of the bill. Audi UK paying the dealer to do a rebuild is in everyone's best interests( apart from Audi UK), so the dealer will help you to that end !

TBH my consumptin is not much better even after having the piston ring fix done by Audi.

DIS says average of around 31MPG but pootling around town up and down the gears means low 20's for me.

I have just checked the tyre pressures though and they were low at 31 and this usually makes a difference.