Am more than a little bit worried.

kevin lewis

Registered User
Oct 5, 2014
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Our S1 has started Pinking, pre ignition, piston slap, it seems to have lots of names but my main concern is when it occurs is it (the pinking) causing damage ? It only happens in fifth gear and has only happened about three times so far . Audi has booked in the car for two weeks time . Am so worried about this we have bought a car to use instead (a nice 1600 8 valve Vauxhall Astra) My question is am I worrying unduly about this problem , thanks in advance.
Think you might be worrying a bit to much!
Have you had so bad fuel.
I use to be a car technician it certainly won't be piston slap that happens when your piston rings are worn.
I'm sure it only something small anyway it's under warranty.
Pinking is not something I've heard for a while it's pre detonation of the fuel when the timing is out could be a faulty sensor or something.
Pinking wouldn't really damage your engine it's the fuel igniting before its ignited by the spark plug that's where you get the sound from.
Think you might be worrying a bit to much!
Have you had so bad fuel.
I use to be a car technician it certainly won't be piston slap that happens when your piston rings are worn.
I'm sure it only something small anyway it's under warranty.
Pinking is not something I've heard for a while it's pre detonation of the fuel when the timing is out could be a faulty sensor or something.
Pinking wouldn't really damage your engine it's the fuel igniting before its ignited by the spark plug that's where you get the sound from.
Have only ever used vpower and it has happened between fill ups from different stations, so would rule out bad fuel ? It sounds so bad when it happens i cannot believe it is not causing some sort of long term damage ?
How do you know it's detonating??? These engines will pull timing out if you get det problems -is there an audible sound?
Gearbox problem?
Agree with shakey these engines have sensors I would doubt if it's pinking.
Does it only do it in fifth what about the other five gears?
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Maybe a prob with 5th gear then, can't see it being pinking.
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Gearbox problem?
Agree with shakey these engines have sensors I would doubt if it's pinking.
Does it only do it in fifth what about the other five gears?
Am no technician but it sounds like pinking to me . I have managed to ease off the go pedal each time it has happened (three times now) starts at about 2500rpm and gets worse quickly (the noise i mean, lets call it pinking ) I ease off the pedal in horror. Would not tell you a lie. Won't be driving it until they say otherwise (audi)
Any more views on me not knowing what i know i heard ;)
People only trying to help. Just read the above. If it doesn't do it in sixth then very much doubt it's det as loading would be worse off in sixth
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Think you've got a gearbox problem not engine, could be a bearing on the 5th gear shaft.
I'd be taking it to your local dealer and demanding it be looked at rather than
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I wouldn't worry about it, it's under warranty let audi worry about it.
It's always difficult to diagnose a problem when your not in the vehicle.
Get yourself a beer mate!!
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Will let you know what they say when they look at it .
Well, they looked at it and found nothing, feeling a bit foolish now.
Am having a beer right now s1 Pete. And having a bit of a muse over this :) Is there any device I could plug in and record what isn't happening on our s1 ?
Am having a beer right now s1 Pete. And having a bit of a muse over this :) Is there any device I could plug in and record what isn't happening on our s1 ?
Seen you have been to your dealer,they themselves have probably carried out
their own diagnostic check.
If you think there's still a problem, maybe a second opinion at another garage?
Not over tech myself, there are self diagnostic devices out there but at Big cost.
Ah right , Have asked for those and some bloke with a beard called John promised to send them on in the post . Thanks s1 Pete .
Was that Josedebardi, member on here? Just a thought with joining up the two! Lol!
This guy is very knowledgeable.
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You could run on a dyno, with det cans. Then the engine load can be varied easily
Det cans or detonation cans are headphones used to detect knock.. Most companies with a dyno have these to aid mapping and check ignition is not to far advanced..
ok thanks for the insight shakey. Would Audi not have these ?