Launch control 0-60 test

Cant wait to try this when I finally pick up my car! My friend has a S tronic S Line 2.0 and says its very quick!
I can just picture James May & Jeremy Clarkson and the time it takes you S-Tronic boys to sort out your launch protocols.........meanwhile I am Richard Hammond.... me an my manual romp away from the line..... at home with feet up drinking a cup of tea by time you get to 60...haha..:yahoo::p:D:racer:
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Took me a wee minute to figure out why it wasn't working but i'd forgotten to turn off stop/start. I'll be prepared for next time though :) It's a pretty weird feeling but thats it done and i'll probably never have any need to do it again.
I can just picture James May & Jeremy Clarkson and the time it takes you S-Tronic boys to sort out your launch protocols.........meanwhile I am Richard Hammond.... me an my manual romp away from the line..... at home with feet up drinking a cup of tea by time you get to 60...haha..:yahoo::p:D:racer:

Took me a wee minute to figure out why it wasn't working but i'd forgotten to turn off stop/start. I'll be prepared for next time though :) It's a pretty weird feeling but thats it done and i'll probably never have any need to do it again.

I have only ever Driven manuel cars before so this will be interesting :) Will only ever do it once I guess just to see lol
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Two buttons, pull lever, stomp on both pedals and then let go of the coward pedal....Yeeeehhhhaaaaaaa.....thinking of taking my car to Crail this weekend and getting her on the strip so should be good for a laugh :racer::rockwoot:
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Had been talking about it with my mate last time i saw him so decided that since we had to wait 45 minutes for a curry we'd give it a go. Would be interesting to see how it feels as a passenger when you're not in control.
I'm not sure i'd enjoy being a passenger in my car doing that lol, but would be good to be in someone elses as it always feels faster when you're not in control!!

As for the more responsive, probably just adrenaline making you feel like its going faster :p another good reason to do it often lol:jester:
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There's a limitation in number of attempts, yeah we know. But how often we can do LC in practice before we destroy the transmission? Or can we destroy it?
I'm not sure i'd enjoy being a passenger in my car doing that lol, but would be good to be in someone elses as it always feels faster when you're not in control!!

As for the more responsive, probably just adrenaline making you feel like its going faster :p another good reason to do it often lol:jester:

That sounds almost like an idea, you do mine and i'll do yours :) need to find somewhere safe to try it now.

It actually still felt more responsive this morning on the way to work. Seemed like the delay in D was shorter.

LC sounded awesome too :)
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The gearbox will flash up a warning if it detects that it is overheating and disable LC for you.
It's something along the lines of "Gearbox Overheating - Please adapt driving style!" Not that I've ever seen that :rolleyes::rolleyes:

@Psyman79 Deal! there are a couple of stretches of road on your way home that are suitable :beerchug:
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Six / seven speed "wet clutch" DSG gear boxes (S-Tronic for the Audi heads) have the ability to LC. These are found in cars that develop more than 250nm of torque. The seven speed version (as will be standard in the 8V RS3) are rated up to 500nm of torque.

Seven speed "Dry clutch" DSG gearboxes are found in cars with less than 250nm of torque and think that's the 1.2, 1.4 TFSI and lowered powered diesels. If a car has Quattro then I believe it will also have the six speed box. The seven speed box does not have an LC feature.

The 200 launch limit seems to be associated with the first generations of the gearbox. It used to be almost a hidden feature that you had to Google to find out how to do. The more recent generation of gearboxes have the feature explained in the manual with no mention of a "launch limit".

I asked a master technician on an Audi Sport day what the deal with the current DSG and launches was and he noted that it was an issue with early boxes but isn't an issue any more. He did caution that doing 50 LC's in succession would probably over heat it and void the warranty but otherwise it's a sturdy box! :)
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Total newb here - how do you initiate LC on an S3? Current car is manual but my new toy will definitely be S-Tronic.
Total newb here - how do you initiate LC on an S3? Current car is manual but my new toy will definitely be S-Tronic.

Start / stop off, hold assit off, hold the TC button down for a few seconds, put the car in dynamic. Then left foot on the brake and right foot full throttle. Wait for the revs to build and hold.

Foot off the brake and off you go! :)
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Start / stop off, hold assit off, hold the TC button down for a few seconds, put the car in dynamic. Then left foot on the brake and right foot full throttle. Wait for the revs to build and hold.

Foot off the brake and off you go! :)

If it's an S-tronic, does it need to be in S mode rather than D mode?
If it's an S-tronic, does it need to be in S mode rather than D mode?

Manual says to put the box in "S" mode, manual mode (move the selector lever to the right into the tiptronic gate) or just press dynamic in drive select.
When you're in the mood, its amazing where you find that is "suitable!" lol :barbershop quartet member:
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