Retrofitted Cruisecontrol wont engage!

Johan Eriksson

Registered User
Oct 15, 2014
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

The past weekend I fitted one of these kit's in my 2001 A3 1.6 with e-gas:|Model:A3|Platform:8L1&hash=item43c17384b3

Fairly easy job, fit 4 cables in a box under the windshieldwasher, a groundcable, the job of getting the actual thing in place and then finding my OBD-II cable.

Logged in to VCDS-Lite, engine, Login-11 and gav it the "11463" code to activate the cruisecontrol in accordance to Ross-Tech wiki.

Started the car and took a spin. But it won't engage.. now I don't know if the activation succeded since I only have the free version of VAG-Com wich won't let me check it for certain. But maybe I missed something else? The guide that followed with the parts was in german wich is a language I do not speak. :/

But is this supposed to be "all" that is needed or have I missed something?
Hi there, I dont know too much about this having not done it yet but I did translate some of the listing description, it appears this is for petrol engine with 'drive by wire' throttle control, Activation appears correct but without being able to measure block group 066 you cant say for sure if the installation or activation is at fault.
Did you cycle the key on and off and do a throttle body allignment?

I'm sure others here who have done this before will be able to shed more light on it

Last two things you mention I didn't do.. I'll check de description again!

The car has drive by wire (e-gas) and runs on petrol atleast ;) Wery nice seller btw, emailed me a couple of hours after purchase asking for the chassis number so he could double check that I didn't buy something that wouldn't work :)

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