Urgent Road tax question needs answering.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2012
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North west
Hi guys,

I've got a bit of a problem.

I bought a car from Audi and I was supposed to be picking my S3 up on 29th December 2012.

Due to the audi garage finding a scratch underneath the side skirt as they were valeting the car ready for collection I couldn't pick it up. The new collection date is now Thursday 3rd January.

Problem is, I've just realised that my tax expired on 31st December. Obviously all would have been fine if I were to pick the car up on the right date but now I'm worried as there is no point taxing the car for the sake of 2 days.

what do I do and what's the worst that can happen if I get caught.
Take the car to audi and get a loaner, they should give you one if your are partexing with them, are you?
Yeah but the garage I am buying from is 70miles away, whatever I do I am going to have to drive the car.
Imo, dont worry about it. Just drive up on thursday and if they delay any longer, just ask them for the loaner explaining the tax thing.
you will get a £60 fine but im sure if you were on the way to pick up your new/hire car im sure they would be fine with it if you explained the situation altho the could be ****s and just give you the fine anyway but you can not get any points in this situation.
They won't delay, the car is ready on Wednesday but the guy dealing with the sale is on holiday so I've got to get to work tomorrow(unless I can get a lift) and also drive up to audi.

I'm hoping that if I do get caught the police man/woman will be understanding and let me off.
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Would it be worth me maybe declaring my car SORN as in effect I will be taking to the place where it will be off road or is that not a good idea.
imo i would not do that because then you are driving it when you have basicly put it of the road if i was you i would just drive it and if you do get stopped just play dumb and say you thought it was next week it was up and explain you pick you new car up in a few hours and say you are more than welcome to come along to verify it.
explain you pick you new car up in a few hours and say you are more than welcome to come along to verify it.

I very much doubt that you friendly traffic cop will follow you along to the dealer to verify the story! He'll either ticket you, or not.

If it was me, I'd ring the garage first thing and tell them that you now need to tax your car due to their delays, and that even though you will reclaim the tax when you sell/part-ex it you're still £x out of pocket. Point out that it would be a nice gesture if they gave you some mats/a voucher etc to offset your costs and disappointment. Or wing it, worst case is a £60 fine.
yes very true a traffic cop would never come to check out your story but if you offer this as an explination there more likely to belive you if this makes sense lol
I know what you mean, I've got a lift into work tomorrow so the only time I will be driving is the 70 miles to audi. We'll see what happens.
Drive past any anpr car and risk a pull, cops won't give a ****e that you brought a new car also then your not road legal so how does your insurance stand if you have a smash ?? You need to ring audi and make them pay for the car or tell them to drop your off and trailer the old one away, don't take the risk
You're not wrong, but the DVLA database isn't updated often enough with the Police National Computer for the ANPR camera to pick you up with a tax disc 3 or 4 days out of date.
you get 4 days grace on displaying a tax disc etc so you could just say u bought it online and it hasn't arrived yet. plus i'm pretty sure if you are caught having a car untaxed it invalidates your insurance which then means it is points - I know that's def the case with driving with an out of date mot but not 100% on driving without tax..
you get 4 days grace on displaying a tax disc etc so you could just say u bought it online and it hasn't arrived yet.

That's lying plus if you're pulled they'll be able to tell in seconds lol
I am taxing the car in the morning at the post office and then it's all done, I'll reclaim the tax back. Probably loose about £20 in the long run but better than a fine etc.
If you hadn't noticed, you wouldn't have spent all day worrying lol

Once you know, panic sets in!

Good that you are getting the tax, not sure whether your insurance is valid if you don't have a tax disc/applied for a tax disc.
My tax is £250 for the year.

to the post about insurance not being valid, that's not true.

They can't invalidate insurance for an un taxed vehicle as legally you can drive on the roads without tax if you are going to tax it or awaiting the disc.
You can't legally drive unless 1 your driving to a mot station with a per booked mot 2. You payed online then you get 5 days or so grace as stated above !! I did not state your insurance is invalid I said how would you stand when you have a smash, after all insurance company's would love a get out clause....
I wouldn't tax it I'd let audi fetch it on a low loader simples unless tomorrow they except that its there responsibility that the car is late to be delivered to you.
But I certainly wouldn't drive it with no tax up the window and take the chance
Yeah, good point...

im going to give audi a ring tomorrow. Hopefully they will have a solution. Maybe send someone down with trade plates and we drive back there to fill paperwork in.

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