Is this right? (woman rant..)


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Jul 29, 2012
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Ok, so I thought I'd vent a little in here because I barely know anybody and want genuine opinions, as opposed to posting on where I'll only get asked for pics of said mrs and tits.
Anyway, I've been with a girl for 11 months now, started out a few years ago as friends. Everything was cool, went out for little drinks alone, had a laugh together etc.. Anyhow, before me, she had a terrible ex (although they all make out as if their exs were terrible) he ran up phone contracts in her name on purpose, leaving her at a default credit rating. I however have a good credit rating even though I rely entirely on working at waiting.
A few months ago, I gave her an iPhone 3GS on PAYG and she dropped it in the bath and now she's asking me to get a contract out in my name but she'll set up standing orders to my account. I said no but I'll buy her a PAYG iPhone 4 instead. Now she's having a ***** about how she wants a contract phone instead. It's getting silly now because we argue every day about it (well she falls out with me - slams doors, cries etc) I don't know now wether I'm being fair or not, at first it seemed she was being unfair but I don't know wether I've lead to believe myself in being in the wrong.
Sounds to me your not in wrong. Best way would be you'll have to lie and make something up 4u 2 not go through this.

Thats what I would do anyway.
You're offering to buy her a PAYG i-phone4? That's got to be the fat end of £400 surely? Why should you take a contract phone out for her? Nothing stopping her kicking it's **** and you being left with the phone bill for it.

I would say you are not only being reasonable but exceptionaly generous. I take it you're both or she's quite young as she sound like a petulant teenager
Ahh, the question of trust or not, do you love her etc.... ?!

11 months though, not enough time my friend, in my opinion.

You are doing the right thing to protect your own interests, but she will never see it that way.

It's horrible why women have to put us blokes in this position where we are in a lose/lose scenario.
Mate, getting her a PAYG iphone is more than enough, thats a fair wedge there, if it was me I would say you either get that or nothing!!

The choice is yours....
Pics of her tits please ;)

I think you're in the right though. Why does she want a contract? People are spastics when it comes to stuff like that. I have a mate who tries to mock me because I don't have a phone contract, like he thinks he's cooler because he pays more a month. I however, have a house and he doesn't. haha.

I agree with Nilz and the others though.
I'm 24 and she's an immature 19 year old.
I did love her and trust her but I don't trust her with money as she can generally act like a child. She's financially unstable and very bad with money. She seems to be filling me in with "you have everything and I don't" and when I'm to mention, "I'll give you anything you want, I just don't fancy putting anything in my name unless we were to be married.. And everything I have, I've grafted for" followed by a massive Salk from her and the "don't touch me" warning.

I'm not looking for sympathy but in 2010, my fiancé died from cancer and 6 months later, I was car jacked and my car insurance premium shot up from £900 fully comp to £6000+ on my 2006 megane sport, so unfortunately I had to get rid of it. Anyway, she was there as my friend all the way through it and even said "I can't believe how well you've coped after what you've lost". Now I'm being fed that i'm an incredibly bad boyfriend for not doing this for her.
I'm just repulsed by how her tone has changed.

I would post a pic and await the banter usually but I'm far too down.
buy her an iphone outright then get a 1 month rolling contract sim, if it goes wrong post pics of her tits on here and cancel the contract
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LOL! @ tits comment.

I've tried that tbf. I just get shouted at and get told I won't do it. I offered to buy her an iPhone 4S a few months ago and she said no, as she was 'happy' with the 3GS instead.
Don't sign for a contract for her, if the relationship is serious she will understand, if she doesn't, well, make you own mind up.
Here is my womans view on this. She sounds like a spoiled child. Payg deal for her or nothing. :) x
I agree with Sandra on this. But have I missed something? Haven't you already given her a PAYG iPhone, that she has dropped in the bath?

How can she possibly be trusted with another one?
I've said she's like a spoilt child and it killed me to say it.
I understand what is meant by the whole serious relationship thing. I've said that I will do what I can so that she can get a phone and she replied with "you're not doing a very good job?"

As somebody mentioned about trading her in, I'm very close to it as she's very immature, spoilt and selfish and not somebody I could be in partner with in the future when outgoings increase dramatically with mortgage etc. I think it'll be very hard to split up with her.
As said above... I would get her a rolling month by month contract sim car. You have already said you will buy the hand set out right?
Do that. set the contract in your name ( with a solid limit on for useage) so if she goes mad... it stops working and... if the "i will set up a standing order... honest " comes to nothing you pay one more months rental charge and its finished.

I realy think in the big picture though buddy, If she will make such an issue from this... long term your on a rocky road
I've said she's like a spoilt child and it killed me to say it.
I understand what is meant by the whole serious relationship thing. I've said that I will do what I can so that she can get a phone and she replied with "you're not doing a very good job?"

As somebody mentioned about trading her in, I'm very close to it as she's very immature, spoilt and selfish and not somebody I could be in partner with in the future when outgoings increase dramatically with mortgage etc. I think it'll be very hard to split up with her.

My friend, I think you know the reality of this. Her attitude and behaviour leads me to think she has a lot of growing up and maturing to do.

I'm not saying you should bin her off but I certainly think you need to have a grown up, adult discussion with her to bring her into the real world.
tbh mate it sounds like your going through what i went through with my ex, i bought her a contract phone and paid the contract and its like that wasn't enough. its like nothing was ever enough. in the end i took the phone off her give it to my mam because she only had a pay as you go phone.

it didn't last long after that lol

you should advise her to grow up and stop sucking at life in general.

do you live with her? if so maybe lock her under the stairs for a few hours and she if she sorts her act out, isn't that what everyone does?
Yeah that's it mate. It makes you feel pretty hopeless.

What I find annoying is that we get along pretty amazing until she really wants something. It wasn't long ago she started crying because I didn't get her a pug. It was an exact phase as the phone contract, only she's over it now because she realised our Rottweiler would probably have it for brekkie.

We do live together yes and we are not compatible in that region either, she's messy and I have OCD. She'll throw my MacBook pro on the bed and getting foundation on it like its cheap etc and I like leaving it in the same place, on charge, clean.

I don't want to sound selfish because she means the world to me but maybe taking me for granted? I feel bad even writing up this thread but I'm growing overly fed up of regular arguments over a phone contract.
yeah man, it does seem like shes taking the pi$$ mate.

just give her the flying head butt!

and this crying stuff that would of blown my very short fuse ages ago, i think id still have an imprint of her face on the back of my hand i mean come on you say shes 19 not 12.

haha check me out fuming over some body else's life problems.

one last thing can you still go out and do what you like with out her, as in go see mates go on nights out ?
ill go as far as saying if you get her any phone your a mug.
she says no to the PAYG i-phone 4 ?
shes playing you for the contract and you will be paying for 18mth.
and when she has that it will be something else
No way would i give into her and you should really know the answer to your question with out asking us.
OH and BTW pics of said Baps ?
As a bloke of experience, I feel I am well placed to give you some really sound advice about your situation.

The thing is, relationships are complicated.

So what you need to do is simplify things.

Sit her down, tell her you want to talk about this in an adult manner.

Tell her that the best way to get this sorted is to allow you to crack one off over her tits.

If she says yes, she is a keeper.

If she says **** off, then I would do just that mate.

As a bloke of experience, I feel I am well placed to give you some really sound advice about your situation.

The thing is, relationships are complicated.

So what you need to do is simplify things.

Sit her down, tell her you want to talk about this in an adult manner.

Tell her that the best way to get this sorted is to allow you to crack one off over her tits.

If she says yes, she is a keeper.

If she says **** off, then I would do just that mate.

very good idea
but ! dont offer her anything in return and record it :shutup2:
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Yes, record it on your Iphone 4s contract phone.

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Sounds to me like she is trying to mug you off. I been in this situation and fell for the lies and got mugged off. Cleared the debt now and would never do it again. If someone wants something badly enough in life they should make there own ways to get it not try to get someone else to provide for them. Get pic of her tits (probably lie about her getting the phone to make her do this) then post pic on net and never get her the phone!

Oh and what's her mum like? Always a good indication to how they might turn out when older?
Could make this a feature on the jezza kyle show :)

Your right, she's spoilt, get her a free giffgaff sim and Nokia 3210 :)
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Nice to see I'm not the only one with the boobies idea ;) I think it's safe to say things need to drastically change or sling her mate. I know it's always hard to end a relationship, but as you said can you imagine being with her in a few years? You need a partner in life who doesn't **** you off already. It's never a good start dude.
pics of said mrs and tits?

Seriously, your far too young to be having dilemas of this type, you should be buying yourself the phone and filling it with loads of slags names for skull****ing when you want!

You've pretty much summed it up yourself anyway by stating that you dont see yourself with her in future, says a lot mate!

I only ever buy the mrs stuff when i know it will be appreciated, she knows that aswell, or else its wont be bought, simple!
As every has said... She's immature and spoilt. Sorry to say that as it's harsh especially when you have feelings for someone.

My previous ex is similar, 19 years old, expected the world but wanted to give nothing. Then one day she said she was gonna smash up my Audi. Told her to get stuffed and go find some other mug.... Then I hid my car!
well im still waiting for the pics
I'd LOL if the pics are put up, and she looks like Mila Kunis, then everyone tells him to buy her an iphone5 on contract! :hubbahubba:
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I really can't believe she is getting that het up over a phone. I mean for crying out loud IT'S JUST A PHONE which will be out of date in 6 months anyway.

By the sounds of it, the youth of today are more interested in materialistic things than respect and understanding and in your case the novelty wears off after 5 minutes and will be treating whatever phone she eventually gets with no respect anyway if she treats your MacBook the way she does.

I mean how the flip do you drop an iPhone in the bath? Can't the youth of today go anywhere without having the text, Facebook, twitter machine welded to their hand in case that all too vital message about Big Brother is not read in 3 milliseconds ? I personally love getting away from my iPhone so I can practise talking to people in a normal manner like all humans used to do.

If it was me I would try and make her learn about how much things cost. Why not ask her for 500 quid as a deposit. Get her a contract phone and any huge bills, breakages etc will be deducted from said fund until she is due an upgrade. The old phone comes back to you to sell to then top her fund back to 500 quid plus more cash from her if the phone is in poor condition and doesnt make good money on flea bay.

This is what I am gonna do with my petulant kids ! God they are going to hate me.


Victor Meldrew

P.S. can we see her t!t$ now ?
You could ask if she would rather wait for the next iPhone to come out and hopefully buy some time to think things through.
You could ask if she would rather wait for the next iPhone to come out and hopefully buy some time to think things through.
with whats hes posted
it does not need 1 second to think about.
As a bloke of experience, I feel I am well placed to give you some really sound advice about your situation.

The thing is, relationships are complicated.

So what you need to do is simplify things.

Sit her down, tell her you want to talk about this in an adult manner.

Tell her that the best way to get this sorted is to allow you to crack one off over her tits.

If she says yes, she is a keeper.

If she says **** off, then I would do just that mate.

lol that was funny
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