s3 repairable?

hell no most prob a stolen recovered mate i wouldn't touch it been ragged to hell and back , also it says no keys are with the car
would it not be worth buying and stripping,saw one similar go for 9k,was so tempted in buying it and stripping it for parts
Repair estimate £2k! DOUBT IT! Looks like a top spec tho! Mmm.....recaros!
lol 2k. My last car had similar damage and the final bill was close to 6k.
I'd get that if I had the money, not recorded so no one will ever know, you repair it so you know its a good job unless your tight that is. As tyour repairing it you know what was damaged as apposed to guessing how bad it was. All reassurences when you buy it smashed rather than fixed up and cat D'd. I'm sure you can do all the relivant HPI checks before you buy it to know its a safe buy.
thats a good bargain not recorded.
the seats alone are worth £1100 used.
a slapstic filler job would be £600.
replacing the rear quarter to pucka standards would be £1900 inclusive.
if i had the dosh i would get it.
ye i was gunna go for it but it sold the day it was put on literally :(

still looking for a nice s3 replica tdi or s line.

Was wondering are berresford a known company as interested in 1 or 2 cars they’ve got up but ive never heard of them before and cant seem to find much when i google the name
literally just have to keep trying and trying to ring them! the day i was going to buy the car they had 'issues with their line' by the time i got through the car had gone!

They seem to have a few nice cars specially the finance repossession ones where there is nothing wrong with the car itself. Then they sell at around 50% of retail! they must be loosing money they could mark it up at full retail?
Repossession B7 RS4, good mileage and it's up for £12500!

Am i missing something here? Why so cheap, almost seems too good to be true, why wouldn't they just sell it at full retail value?
I love their estimates on repair costs, you should try to use the garages they do.

The 08 BMW M3 on the site has estimated repair cost of £5k!! It will be way more than that in parts alone. A whole front end?!?

Take a look at the photo under the bonnet, you can see where the engine has been moved on its mounts!!
I wouldn't touch any of those motors with someone elses! That BM is a totalled. Never be straight again. The CLK sport cab is just as bad if not worse and wasn't even a great car to start with!
I wouldn't touch any of those motors with someone elses! That BM is a totalled. Never be straight again. The CLK sport cab is just as bad if not worse and wasn't even a great car to start with!

What about the RS4?
TBH that would have been a good buy, you would have made money for sure assuming mechanically it was still sound, and it is under warranty still.
I do agree I would want to see it and make sure 100% they are legit
What about the RS4?

Yeah maybe the RS4 doesn't look so bad on the face of it, still be bricking it about paying that kind of money and not having the full story & all papers etc.
Yeah maybe the RS4 doesn't look so bad on the face of it, still be bricking it about paying that kind of money and not having the full story & all papers etc.

Why don't you get all the correct documents if buying a repossession? £12500 and that gets you a decent mileage RS4! Would be worth buying to sell on if everything checked out OK, i had a quick gander on eBay and Auto-trader last night and they are still doing £18000+ for a 2007 model.
Why don't you get all the correct documents if buying a repossession? £12500 and that gets you a decent mileage RS4! Would be worth buying to sell on if everything checked out OK, i had a quick gander on eBay and Auto-trader last night and they are still doing £18000+ for a 2007 model.

Nothing to say you shouldnt get all the docs as far as I know. I wouldn't touch it without a V5. Not quite sure why the company wouldnt go to the effort to sort this before selling on. Of course the V5 isn't proof of ownership, only it does show who the registered keeper is.
you do get all the documents when you purchase the car including the v5.
lol couldnt afford to run one of them and to be honest i think id rather get a nice s line tdi. fuel is a killer these days, and im currently driving a 300bhp mk4 golf 1.8t!

The RS4 is tempting! If I wasn't buying a new house in a few months it may well be worth the risk. No V5 tho................??
The RS4 is tempting! If I wasn't buying a new house in a few months it may well be worth the risk. No V5 tho................??

Thats the way I read it mate. In black and white.
It says the RS4 needs a new clutch, could be a number of problems
If car comes withot V5 you can apply for it in DVLA using V62

I purchased many cars and bikes from insurance auctions. Mostly from Copart

Sometimes its risky to buy like that but you can view any car prior to sale, I never had any trouble. Latest purchase was my current a3 3.2. It was FSH with 66k on the clock.

Had little dent on the bonnet, and front bumper lightly damaged. Repaired in professional garage with 5 year warranty for fixes. Simples :ninja:
with the prices copart are fetching recently you'd be better looking on autotrader for a s3 lol

yeah copart is mad recently, I do buy from it to often, usually for my own use, but traders are going sky high with prices. very often you can see cars going with cat D for more than on autotrader, true
has anyone else actually managed to get through to them as been trying as was interetsed in one the cars but lines always busy plus now their website seems to be down so not too sure if theyre actually legit
Personally I don't think the company is even trading anymore, you can't get through on the phone, no answer by email, web site down and no information on google whatsoever!

It's no wonder they have gone bust with the cars being so cheap.

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