The Final Harry Potter...


I <3 bass
Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
Harry's back...


Is there any one who has already seen this? Im getting dragged along by the Mrs to watch it tonight.
Peachy was going to watch this last night, maybe we'll get some reviews later. We're going to watch something this afternoon, not sure what tho, hopefully not this.
Peachy was going to watch this last night, maybe we'll get some reviews later. We're going to watch something this afternoon, not sure what tho, hopefully not this.

most places are fully booked so i think you'll get a lucky escape!
I'm looking forward to watching it. Can't say I've watched all of them, but I've got a vague idea of the storyline.

Got to admit though, that films which are over 2hours long feels like an eternity when in the cinema. Even watching Transformers, I kept looking at my watch after about 2hrs, it feels like it's dragging on, even though it was all out action. Maybe I'm getting old! lol
I'm looking forward to watching it. Can't say I've watched all of them, but I've got a vague idea of the storyline.

Got to admit though, that films which are over 2hours long feels like an eternity when in the cinema. Even watching Transformers, I kept looking at my watch after about 2hrs, it feels like it's dragging on, even though it was all out action. Maybe I'm getting old! lol

I dont mind sitting that long in the cinema as long as the fat ******* next to you isnt stuffing their face and all you can smell is dirty cinema food :puke2:
Lol yeh Jo, I nearly dropped off at one point watching transformers, thought it was just me.
Well got there, only 14 people so lots of room (swansea vue) lots of showings, anyway, not my kinda film I didn't think much of it, more interested picking the pop corn out my teeth.
Well as I say went to see HP last night what a complete let down. I was at least hoping for a massive 3D fight at the end. There was practically no 3D, was pointless. The mrs is a big harry fan and she was disappointed too.

The best part of the evening was watching the trailor for Captain America
im off to see this later with the mrs, i really hope its good and worth £8 lol
I've seen it, disappointed too!

No real big battles and hermarny ( however it's spelt ) didn't get her norks out :(
just got back from it, i loved it but im a potter fan. no real epic battles but still an awesome film, should have been 30mins longer
I've seen it, disappointed too!

No real big battles and hermarny ( however it's spelt ) didn't get her norks out :(

I know! they let Ron get his tits out! I think Im going to write a letter demanding they reshoot that scene!

just got back from it, i loved it but im a potter fan. no real epic battles but still an awesome film, should have been 30mins longer

If it was 30 minutes longer I would of left
And don't forget, in earlier films weasely also had his rat out!
I saw this the day it was released (as always, very childish) and thought it was an excellent finale. There wasn't as much drama as previous films but don't forget this is the second half of one film, and Part 1 was quite a bit more detailed with more twists and turns. I'd give this one 8/10, it wasn't the best of the 8 films but certainly not the worst, for any HP fans I've always thought that The Prisoner of Azkabam was the weakest of the films. It's strange how much the characters have grown up but then again the films started 10+ years ago when they were only 10 or 11, its odd seeing them so young in the earlier films.

Anyway I thought Part 2 of The Deathly Hallows was awesome and a fitting finale, /speech lol.
Loved it too, saw it in 3d in local cinema but was dissappointed a bit in the quailty, prob due to seeing it on the back of Transformers 3 in 3d in the Imax where it just so much sharper & brighter.

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