No Boost


Registered User
Sep 28, 2010
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Hi all,

This morning driving to work, all was fine. Went over a small pothole (could just be co-incidence) and after this the car wont boost and sounds like an impreza at low revs.

No warning lights on the dash, no smoke at all and if i put my foot down a little and let off i can hear the blades of the turbo chatter.

Ive nursed to the garage so im awaiting there outcome, but anyone here got any guesses?

Im hoping it not the engine or turbo and something sensor related or perhaps even a boost pipe come loose, but havent got a clue.

Not had the car long and not having much luck with it so far :(

So what do you lot reckon it could be?
Coil Pack has gone. Disconnect them 1 by 1 until the engine makes no change in noise and that will tell you which one has gone. But would recommend that you change them all.
Would that cause lack of boost?

And wouldnt it trigger engine management light?
Not sure on the engine managment light.

Lack of boost would be cause the car is not running correctly.
The sound of a scooby = coil pack gone. End of discussion.

Don't expect an EML from a coil pack, they don't normally throw a code.

The car won't boost properly running on 3, it's missing 1 of the 4 power strokes at the end of the day.

New coil/s, it will be fine.
The sound of a scooby = coil pack gone. End of discussion.

The car won't boost properly running on 3, it's missing 1 of the 4 power strokes at the end of the day.

New coil/s, it will be fine.

I really hope so. So could it have been the pothole that cause the coil to crack? The car has only done 63K full full history so im hoping nothing major :/
Have you got the bolt down coils or push on .....if push on, the pothole could have popped 1 up??

TBH mate i havent got a clue, never had the engine cover off. Ive only had the car about 2 months and its been sweet as nut. Its a 1999 APY engine if you would be able to tell from that?
Yes, bolt down, prob, hitachi coils not that then.... they are a better coil than the bosch and dont usually cause trouble

Oh right, any other ideas then? A quick search has shown up coil packs cause all the symptoms im having no boost, scooby sound at lowrevs etc.
Im not saying it isnt the coils... its just that them coils are usually very good, put like all working parts they do fail, it does sound like a coil down, or a bad plug.

when i said "not that then" i meant the coil has not popped up as it is bolt down
Yes, bolt down, prob, hitachi coils not that then.... they are a better coil than the bosch and dont usually cause trouble

Agred, when they go, they just stop working. End of coil.

Oh right, any other ideas then? A quick search has shown up coil packs cause all the symptoms im having no boost, scooby sound at lowrevs etc.

From the symptoms you describe, I would be 99% certain it's a coil that's gone. Its a common problem on the 1.8T engine for a start.

The pothole could be coincidence, or it could have simply finished off a weak coil.

The pencil coil packs that the engines use are a high voltage electrical component. They don't last forever. They will fail at some point.

The cold normally exacerbates the problem. Electrics + Cold = No likey.
Im not saying it isnt the coils... its just that them coils are usually very good, put like all working parts they do fail, it does sound like a coil down, or a bad plug.

Not as good as you would think dude to be honest. I've had a few go now. They break down eventually.
Like said, they do go down, but not has bad it seems as the bosch, there is a nasty replacement bolt down witch are rubbish, i think it is bremi? i dont think hitachi make them anymore
Agred, when they go, they just stop working. End of coil.

From the symptoms you describe, I would be 99% certain it's a coil that's gone. Its a common problem on the 1.8T engine for a start.

The pothole could be coincidence, or it could have simply finished off a weak coil.

The pencil coil packs that the engines use are a high voltage electrical component. They don't last forever. They will fail at some point.

The cold normally exacerbates the problem. Electrics + Cold = No likey.

Could be unrelated but since ive had it it takes a few turns to start (if you get me) could that be a sign of a dodgy / dying coil? It has also been stood outside in the cold for a month or so aswell.
Agred, when they go, they just stop working. End of coil.

From the symptoms you describe, I would be 99% certain it's a coil that's gone. Its a common problem on the 1.8T engine for a start.

The pothole could be coincidence, or it could have simply finished off a weak coil.

The pencil coil packs that the engines use are a high voltage electrical component. They don't last forever. They will fail at some point.

The cold normally exacerbates the problem. Electrics + Cold = No likey.

Since ive owned the car it always takes a few turns to start the car (by that i mean i have to hold the key turned for a few seconds before it fires) could that be a sign of a dying coil?
Its in the garage atm and they are meant to be a VAG Specialist so would imagine they will hook it up. Just want to get some advice off here to make sure they dont have my pants down.

Cheers for advice chaps!
Best thing to do is get it on the computer....saves worrying about what it could or could not be to be honest...

Problem is that the earlier ECUs like mine simply won't throw a code at all. Quickest and easiest method of detection (well, the one I've always used) is to pop along and unplug the coils or injectors 1 by 1.

It's easier to unplug the injectors, then make your way along until unplugging makes no difference.

When you do 1 and nothing changes, bingo.
Problem is that the earlier ECUs like mine simply won't throw a code at all. Quickest and easiest method of detection (well, the one I've always used) is to pop along and unplug the coils or injectors 1 by 1.

It's easier to unplug the injectors, then make your way along until unplugging makes no difference.

When you do 1 and nothing changes, bingo.

Do you do this with the engine running then welly?
The ecu should record a misfire though?

Mine never has mate, not once, despite having thrown about a million coils.

I had some issues with the coil pack's wiring loom when I got the car first and I went through 4 coils! lol.

No codes. A symptom of the earlier engine management me thinks.
Do you do this with the engine running then welly?

Yes dude. It's simple when you think about it.

With the engine misfiring on 1 cylinder, when you unplug one of the 3 remaining working coils, the engine then runs on 2 cylinders - you can hear this pretty obviously, and the engine will be juddering and unhappy.

You work along until you unplug one, and nothing changes. It's still running on 3. This means it's the cylinder thats not firing anyway....
Yes dude. It's simple when you think about it.

With the engine misfiring on 1 cylinder, when you unplug one of the 3 remaining working coils, the engine then runs on 2 cylinders - you can hear this pretty obviously, and the engine will be juddering and unhappy.

You work along until you unplug one, and nothing changes. It's still running on 3. This means it's the cylinder thats not firing anyway....

OK, i took it to the garage cause i thought it would be something major, ill give them a bell at lunch and see if they scanned it, if not ill suggest checking the coils.

Made the mistake of telling the Mrs who now insists its cursed and is telling me to get rid lol
OK, i took it to the garage cause i thought it would be something major, ill give them a bell at lunch and see if they scanned it, if not ill suggest checking the coils.

Made the mistake of telling the Mrs who now insists its cursed and is telling me to get rid lol

LOL, I hear that on a weekly basis dude. Then again, I've thrown 1000s at mine. It could be worse. 4 coils are about £100 from Audi.
Cool. Ill just take that out of what ive set aside for her christmas presents then! haha
Was the coilpack on cylinder number 2. The bill has come to £135, this seem expensive to anyone else? Fair enough they dont work for free but £100 for diagnosing and fitting one coil seems a tad dear to me? Spose ive gotta pay it now :(

Coulda been worse
aye I bought a coilpack from the dealer for £35 and plonked it straight on outside the parts dept, took me all of 5 minutes mate, sounds a bit cheeky to charge several hours labour for that! They just try the new one on each cyl till the misfire stops...mine was no1
Was the coilpack on cylinder number 2. The bill has come to £135, this seem expensive to anyone else? Fair enough they dont work for free but £100 for diagnosing and fitting one coil seems a tad dear to me? Spose ive gotta pay it now :(

Coulda been worse

****** me with a fish fork, that, IMO, is daylight robbery to diagnose and fit a £25 part.

I reckon that would have taken 5 mins to diagnose at the most, it's so easy.

Lesson learnt though, sometimes worth asking here and having a go yourself....
****** me with a fish fork, that, IMO, is daylight robbery to diagnose and fit a £25 part.

I reckon that would have taken 5 mins to diagnose at the most, it's so easy.

Lesson learnt though, sometimes worth asking here and having a go yourself....

Well i normally would fix it myself, but i was on the way to work (which is 18miles from my house) and didnt want to drive all the way back home tonight with it running how it was so didnt really have much choice in the matter.

It may be that they've fitted four new ones and thats the cost, would seem more likely wouldnt it?

True the main thing is its fixed and ive got it for the weekend! Cheers for help again chaps!

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