Apparently, a true story...

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Staff member
Dec 18, 2005
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Outside Bristol Zoo, there is a car park for 150 cars and 8 coaches. It was manned by a very pleasant attendant with a
ticket machine charging cars £1 and coaches £5. This parking attendant worked there solid for all of 25 years.

Then one day, he just didn't turn up for work.

"Oh well", said Bristol Zoo Management "We'd better phone up the City Council and get them to send a new parking attendant..."

"Err no", said the Council, "That car park is your responsibility"...

"Err no", said Bristol Zoo Management, "The attendant was employed by the City Council......... wasn't he?"...

"Err NO!"

Sitting in his villa in Spain is a bloke who had been taking the car park fees, estimated at £400 per day at Bristol Zoo, for the last
25 years...

Assuming 7 days a week, this amounts to just over £3.6 million...

if that is true then :applaus: total class ............
Hees, old news mate, but still clever fecker.
Hold on!, so you mean to say that there was some guy with a ticket machine, in close to proximty to Bristol Zoo charging vehicles daily for 25years and Zoo management nor Bristol Council looked into where the revenue was going?

Depending on owned the land the vehicles were being parked on, it must of been owned by either parties, so zoo management assumed that it was controlled monitored by the council and vice versa?

If this is the case then genius, however, hard to believe it went on for 25years and that not a single person from either company or an auditor looked into it? :keule:
Hold on!, so you mean to say that there was some guy with a ticket machine, in close to proximty to Bristol Zoo charging vehicles daily for 25years and Zoo management nor Bristol Council looked into where the revenue was going?

Depending on owned the land the vehicles were being parked on, it must of been owned by either parties, so zoo management assumed that it was controlled monitored by the council and vice versa?

If this is the case then genius, however, hard to believe it went on for 25years and that not a single person from either company or an auditor looked into it? :keule:

thats as funny as the story thanks :laugh: :laugh:
I dont think you guys truly grasp how thick & what complete idiots are running these councils, this story I can seriously believe on my dealings with the councils, its beyond comprehension how slow at doing anything they really are & only actually get of these butts when the papers get involved.
funny in what respect vorhees? that it's not possible?

so who installed the paying meter, the council or the zoo?
story ever made the national news? i doubt it coz its utter shat! a mere rumour or childrens playground story.
ever heard of humour? you need to chill your beans.
so who installed the paying meter, the council or the zoo?

I think you are reading too much into this!

The more you think about it the less likely it becomes - just read it and accept it for what it is - a good story that I kinda hope is true

so who installed the paying meter, the council or the zoo?

Auf Wiedersehen pet installed the meter then jimmy nail flew off in airforce one deciding on the future of the world ??? the guy charged them a quid for parking to .....hahahahahaha:sob::meeting:

pointless thread, would of found planning proposals on the euro tunnel more interesting :gaehn:
Well if was so pointless why have interaction then in the beginning, so obviously wasnt as boring as you say, lets not be contradicting now huh.
lmfao, you're dad, lol.

This is the guy I believe

no thats my uncle this is the guy and he is now absolutely wadded living on mars got there by airforce one

lol, thats you man, come on you just dressed up & took that pic
little off topic but check this for batman shyte , robbers would be like wtf has it gone we seen it come in here

mate would you believe it I was thinking about this recently how they kept it sealed & water proof as it would end up as a pond, but its cool as hell huh, except when he rushed out to get to the pub before closing time & then went oh **** 10 minutes to lift car up, lmfao
i cant find the page now but a company does it in bristol it takes 3 min to get up and down so pretty good it must be water proof ........shiiiiiiiiiiiit my own batcave lol
yeah you can i wouldnt bother with bad guys though il just get ****** in my cave

hahahaha lmfao how you found that good call
you really got one off them porshes or is that a blag

Louay,have a look at the section this is is in...its a harmless tale to put a smile on anyones face.

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