My day out at R-Tech


Badger 5 Edition
VCDS Map User
Nov 6, 2009
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So as many of you know, I attended a rolling road day at R-Tech which was brilliant but my car didn't really make the power I thought it would of.. So I thought I better get it checked by Niki just incase something was a little wrong because im abit OCD like that lol.. Met Niki and hes a really nice guy, good chaps there! He did conclude that I do have a few leaking pipes, the 2 intercooler rubber pipes and brake line booster pipe.

He also said that the car is just old, and that the turbo has covered 170K and isn't efficient as it used to be which is why it hasn't made the power it should.. I was happy with the conclusion because I think I was expecting too much (yes bill you can say "I told you so") lol. With this I have to conclude chaps that this is the end of my K04 modding days.. theres no point going hybrid for an extra couple of bhp for the money its worth....

Which is why im very highly considering going BT! ALLLLLL thanks to tuffty for showing me what has to be THE cleanest engine bay and Welly's car just looked outright powerful! I want to keep this car as I love it and don't really plan to get a new car then probably spending on that, so I thought, "why not start my first BT build?" So im going to do abit of research on the forum and collect a few bits and bobs here and there..

When the car hits around 200-220K I will be looking to do the build then! Tell me your thoughts on my decision? I like the criticism :) Many thanks!! (btw my enter button doesn't work so I cant separate the lines on this thing!! **fixed...<tuffty/> :)**)
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Haha, only joking mate.

Think its a excellent idea. I was thinking of hybrid but like said, for the cost etc its not worth it, you may aswell go BT, im on the hunt at the minute for a new block to build up. Its also the reason ive spent a fortune on my suspension and future engine mods thatll be useful in going BT. Next up is the brakes lol.
yaaaaaaaaaaay! go fast ! :racer:

is that a good enough thought on your decision lol

i like to see threads like this where somebody has been told your cars old.. then going yeah so im going to rebuild it and make it way more faster.

im excited all ready, what would my day be like if i didn't have all these build threads to read.

you got any idea of what power you want to make?


its about time you did something crazy with your car dani!
Haha thanks tuffty! (I'll try and edit this on my upstairs comp!) But im actually not sure what power I would make tbh. I was looking at the GTX2867r which seems to give a better spool but haven't done enough research yet. Im reading tuffty's, welly's, Andrew's and Mush's threads for info about things to do and get a list to buy. Id be happy with 350bhp but more would be nice. I think dani should do it at the same time :)
I can't offer any car advice but I think hold ctrl+alt then press M will give you a carriage return (enter). Or maybe just ctrl+M on Windows/PC.

HTH Liam

Sounds like a plan, I’m with you on the BT plan, if and when..... my K04 dies I’d like to go BT not so sure about the hybrid's.

I’m lucky My Mrs is a Petrolhead too (so doesn’t mind my moding and tinkering) and she keeps suggesting we get another E46 M3, been there done that, I know exactly what you mean about keeping “S”, 2 cars close to my heart have always been the 8L S3 and the Bmw E30, neither are perfect but its whatever floats your boat.

Look forward to reading your build thread.
Go Go Gops Ranger!!!

Will be interested to see how this pans out dude :)
good luck with your endeavours

and yea, I told ya so :p

lol - enjoy the power when you get to that bit

Thanks bill, BTW I will be coming to you for all the fabrications needed too! Ive been reading tuffty's build thread and gosh the amount of work involved is huge!! But hopefully with me saving and gathering the neccesary bits and bobs, along with your help im sure i can do it :) Obviously im not as clued up as our dearest tuffty (and quite as OCD lol) so will be asking for your special help :)


Sounds like a plan, I’m with you on the BT plan, if and when..... my K04 dies I’d like to go BT not so sure about the hybrid's.

I’m lucky My Mrs is a Petrolhead too (so doesn’t mind my moding and tinkering) and she keeps suggesting we get another E46 M3, been there done that, I know exactly what you mean about keeping “S”, 2 cars close to my heart have always been the 8L S3 and the Bmw E30, neither are perfect but its whatever floats your boat.

Look forward to reading your build thread.

Ahh cheers matey! I cant wait either, although i can see it being a while before i start. Its alot to start splashing out on so steady buying here and there collecting things will be my idea first, then when I think i have everything, it'll be building the engine getting it ready for fabrications that bill may need to do.. Its alot of work and probably alot of money too but tbh i know for sure that it'll be worth it when im driving home! I have also considered going GT30 too.. hehe

Gops....hav you told your mum??!

No...:ninja: I'll just tell her that its broken and that i need to fix it :) But its my Mrs more than anything, i told her im most likey going BT and she just didnt understand. Hopefully the idea of buying bits and bobs here and there will make sure she dont notice, although when the car goes missing for sometime to get it all fabricated and fitted what not, then i'll just say you took it! haha :arco:
LOL...typical Indian comment!!!

Boy gonna get some beats!!
Haha do a twin build thread mate.

Ive been lookig into wether or not to stroke my engine, the problem im having is what bench mark i want power wise, cant make my mind if a wana got pre or post 400bhp lol.
Lol why not! I was in that dilemma, after reading through some build threads, 400 sounds nice but comes with alot of wrk. I'm hoping the gtx30 helps me get there! I thought stroker but tbh I couldn't be bothered for that lol! I'm not sure of the reliability of a 2.0 stroker, but I'm sure we can make some monster cars! Need a few more black BT cars on the forum, too many silver ones :p
Yeah far too many silver ones tbf lol.

If i went over 400bhp id be doing a 2.0l stroker lit as well, if i end up under 400 then ill either stay at 1.8 or poss goto 1.9l but well see what happens.
Lol why not! I was in that dilemma, after reading through some build threads, 400 sounds nice but comes with alot of wrk. I'm hoping the gtx30 helps me get there! I thought stroker but tbh I couldn't be bothered for that lol! I'm not sure of the reliability of a 2.0 stroker, but I'm sure we can make some monster cars! Need a few more black BT cars on the forum, too many silver ones :p

Nice ;) GTX30 should certinally see you into the 400's I've got GTX3071r to go on mine in the next few months if I get my **** in gear

I should hopefully be way up there soon with the silver cars, can definately do with some more black S3's with a bit of poke ;)
Thats what im going for! Ice been steadily reading your build thread, it's great mate! When you popping the gtx in?
Was hoping to drop it all in in the next week or two as my first littlen is due in four weeks but not had any overtime for nearly a month :(

All I need now is the crank and money to pay for the head work which will be carried out by Andrew (Andrew.A.L.D) then can slap it all together as got the funds for remap tucked away for ages and will get a refund on my Hayward and Scott downpipe ;)
Ah no worries bud! I like build threads like yours! Its good to read, especially if your doing it for yourself! Looking forward to you writing that up, sounds interesting! I was going to get my head ported from andrew too, i like his work! You staying with the standard inlet mani or are you uprating?
Cheers mate appreciate it :)

Have got a homebrew inlet Mani waiting to go on with an excessive plenum and Aeb largeport runners, it would be on there now but my current injectors don't fit in the seats so will have to wait till it's mapped on the bigger injectors with the new build ;)

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