E-Bay - I'm in trouble with the wife


Registered User
Jul 27, 2007
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It's all E-bays fault. There I was minding my own business poking about on E-Bay. Before I knew what happened I found the "buy it now" button had been caught (accidentally) and I had gone and purchased an oil catch tank, an M3 lip spoiler and a strut brace. I'm expecting to get shouted at about the same time the postman arrives:lmfao:
Alternatively have the parts sent to your workplace (if you're working), that way she won't find out.
Its a bit of a long shot but you couls find a wife that is not bothered what you spend your money on.....
jacko4130 said:
Its a bit of a long shot but you couls find a wife that is not bothered what you spend your money on.....

Good luck with that one! What's yours is hers and what's hers is her own!!!
LottieA3 said:
Hey! No fair. :asskicking: Thats not always the case. I like to think of me self as a "cool" wife.:cool:
Sorry Lottie, didn't mean to upset you! :sorry:

It works the other way too - a friend's just sold his missus' Mustang so he could have some money to buy a Kwak ZX7R! She not a happy lady!!
Road Razor said:
Alternatively have the parts sent to your workplace (if you're working), that way she won't find out.

I find negotiation works quite well. I bought my Coupe, in return we went shopping and Claire got some £250 sunglasses. Easy.
marriedblonde said:
I find negotiation works quite well. I bought my Coupe, in return we went shopping and Claire got some £250 sunglasses. Easy.

I love the equality there!!! I got grumbled at on Friday night when I proclaimed I was ordering some new running trainers costing £75, when i'd grumbled at her for buying a £40 pair of running trainers a few months ago just before she did a 10k race!! My arguement was that they're reduced from £100 & my existing trainers are making my knee's hurt now and also that im not getting the coat my mother gave me some xmas spending money for!! Its probably because of this that she didnt put out that night!!! Not to worry, the trainers arive tomorrow anyway!!!!
Never mind ebay ,i managed to buy a seat ibiza while i was in the pub on saturday night,try explaining that one to HTMBO !!!
I'm banned from ebay esecially after a drink LOL
There's one magic phrase...

"Spelling mistake in the listing love, I got it for 99p"

...Of course as my better half reads this forum I can't use that one now!


Well the catch tank turned up this morning (nice to be off work even if I am decorating). Looks pretty well put together but don't think the pipework will be up to much. Will sort some proper stuff out I think.


Picked this up as well at teh weekend. I'm surprised to say her indoors sense of humour was quite good but then she has just spent £500 on a new cooker.

Oranoco said:
Picked this up as well at teh weekend. I'm surprised to say her indoors sense of humour was quite good but then she has just spent £500 on a new cooker.
LOL!!! :) That's fantastic - and I bet she's delighted!!!
Thats one way of upgrading your sofa, a little different to the usual throw people go for!!!

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