Live presentations


I want your faulty electronics
Nov 24, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know bout you lot but as kid and most channels was turning off for the night I was left with shopping channels to watch (I don't sleep much).
The one thing I really enjoyed was the live presentations.
I knew that they could be fake, clever camera swaps or fake props but I never cared.
watching people set fire their hood (yes there was a lot of American shows) after they just polished it or knifes that would cut cans in half.

I've always enjoyed them but don't see that many any more and very to see them at shows (or have I missed something?).

When I was at AITP I walked over to the Bardahl stand to see DRMole and talk about his oils.
I noticed a random cog looking machine. I asked Darren and his counter point what it is. Its a demonstration device to show off the quality of their oil additives.
They turned the wheel on and pushed down some, engine quality steel I think that's it, on the spinning wheel to show how easy it is to stop the spinning wheel and the wear on the small lump of metal.
they did this show with oil, additive and water.
I was really impressed, there was almost no wear when compared to just oil, even mixed with water.
I'm happy I got this in my engine.

OK, I guess that was part a review on their product and part of me showing my enjoyment of presentations.

Am I the only one that enjoy such things and find them rare at shows?
I'm going to hunt one out at ADI, I hope they have one.
you should do my job mate, Last night i did a presentation to 15 adults in someones front room, I was not expecting that, talk about having butterlfys as they all piled in to hear what i had to show them, i was buzzing when i left with a handful of new accounts under my arm!