Wrong carriers for upgrade


Black and white a4
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
Portadown, Northern Ireland
Absolutely devastated. After a good fight with the carriers bolts, which I won BTW, tried my s4 calipers put the wheel back on and had about 5mm clearance.. Give or take. So I decided to try the calipers with the rotors. Put the rotors on. Fine. Secure them so they don't fall on me and grabbed the calipers.. Here's where s*** went downhill. Before the carriers reaches the mounting holes the carrier hits the rotor, which means the bloke that sold me those as s4 carriers for 345mm rotors either tricked me or didn't know what he had. My guess is they are for 320mm rotors. Back to hunting carriers again.. Anyone knows how to spot the difference between 320mm and 345mm carriers?
Rotors on.. Got so mad after this I even forgot to snap the clearance with the wheel on..
YOU need to put them NexT to each other and compare the mounting holes, they are further apart...
That's the only way of knowing which one is for 345mm rotors?
When I first bought these I didn't have any carrier to compare..

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The mounting holes are the same space apart

You need to look at the casting at the bottom inbetween the mounting holes the 320mm ones will more likely be flat where as the 345mm ones will be raised.

Let me find a picture so you know what i mean.
Right this is 288mm to 312mm differences on the earlier type carriers but same principal applies to the larger spaced carriers

IMG 1134
320mm carrier
You Doodle 2016 10 27T17 23 22Z

345mm carrier
You Doodle 2016 10 27T17 23 35Z

I no there not side by side but you can see the mountings are more curved on the 345mm compared to the more squared cast of the 320mm

Hope this helps.
I see what you mean..
And from what you say I definitely have 320mm carriers.

This information would be gold upon purchasing this..
Any idea where to get the right one?
And which a6 as the same carriers for the 347mm rotors?
I know I read this somewhere and wrote down the part number, but that was on my other phone that flipped on me which means I don't have it anymore..
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Only the S4 B6/B7 has 345mm carriers

The A4/A6/A8 cars with this style caliper are all 320mm.

The only other option i can see that may work is maybe using the carriers from a S3/Cupra R mk2 running the 345mm setup.
Ok.. The fella must have done some confusion as I am 100%sure I read it..
Does the s3 /cupra carriers fit a4?
I thought they were different..

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Fellas.. Need help..
I have all the parts just sitting here because I need the right carriers..
Where to find some..?
I don't care about the state of them because I'm sanding and painting them.. Just need the right ones in order to finally be able to upgrade my brakes..

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The A6 C6 model was supplied with 347mm fronts not sure if that carrier will work.
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You have those carriers with different calipers?
I'm positive you could do it if you have those carriers..

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But if you have the same carriers I'm looking for you should already have the same calipers as mine and possible the 347mm discs..
Could you post a picture of your brakes?

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