Welcome to our new events moderator in the South East


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Audi Main Dealer
Platinum Supporter
Sep 12, 2010
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Morning all South East members, just letting you all know we have a new events moderator. Many of you will probably know him his name is Chris (user kwistof) so would like to say a big welcome to him and im sure he will be organising some great events/meets for you all to enjoy. :) x
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Hi guys and girls....

As Sandra has mentioned above, my names Chris and I live in the very SE of the country near the Channel Tunnel. I'll be helping with organising meets and also letting you know what other events are going on in the SE that you may like to attend.

The majority of these events will be Audi/VAG related but as we have Goodwood, Brands Hatch and Lydden within the SE region, there are also other petrol head events that I'll post up in case you guys are not aware and would like to meet up and attend.

If you need any help with anything like this, or have any suggestions, then drop me a PM or throw something down on this thread :)

Apart from that, keep an eye out in this section and I'll look forward to the meeting a lot more of you and your motors (in the least creepiest way possible! Lol)


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Good luck in the role fella, look forward to the meets

Hi mate enjoy.......Just one thing though.....our Sandra runs a tight ship........You have been warned.......lol

Mmmm, think i may make you flashing pink cuz:) x
Good luck in the new post look forward to your posts as I live in the S.E.
Cheers people :)

Got a few plans for the section and events coming up....lets just hope the weather stays nice and warm for us down here.

Haha cheers for the heads up about Sandra, ill remember my Ps and Ts :D

Thanks all

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Evening all, just to let you know we have a new regional rep in your area. He will help Chris (kwistof) with meets in your area. So a big welcome to the team Alex (Alex_Wil) hope you enjoy your new role on the forum. :) x
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Evening all, just to let you know we have a new regional rep in your area. He will help Chris (kwistof) with meets in your area. So a big welcome to the team Alex (Alex_Wil) hope you enjoy your new role on the forum. :) x

Thank you Sandra. i already have something lined up for everyone so will be posting that now :)
So does anything go on over in the South. Seems very little at the moment.

Goodwood is great to meet for a chat over a coffee.

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