New series of Topgear.

I thought it was pretty good, only problem is I'm now starting to think I should have waited and got an F-Pace!
I actually enjoyed it.
Extra gear was good too
Yup, a thumbs up from me on last nights effort, think Leblanc is coming good.

+1 on the f pace..... Total beast of a machine.

It's on the never ending list
Missed the first 20-minutes of the second 'shouty/celebrity' episode; guess I'll never know what happened in them 20-minutes... :whistle2:
Didn't think much of the show last night. The only interesting part was when Jenson was driving the Mclaren. Haven't got around to watching third gear yet, will probably watch it at work tomorrow morning.
First show was rubbish. Just watching the second and it's better. Still not sure about Chris and what's all the celebrity appearances about. The star in a reasonably priced car is boring.

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Not a fan of Chris Evans, Jenson would be a good future host for TG in my opinion. Wasn't a fan of the trip they did in Africa. Not much info on the cars apart from the engine size's all covered up by reigning in 4 celebs to help with the antics.. Still better than the first show, maybe need to give it time
Quite enjoyed the second episode. If they can somehow gag Chris Evans the show could have some potential.
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If they gag Matt le plonk as well we be on to a winner. The new R8 is featured tonight so I will record that. :)
Chris Harris driving an F12 tdf on top gear:yellowrs4:what can be better?
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Finally got round to watching the third episode, as F1 was more important on Sunday!

Best episode by far! I enjoyed all the car reviews in this episode, and it was good to see 'Monkey' Harris on the main show doing a review, Rory wasn't too bad neither on the Focus RS to be fair. the fact that all the presenters was in this episode made it great in my opinion. Extra gear was ok this week, the main show was a better watch.

I think they they are finally getting the hang of it, Topgear is worth watching again, if they can keep on improving episode after episode.
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Agreed Jo. Hand over the actual driving and reviews to the others and keep Evan's only for the guests. Much better last night. Enjoyed all the segments apart from Star in a reasonably priced car slot. Wished they taken the Focus round the track and the Ferrari tdf. The less of Evan's works much better.
The show was pretty good this week, Chris Harris and Rory much better than Chris Evans. And the fact that Matt hardly spoke was good too.
IMHO they just need to ditch Evans and Le Blanc and keep Chris Harris, Rory and Sabine. Draft in a few extras like Jodi Kidd and David Coulthard. And also ditch Eddie Jordan.Pity they didn't have the Golf R or the S3 in that test along with the Focus and Merc.
Extra gear is a good add on, seems they are possibly trying to cover what Clarkson and Co are doing on Amazon which of course is internet only. It does get people who don't normally watch TV on the net going there. I am connecting the laptop to the telly to watch it on the big screen.
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That's very good news. Would still have liked the S3 and/or the GolfR in the test along side the Focus RS. Fairer fight.
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The films/inserts are good, especially with Reid and Harris doing them. The Star in a.... Part is utter mince. Evans at his worst! I actually don't mind Matt, he's much better than Evan's at commentary whilst driving. And the ultimate no no, a Top Gear presenter who chucks up when the going gets tough in a car.........that's just plain wrong.
Considering I was unsure about Matt, he seems to fit in quire well, but I've never like Chris and he's still not winning me over.

I agree star in a reasonably priced car is utter tripe, but I think all in all Top Gear has got the format totally wrong. It worked for Clarkson, but it doesn't for this cast.

They need to get rid of Evans and do a complete overhaul.

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I agree star in a reasonably priced car is utter tripe, but I think all in all Top Gear has got the format totally wrong. It worked for Clarkson, but it doesn't for this cast.
They should just take the guest slot from Extra Gear, move it to the main show and send them round the track. Which is pretty much the old format of the feature anyway.
They should just take the guest slot from Extra Gear, move it to the main show and send them round the track. Which is pretty much the old format of the feature anyway.

I haven't watched the extra channel. I'm not fussed on those sort of things. I'll have yo take a look.

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They just need to get rid of Eddie Jordan and it will be almost perfect - I never felt like he added anything worthwhile to the show.

I can't wait for the next season now!
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Tbh it needs the boys back otherwise it is just a matter of time before it is no more .....
Yep it's dead.
The haters have killed it off.
Enjoy the antiques roadshow and heartbeat on a Sunday.
(well Chris has ditched it and bailed out anyway)
Shame on all you moaners, you're not forced to watch cars on TV
I watched the 6th episode earlier today and enjoyed it. The viewing figures can't be that bad? I mean there's been Euro16 games on @8 on the other channel, what was BBC expecting?
They should promote Chris Harris to the main presenting role along with Rory and Sabine. Get rid of Matt LeBlanc and Eddie Jordan and bring in Viki Butler Henderson and Jason Plato. Job done .
The odd guest driver appearance from the likes of Jenson Button, Jolyon Palmer etc would go down well.
The viewing figures can't be that bad? I mean there's been Euro16 games on @8 on the other channel, what was BBC expecting?
I don't think the problem is viewing figures, so much as Evans seems to be pretty universally disliked on Top Gear. He was less and less prominent as the series went on for that reason.
People who want to watch the other three can do it on Amazon VOD service. I have Amazon Prime and will be watching those idiots in addition to the new TG. I always liked Harris and Reed - they bring TG into modern YouTube era of car reviews - always loved watching them on their respective channels before TG. At times, I enjoyed watching TG Extra more than the main show even! Rorry is great at engaging people through the screen and Chris is a legendary car geek - I love his videos. This one has got to be one his best:

LeBlanc for me was the biggest surprise - I was very skeptical at first, but he grew on me once they started to get him doing features without Evans. The two of them never seemed to work well together and after reading the gossip on their relationship off-screen, it makes perfect sense. Matt's review of the 911R was great - he clearly has a passion for cars and knows what he is talking about. Add to that the fact that he's a funny guy without even trying, just adds to it. I even think that his Stig intros are even better than Clarkson's were :)

The main difference for me is that the new main TG presenters and the old bunch is that the new guys (Harris, Reed and LeBlanc) seem to work like a collaborative group and there is no clear 'leader' as such and it was great to see the chemistry between them develop over the season. The old crew were mates for a very long time, but Clarkson was clearly the boss and was the one doing all the main features like interviewing guests and Stig intros, which was a bit rubbish to be honest as it felt like he was the star of the show and the others were there as support.

Anyway, some people hate the new TG (without really giving it a chance), others will like it and grow to love and enjoy it. All I care about is that we will have two great car shows to watch now and that can only be a good thing!
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