Merry Christmas

A merry yule tide to everyone and all that balls! Although I'm probably the only person sat on their computer right now looking on here! I'm full of food and drunk and wish my downpipes were here from the states! ****** xmas post.......I'm so lonely
I've not eaten yet, the missus doesn't get in til 7 :O((( Have to stay sober as well as I'm in charge of the menu.... Don't want to burn it!!!! Booze to follow later tho :O)
I'm the wrong side of (with family, of curse) two bottles of shampoo, two bottles of chateuneuf-de-pap two cases of carlsberg and sometihng else, that I forget.

Sitting here on the laptop while she-woman-cat-type-thing watches coro-******-nation street.
I'm the wrong side of (with family, of curse) two bottles of shampoo, two bottles of chateuneuf-de-pap two cases of carlsberg and sometihng else, that I forget.

Sitting here on the laptop while she-woman-cat-type-thing watches coro-******-nation street.

You think thats bad. Not drunk. Had a screwdriver in my hand all day building the kids toys and am now into my 2nd hour of Peppa Pig!!!
Merry Xmas!

Just finished watching Dr Who, and now having a quick browse of the net using my mobile as a (very slow) modem as the internet connection at the missus' parents is down...

Heading back down to my parents tomorrow for another dinner there then heading off to visit a mate on the west coast for the weekend, so lots of miles to do in the car!
Thankfully detonation street was banned by me as I was cooking, gave me some political leeway, depressedenders was also banned. I had to submit to the ice skating thingy but the 1/4 bottle of whiskey took the edge off that.

Tomorrow, balance will resume. Window to fix, window switch to replace, oil change, and dash bulbs to replace. I think I'll be be working up an appetite for Turkey meal Numero Dos....

MAC1403 I do feel for ya.... I don't think I have any kids but my collie dog has had way too much abnormal food and may get to sleep at around 5.15 am!!!!
Small piece of useless information, but I had a reefer on Coronation Street when we visited it way back when I was in college!
Merry Christmas everyone, I spent the day at me folk's house, eating and drinking to excess. Heads a bit fuzzy now mind!
Merry Christmas to you all. (belated)

Been a while, Matt!
You wouldn't by any chance still have "my" S4 exhaust system, would you?

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