Key programming


Registered User
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
North East
I have an 8P RS3 and I have gotten a blank 8V RS3 key which I would like to use instead. Now the keyblade is an easy switch over obviously but I no idea how/where to get it programmed.

The frequency of both the 8P and 8V keys are the same, and they have the same 3 button layout so presume it will ‘teach’ fine.

I can’t simply swap the guts out as the internal design is different (and better) in the 8V key.

Hope someone can point me in the right direction, cheers :)
I am an Auto Locksmith.
The 8V key will not program to the 8P car.
I can supply you internals for the 8V remote that will code in fine, as can most decent Auto Locksmiths. The transponder will swap over as will the blade with very slight modding.
I would suggest that you speak to a local Auto Locksmith who can sort you out properly.
I am an Auto Locksmith.
The 8V key will not program to the 8P car.
I can supply you internals for the 8V remote that will code in fine, as can most decent Auto Locksmiths. The transponder will swap over as will the blade with very slight modding.
I would suggest that you speak to a local Auto Locksmith who can sort you out properly.

What device do you recommend to do Auid Key Programming?