Its coming this Friday!


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Sep 2, 2012
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Just got an email saying I'll be recieving my A3 this Friday! :jump:
Got straight onto the phone to book a day off work XD
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So I took delivery of my A3 yesterday morning... two words..... LOVE IT! lol

Drove it pretty much all day yesterday, its a real head turner. The interior is lovely, the drive so much more comfortable than my previous car. The AMI system is really cool, the ride is great, having sports suspension was something I was skeptical about, I originally wanted s-line suspension but wasnt prepared to wait till next year for it, but I can safely say I'm glad I got sports suspension now.

There are a few nigs I have... one thing that I had to get used to was the steering on the vehicle, I find it simply too light. Coming from a power assisted steering to power steering you can really tell the difference.
The other is the electric parking brake, I was told that if the parking brake is on by driving off it will automatically come off by itself however it doesnt do that sometimes and I find I have to put the car into neutral again and then disengage the parking brake first.
Lastly, why the hell have Audi decided to go with a mechanical key in this day and age? I know theres an option to get keyless entry but I mean surely they could have made the electric key stock. Dont they do this on their A4's and up?
Oh wait I forgot the worst thing... A bird sh*t on my A3 the day I got it! :banghead:
I'll have some pics up sometime this week, really crap weather. Bear in my I dont have a digital SLR or anything fancy, Just my iPhone XD
lol I'll take some pics today and get them up later tonight
Lastly, why the hell have Audi decided to go with a mechanical key in this day and age? I know theres an option to get keyless entry but I mean surely they could have made the electric key stock. Dont they do this on their A4's and up?

You're right about this. The A4 and up have the slot for just pushing the key into the dash with the option of addint the Stop/Start Engine button and keyless entry for something stupid like £550!
There are a few nigs I have... one thing that I had to get used to was the steering on the vehicle, I find it simply too light. Coming from a power assisted steering to power steering you can really tell the difference.
The other is the electric parking brake, I was told that if the parking brake is on by driving off it will automatically come off by itself however it doesnt do that sometimes and I find I have to put the car into neutral again and then disengage the parking brake first.
Lastly, why the hell have Audi decided to go with a mechanical key in this day and age? I know theres an option to get keyless entry but I mean surely they could have made the electric key stock. Dont they do this on their A4's and up?

I'm waiting on delivery of my Misano Red A3 S-Line (just left the factory according to the dealer). The lack a more modern card type key system is a little annoying to say the least as I'm changing from an A4 with this feature and love it. The wife's Q3 is also stuck with a mechanical key :(

As for the electronic handbrake, I've found the intelligence of the newer handbrake system on the Q3 (and I assume the new A3) is a little more needy than I'm used to on the A4. On my A4 you can simply release the clutch and the handbrake will come off, whereas on the Q3 it needs a little throttle to release the brake.
Sorry guys the rain was pouring all day today so I didnt manage to get decent pics, I resorted to taking some quick snaps in the pump. I'll get some better ones up later this week if the weather is better.



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