Remote Start


Vorsprung Durch Technik
Sep 19, 2008
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Birmingham, UK
Does anyone have remote start on their cars?
also what do people think about the idea? is it a DIY job?
I haven't got one.

Bear in mind, most insurance companies may not give you insurance cover, as they frown upon any means of having the engine running, without you being the car.

Some insurance companies will even cancel your policy if you install a turbo timer.
hmmm. was just an idea as my mate has it on his M3, engine starts via remote but doors don't unlock unless you press the button to unlock.

would be great for the winter.
As per Sienna. Generally a pointless gimmick. Some insurers will remove the theft cover if it's fitted whether in use or not. It's also an office to leave a motor vehicle running while unattended
It's like those turbo timers. People rave about them and spend money on them. Far simpler method that achieves the same result. DON'T DRIVE LIKE A **** THE LAST FEW MILES HOME
yer, you'll actually find that most cars will actually get hotter sitting idling for 5 minutes than they would have if you had just driven sensibly for the last 5 minutes then shut the engine off.

When your driving along, the airflow thru the bay, rad etc all helps the cooling. When you stop, the temperature of the coolant, and therefore the oil, immediately begins to climb. Most cars could easily get from 90c to 100c with 5 mins idling, especially with a crammed bay on an S4 or similar. Even my old nova, used to register intake air temps of 50+ degrees when sitting in traffic on warm days, and it was only a little 1600.
Not to mention not being very good for the engine to be left idling when stone cold.

why not? how does this harm the engine?

i would have thought that if you let it warm up a little it's better then just start and drive.
Well the point is that the most damage is done when the motor is cold.

If you drive it, normally, you'll get it warm faster, because your generating a lot more power, and therefore reduce the time spent operating in the "danger zone".

However if you fire it up on the drive, and leave it ticking over, not only will it take much longer to get up to its proper operating temperature, but leaving any engine idling for any length of time isn't a good thing, and can cause bore glazing and the like.

Most manufactures will tell you not to let the car warm up at idle, and its most likely in the cars hand book too.
The days of letting cars idle to "warm up" are long gone.

Modern engines are fired up, and driven off IMMEDIATELY.
Its not good for any internal combustion engine to idle for prolonged periods, especially when cold, regardless of whether it has a catalytic converter or not.
I saw a Aston Martin v8 vantage running with no one in it at an airport once. It was probably because there batterys go flat if you leave them for a couple of days.
I saw a Aston Martin v8 vantage running with no one in it at an airport once. It was probably because there batterys go flat if you leave them for a couple of days.

You should have jumped in and moved it 50 yards up the road ;)

That'd have taught them a lesson.
ive had remote start on most of my cars and cant knock it, i still have it on my range rover purly to keep the batterys charged as i dont use it that much, its set to start the car charge the batterys and turn off again and if it gets too cold but thats not an issue in this country

its abit of a shock though when you hear a v8 with a straight through exhaust blubbing away on your drive way at 2oclock in the morning

as you can tell im a popular guy on my street lol
i bought a kit in canada for $100
took one look at the wiring diagram and though "feck that!"

it is pretty comprehensive with switches/sensors on everything from all doors and bonnet, clutch, gearstick, windows, handles etc etc. No way you could nick the vehicle any easier than if it was sitting there locked. soon as you open a door it stops with now way of starting without the key.
It is also rated for Cat 1 alarmed vehicles and fitted as factory option by all the major brands in North America.

Wish I had fitted it but it is not a DIY job unless you are seriously into your electrics....not for me, may get someone to fit it as I really hate scraping ice off the windows!
I personally prefer to brave the cold, start my car when I'm ready to go out, and drive straight off.

I know they have anti-theft facilities built in, but insurance companies still don't like them.

In some states in the US, they're actually illegal to fit to any automobile. What ever happened to the days before remote start kits appeared on the market? I'm sure folk coped pretty well with cold, and flat batteries.
In some states in the US, they're actually illegal to fit to any automobile.

Its illegal to leave any car running unattended in this country too, and i'm sure its illegal to leave it idling while parked, even if your in it.

"The Driver and the Environment. You MUST NOT leave a parked vehicle unattended with the engine running or leave a vehicle engine running unnecessarily while that vehicle is stationary on a public road. Generally, if the vehicle is stationary and is likely to remain so for more than a couple of minutes, you should apply the parking brake and switch off the engine to reduce emissions and noise pollution. However it is permissible to leave the engine running if the vehicle is stationary in traffic or for diagnosing faults."

Thats highway code rule 123.

As i say, its bad for the engine, and could net you a nice fine, not to mention wasting petrol. If its a bit cold, stick a pair of gloves on for the first 5 minutes of driving until the car warms up.
What ever happened to the days before remote start kits appeared on the market? I'm sure folk coped pretty well with cold, and flat batteries.

same thing they did before they had heated front screens, heated seats and heated sterring wheels...they froze
ive never had any problems and mines the clifford one on all my cars and they have been availible for years in this country
I got a fixed penalty on my old car , i was eating my breakfast and watching it out of the window when a copper pulled up , i shut down the engine but she slapped a ticket on and drove off. She must of had it ready already hiding out of sight or something . I could either go to court or just pay it . I just payed it and havent done it since .

However i now have private of road parking and have fired it up a few times to warm up a bit before i put my baby in it but now i hear its bad i dont do it anymore.
i still have it on my range rover purly to keep the batterys charged as i dont use it that much, its set to start the car charge the batterys and turn off again and if it gets too cold but thats not an issue in this country

Sorry but thats just stupid. If you want to keep the batteries charged, then hook a battery charger up to the mains. Its better for the batteries, better for the engine, better on your pocket, doesnt **** off your neighbours, etc

It would take about 10-20mins of idling the engine just to put back the charge used to actually start the motor in the first place, so unless your letting it run for a LONG time (like an hour) your not actually doing very much, and if you were letting your truck idle for an hour in my street at 2am, which you seem to think is funny, i'd be putting a set of garden shears thru your HT leads.
Sorry but thats just stupid. If you want to keep the batteries charged, then hook a battery charger up to the mains. Its better for the batteries, better for the engine, better on your pocket, doesnt **** off your neighbours, etc

It would take about 10-20mins of idling the engine just to put back the charge used to actually start the motor in the first place, so unless your letting it run for a LONG time (like an hour) your not actually doing very much, and if you were letting your truck idle for an hour in my street at 2am, which you seem to think is funny, i'd be putting a set of garden shears thru your HT leads.

did i say i left it running you stroppy *****? i turned it off straight away and its only happend once in 2 years so put your rattle back in your pram and go play with your building blocks like a good little boy:asskicking:

it does what i want from it so im happy with it
oo...see this has got interesting.

Perhaps you could tell the black cab driver who parks outside my house doing airport pick ups at 5am that he is ******* me off.
diesel idling is way noisier.
There's a difference between a cabbie driving into the street and picking someone up and a vehicle being left idling for a length of time though...

But ye, if the cab was out there idling for a stupid length of time and waking me up, i'd be telling him to turn it off.

tel: Stroppy ***** maybe, however your the one that seemed to be annoying folk. You didnt specify in your post that its only happened once, the way it was written suggested it happened more often. I'm just telling it like it is. If its a one off, then fair do's, but if someone was waking me up in the middle of the night, repeatedly, then i'd be having words, and if they didnt stop it, then i'd stop it for them.
yea maybe i should of written it clearer as it was a 1 off the point,what i was trying to put across is that i thought someone was trying to steal it as its the last thing you expect to hear at 2am
yep i can imagine!

I'm rebuilding a Defender myself, all too aware of how ludicrously easy to steal they are!

I've bought an Audi V8 for it though, and if all goes to plan i'll have the proper Audi transponder immobiliser working in it, which should massively improve the security over land rover's offerings.
hmm i like the idea of a audi v8 defender what gear box are you going to use?

thats why i went for the clifford with all the bells and whistles on mine as ive spent the last year rebuilding mine and would be gutted to see it go missing
just get a FIA kill switch and stick it somewhere difficult to find.
certainly slows down any theif and its a trick a lot of farmers use on there vehicles.
cheap and easy to fit and work very well
Gonna use an R380, just need to cross the fingers and hope it stays in one piece :p

People run 300hp rover engines on them, and stupidly tuned TD5's and they seem to handle it though, so i think we'll be fine.

The Audi V8 cost me £500 plus delivery. A rover motor would be similar money, but would be half dead. Audi unit is shorter, but wider, and makes 300hp out the box, so seems to be pretty good value to me!

My next task is to get the chassis rolling, and then knock up an adaptor between the R380 and the Audi lump.

jcb: Aye might do that as well. but i figure if i'm using the proper ECU, it'd be rude to bypass the immobiliser thats already built in.
got ya mating the box and engine will be the hardest part it you can get that right then it should be plain sailing making engine mounts etc
Plan is to get an audi box, cut the bellhousing flange off, and cut the flange off the R380, then mill them both down to the right height, sandwitch a plate of alloy between the two and weld them together.

Just on the lookout for a cheap audi box in the mean time.
plenty of rover V8 engined cars dying that would be free donors.
my mate built a series 1 on a Range Rover chassis with a V8 from an SD1 (rebuilt) running delorto carbs. got the SD1 for free
must have been putting out well over 300bhp, looked like a crappy series1. very stealth, coaught a few range rovers out on the motorway!
you need to do a LOT of work to get a rover v8 anywhere near 300hp tbh

The old SD1 engines make about 150hp, and even the very last of the 4.6 units fitted to range rovers only made about 220hp.
he did.
high compression oversized pistons Think it went to 3.75l, can't remember TBH, massive amounts of head work, oversized valves, cams, stright through exhausts etc etc
I think a lot of modern cars will not start unless the key is in the ignition due to the coil around the keyslot needs to see the key in the immediate vicinity, no way to bypass that, unless you tape a key to the inside of the steering column

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