Pro Detail


Well-Known Member
It's my birthday
May 14, 2015
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Ill be collecting my S3 in early October and I'm getting a pro detail. I've told Audi Newcastle to leave all the transport wrap on etc as I don't want them to machine polish or touch the paint work. Once collected I'll be taking it straight to the detailer to carry out his business, he is also putting the ceramic coating on also. Has anyone done the same or any advice ?
Mike, I am picking up my S3 on Friday. I have asked the dealer to take off what they need to take off for PDI but not to wash it or polish it. I was told that they need to take all the wrappers off and at least pressure wash it to check for defects and if I ask them not to do that then I would be asked to sign a disclaimer saying that I was happy with the car's condition. There is no way I am doing that so i have agreed they can take the wrappers off and hose it. I will be having it pro detailed when I get it back home - after a 300 mile drive home and 3 or 4 days' driving after that.
Good stuff mate. Ok, that sounds reasonable. I'm not to concerned on keeping the wrappers on to be honest. I just don't want it washed to scratch it and machine polished to put swirls in. The detailer I'm using said that's the best way to have the car before detail otherwise they would have to add a further £150 to machine it right. I'll call the dealer at a later date to say what you have mentioned above. After the issues I've already had with paint on my S1 I don't want any other problems. @sixlargebeers

Collected on Friday as planned. There were a number of other people picking up cars when i was there and to be fair the finishes looked pretty good. The dealer I bought from (Coventry) use an outside company to do their pre-collection valeting and they appear to do a good job. Nevertheless I was happy that mine had just been hosed and no polishing or other treatments applied. It did mean there were some water marks etc after it dried from the pressure washer wash and one or two mud splashes behind the wheels form the journey to and from the PDI centre in Rugby.....being totally OCD I am glad they didn't dry it after the wash. I will be fascinated to hear my pro detailer's assessment of the condition of the paint before he starts. It's booked in with him on Wednesday and I expect to get it back on Thursday night.

As for the car - wow, just wow.....we had a party today for my daughter's 14th birthday and I lost count of the guests (a lot of whom care not a jot about cars) commented on how fab the S3 looked.....happy boy !!
Haha very good to here, I can't wait to get mine another month or so yet but I'll just enjoy the S1 for a little while longer ha. What exactly did you request from Audi for them not to touch it. I've been talking to my guy and he's aware that under no circumstance does the car get polished washed etc. He also said that it's not uncommon to here this from customers and another S3 owner requested the same two weeks ago. Your more than welcome to send pics.
Thought I had posted a reply last night but doesn't appear to have happened...:( I simply asked the dealer to ensure that only the transport wrappers were removed. It was agreed that they would just pressure wash it as mentioned above so that they could inspect. The main thing (as you have identified) is not to have any washing or polishing done and you have clearly spelled that out.

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