New Job CV


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Apr 27, 2009
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Well, time for a new job.Having been retired from a 30 year career Id never needed to have one.Nightmare.Didnt have a clue.30 years ago all i needed to do was spell my name and bend over in front of the quack (!).Id researched on the net how to etc, and after a week of buggering about gave up.My mate told me about a company that does it for you
CV Writing Services from The CV Centre

So I gave it a go.**** easy, and brilliant.Really quick and im set to go.So chuffed with it, hope it helps others who cant be ***** to do thier own or who have never done one.Worth every penny
Interesting! I've never considered one, but I'm about to start applying for jobs as I'm coming to the end of a stint of education so may have to look as I feel my cv is slightly lacking somehow. It's hard to know what's interesting and relevant for an employer.

Or you should send me your cv and I'll copy my details onto it :p just kidding.
LOL.Was really impressed with them.Didnt recognise myself.Had to leave out juanking, socks, fried knickers and glory holes though.Didnt go down very well.....
Well, you clearly weren't applying for the right jobs if you had to leave them key phrases out!

Good luck with the job hunting!
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You looking for a job mate??

Good luck with the search :)
In a similar boat, just been made redundant from a job i've been doing with my eyes closed for nearly 15yrs. Not a clue on how to write a CV! This will help a lot, so thanks for sharing!
No probs....dont bother ordering the copies of the cv, as you can print these off yourself if you go with the cv centre, ut thier cv and covering letter is excellent
About two years ago, I applied for a big promotion at work. Although internal, external recruiters were used for the initial selection stages, and they insisted on applicants submitting CVs. So at the age of 49, I set about writing one for the first time ever. Using various online guides, all of which stressed the importance of keeping it short and simple, I managed to condense a quarter of a century of employers' lack of appreciation for my genius - and the resulting serial under-achievement - onto a page and half of A4.

I got the promotion, and one of the skills for which I have become renowned in the new role is the ability to precis very long and detailed arguments and conclusions into short, compact narratives. So I guess the CV helped.
The CV that they did was nothing like I would have done.I would have waffled and put loads of irrelevant stuff in.The one they did really is impressive, and they know what the employers want.They reckon that each cv is only looked at for 30 seconds on the paper sift.
The CV that they did was nothing like I would have done.I would have waffled and put loads of irrelevant stuff in.The one they did really is impressive, and they know what the employers want.They reckon that each cv is only looked at for 30 seconds on the paper sift.

Yup, spot on. I hope it goes well for you.

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