Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined: Apr 2010

No, but i also started watching the Dr. Deagle videos, that guy is crazy. (Not neccessarily saying that he is wrong, but just the stuff he says.) I was hooked watching him. Need more time to watch them though. What are your opinions on it all? I take it you're a believer in the conspiracies?
There is so much going on around us that we are not let in on, Do i Believe in it all, no, i take it all with a pinch of salt, but remember there is no smoke without fire, regardless of what religion you are , if you have one, it always tells you to be ready for any event, not bad advise in today's world, should a soloar storm hit the earth at the middle of 2011 to the end of 2012 as stated by the BBC and other media outlets and all electrical power is lost for a few years, I for one will be ready and prepared to feed my family, no electric = no water being pumped into your house, you see how fast water in the shops runs out in 24hrs,