help resetting service indicator light


Registered User
Oct 21, 2014
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I posted this yesterday but have been informed it was in the wrong forum. I hope this is the right one.


I've been trawling the internet for hours looking for answers...

I have a 2012 audi a3 cab (old shape) its pretty basic and doesn't have an onboard computer. I let the service over-run by 2 days, it counted down from 14 and once it got to the 18th the spanner just stayed lit and beeped when I turned it on and off.

It's been serviced by a garage where my dad works - he has all the gadgets but now it's resetting to "-3" any ideas? any help would be much appreciated.

I'm pretty sure it won't over last year too and we didn't have an issue.

Its obviously not resetting properly when you say he has all the tools, which ones.

VCDS will reset, but given its an 2012 it may need manually resetting in the software, instead of using the sri feature to do automatically.

I'm not certain but it'll be the same gadget he used last year which reset it properly at the time. the spanner just flashes for a bit then stays on and beeps every time i turn the engine on and off.
Hi, thanks for your message. Yeah I've tried that, just tried again. the spanner symbol is there all the time, when i pull button 2 it goes through from -5 (5 days after service due date) the oil etc, if i pull it again it says "p/2". any ideas?