Extra Alarm Siren


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Dec 29, 2010
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Extra alam siren
Can you add a additional siren to the factory fitted siren.
The factory fitted unit on my a4 cab is not loud enough, i bought an after market battery back up siren unit and wanted to know how or if you can add an extra unit without causing problems with the factory unit.
The new unit only has 3 wires, positive, negative and trigger.
Any help would be great
you could wire air horns up if you want it super loud
The Audi Siren uses 3 wires 1.=+12v, 2.=0v, 3.=Communications with Convenience module.
You would need to break open the Audi Siren and find the trigger signal for the actual siren circuitry and then buffer that and feed it to your additional siren - not impossible but not the easiest of jobs.
The Audi Siren uses 3 wires 1.=+12v, 2.=0v, 3.=Communications with Convenience module.
You would need to break open the Audi Siren and find the trigger signal for the actual siren circuitry and then buffer that and feed it to your additional siren - not impossible but not the easiest of jobs.

This question has been asked many times over the years, and AFAIK nobody has posted that they've achieved it.
if its hard work to get wired why not buy a cheap aftermarket alarm and wire that in
Move the siern to the engine bay.

Will be much louder then, than being trapped in a tiny cubby hole in the corner of the interior.

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