Surely it's a V8 though eh?! Either way shoe horn it in mine!! That's what a Barclay Card is for at the end of the day.
it has two stealth cylinders in the boot....
i think the 40v engines are much harder to fit to the B5 than the 32v ones, cant quite mind why, maybe they're wider or something?
I know.. take the rear seats out and shift everything back about 300mm to make room for the extra two cylinders! Easy as that.

Anyone any good at welding? lol
The engine isnt any longer than a 1.8T afaik, so it doesnt really need to move back unless you want to.

Its just that the 40v cylinder heads on the RS4 motor (well on all the newer V8's) are different enough from the 32v heads to cause some problems installing them into a B5.
The later 32V FSI engines are slightly shorter than earlier 32 / 40V versions.
This is due to the camshaft drive set-up.

The FSI runs timing chains, and at the back of the engine, rather than the regular front-mounted belt, so a bit of length was saved there.

The earlier 32 and 40V motors are the same length, with the 40V one being only marginally wider at the exhaust manifold area.

All the V8's ARE longer than the 1,8T's.
The engine isnt any longer than a 1.8T afaik, so it doesnt really need to move back unless you want to.

Its just that the 40v cylinder heads on the RS4 motor (well on all the newer V8's) are different enough from the 32v heads to cause some problems installing them into a B5.

Sorry.. I meant for the two extra stealth cylinders (V10) lol
Ah i'm forgetting the RS4 is FSI and hence 32v again.

Was the RS6 motor a 40V non-FSI unit?

As for the length, the measurements i was given had the engine at something like 510mm from bellhousing to crank nose, which is shorter than a vauxhall XE, and seen as the block was originall based on what was basically two golf GTI blocks merged together then surely the V8 block is no longer than the 1.8T?
Maybe from the bellhousing to crank pulley, yes.

But from the most protruding rear part - the throttle body, to the fan assembly at the front, it's a fair bit longer than a 1,8T.
aye perhaps, but then i was thinking about it in terms of how far forward it sits in the chassis compared with a 1.8t and i suspect that it should sit in the same place? There is quite a gap between the bulkhead and rockercover on a 1.8T B5 so i susepct there would be enough room for the TB in there, especially as i think the V6 TB sits back there too.

Are any front panel mods required to fit the early V8? i wouldnt think so?
The TB / intake plenum on the later V8's is very different to that on the V6 - it overhang's the cylinder head / block a fair bit.

The early V8 (PT / ABH) had a different intake design, the throttle body was located at the front, and had less overhang, making the overall length shorter.
saw this engine the other day.....going in a throttle bodied kit car.
another post reminded me.
yes, but I mean this exact engine.
its currently in my engineer's workshop for some "treatment"!

last engine I saw him working on were a 3.0l RS4 V6 and a an ex works WRC engine! should be interesting.
Its been stripped of all EFI equipment, injector ports welded up, goingto be fitted with 8 direct to head independant throttle boddies for use in a fibreglass kit car.....
anyone think the replies to the questions asked are somewhat... repetitive? another nigerian perhaps?
stupid questions if you ask me
I think he's suggesting that the badly written article and shady pics coupled with the crappy answers might mean the whole auction is a scam.

I think that seen as jcb says he's see the exact motor, its more likely that the guy writing the auction was somewhat illiterate. The questions as to what the motor comes with arent really all that stupid to me? His answer doesnt really make it any clearer though...

"no its just the engine, it has got the starter,alternator,aircon pump and powerstearing pump have all been sold separate so just class as an engine block, will include the car loom, ecu, clocks,and key all in with the sale i have also got a gearbox"

So in the one sentence he says, its just the engine, that it has the anciliaries AND that the anciliarys have been sold, that its just a bare block, but comes with the car loom, ecu, clocks etc... and that he has the gearbox too...

Makes no ****** sense to me!

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