'Enable Gear Selection in DIS' not working?


Well-Known Member
VCDS Map User
Jul 6, 2012
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Hi Guys,

Recently purchased my A4 B8 2.0TDi BE and have been enabling some features in it with VCDS.

I wanted to set the DIS to display the Gear I'm in for both S and D, so I followed this:

Enable Automatic Gear selection shown in DIS

[02 Auto Trans] [Adaptation 10]
Select €œSingle Gear Display€ from top channel drop down menu
Select €D on/S on€ from New value drop down menu

After setting the above, I can see the gear selection for S but it won't display for D. I tried turning it off in VCDS and put it back on but still it won't display for D, only S!?

Any ideas why?
Did you ever get this working? I am trying on my 2011 A4 and its not. VCDS site says to press 'do-it' a few times for it to work but I have tried multiple times and the DIS still just says D.
Never did get it working.

Only managed to get it to work on S but not D.