decisions, should I learn to ride a motorbike


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Feb 4, 2015
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learned to drive back in 2011 and it has been one of my best decisions of my life, now how ever I'm pondering if I should learn to ride a bike, it might just be a phase haha, my fiancee dosnt want me to my grandparents don't want me to they all say it's to dangerous, im not after a mega fast powerful sport bike I want something to cruise on like a harley Davidson or something, as u can probably tell I'm clueless when it comes to bikes, now I know there's bikers on this forum, what has your experience been like riding bikes what do i need to do to get started CBT etc, and just general pros and cons if possible, would love to hear back, thanks.

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Yes best thing I did. I find it's other road users that can be the issue for your safety. It makes you a better driver with more spacial awareness.
Best thing is visit some local riding schools and see if they do a taster session then you can see if it suits as can get expensive if you bought the gear then didn't fancy it.
Where you based.
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Yes best thing I did. I find it's other road users that can be the issue for your safety. It makes you a better driver with more spacial awareness.
Best thing is visit some local riding schools and see if they do a taster session then you can see if it suits as can get expensive if you bought the gear then didn't fancy it.
Where you based.
I have been looking on the internet and what not on how to get started and there is a riding school literally just up the road from me, was going to go and enquire when I get the chance, I live in nuneaton near coventey.

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Ok. If you were nearer to Notts I would of recommended a team up this way.
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Ok. If you were nearer to Notts I would of recommended a team up this way.
ok no worries, I'll do my research and make a decision that way, thanks for the reply.

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Nathan, go for it. Don't ever let anyone decide for you. A tester before the cbt us great idea. Being a car driver is a good starting point, you know about awareness already, it will make you appreciate how vulnerable it is riding a motorbike, but what a buzz. Yes I did my cbt last year, amazing experience. :) x
Nathan, go for it. Don't ever let anyone decide for you. A tester before the cbt us great idea. Being a car driver is a good starting point, you know about awareness already, it will make you appreciate how vulnerable it is riding a motorbike, but what a buzz. Yes I did my cbt last year, amazing experience. :) x
I know a few people who ride bikes and they all say it's a great buzz, I just don't want my family worrying about me every time I go out, I'm an extremely sensible driver and always take into consideration other road users, I'll be having a long think about it, it's something that I've wanted to do for a while now, defiantly go for a taster course I think, thanks for the reply :)

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I know a few people who ride bikes and they all say it's a great buzz, I just don't want my family worrying about me every time I go out, I'm an extremely sensible driver and always take into consideration other road users, I'll be having a long think about it, it's something that I've wanted to do for a while now, defiantly go for a taster course I think, thanks for the reply :)

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Always think it through. Nothing to stop you doing the test and never having a bike. :)
would like to add I'll still be driving my much loved A3 on the daily :) bike would be sort of a weekend/guilty pleasure sort of thing almost. :)

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Always think it through. Nothing to stop you doing the test and never having a bike. :)
fair point, i'll keep that in mind :)

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I'd say it depends why you want to ride a bike and whether or not you'll get the use out of it.

I had a motorbike for commuting to work as I could get through all the traffic on it, I know people who've had them for fun and have gone out in groups with them and all sorts but that kind of thing was never really something that interested me and now I've moved closer to work I'll be selling mine.

They are very dangerous but from my experience it's more other drivers you need to worry about than yourself.
I think everyone should have a go. I took up biking at 28, initially as an "I've got to see what it's like" thing. Loved it and was still riding bikes like a Triumph Daytona well into my 50s. Eventually, back problems put a stop to it, or I'd still be at it now.
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