Audi s3 wheel bearing


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Apr 6, 2016
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I thinking I'm going to have change my wheel bearings soon as I'm getting a pretty loud 'rotational' humming noise when I hit around 70mph. Bit it doesn't change when I steer right or left...
I have just got 4 new tyres Toyo tr1s but I don't think it's these as the steering is still nice and straight (if not better then before).

Which all leads me to wheel bearings...but I don't know which one as it just stays the same humming noise whether I'm going straight or turning right and left.

Has anyone else got any ideas of what it could be or other ways to diagnose the problem?

And can anyone point me to the right place to get these from as I can find all models of a3 but never s3.

Any advice would be great!
The one to wear first usually is nearside as it takes more punishment from drain covers clipping kerbs and the like. Might as well change both as they are relatively cheap.
I was planning to change both, but i cant work out whether its the front or rear. Do rear ones go very often?
Fronts usually wear earlier, Find a passenger who's willing to hang out of each window in turn, he may be able to pinpoint the source.
sister in law has exactly same problem still unsure wether or not its bearing . seem to "feel" a vibration through passenger side footwell .only at around 60mph +
also found that some of the cheaper bearings dont cure the problem where as an original vag part does.

been like this for over 8 months by now i would have thought it to get progressively worse but it hasn't
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I thinking I'm going to have change my wheel bearings soon as I'm getting a pretty loud 'rotational' humming noise when I hit around 70mph. Bit it doesn't change when I steer right or left...
I have just got 4 new tyres Toyo tr1s but I don't think it's these as the steering is still nice and straight (if not better then before).

Which all leads me to wheel bearings...but I don't know which one as it just stays the same humming noise whether I'm going straight or turning right and left.

Has anyone else got any ideas of what it could be or other ways to diagnose the problem?

And can anyone point me to the right place to get these from as I can find all models of a3 but never s3.

Any advice would be great!

If it happened right after you had new tyres put on are you sure that they have balanced one of the wheels properly?
Bearings are one possibility.

The other is the tyres.
The R1R , R888 and R888R all hum noticeably at various speeds depending on which tyre you're using.

I've used all of those and can vouch for the noise!....the R888R is probably the best in terms of noise but as you've just changed they wouldn't be an option.
I've got Toyo tr1s. I was thinking it was wheel balancing but want to cross out the bearing idea first before I take it back to the place who put the tyres on.

The noise is getting progressively worse now so I think I'm just gunna change the bearings and hope they are the problem.

Can someone please tell me a good place to get them from at a good price as I'm having difficulty.
I ask because I had a similar thing my 4 new tyres had only done a few hundred miles but I swapped them over from a mates car and the noise was gone. 4 new non directional low noise rating tyres fitted and all quiet
Yes they are directional tyres. They are toyo tr1 proxys.

They noise only starts to happen after I have driven for 10 mins or so aswell.

If I start driving and go straight up to 70mph there's no noise. Then after 10mins or so the noise will start building up.

It's getting rather annoying now and I have no clue what it is!
Bearings are one possibility.

The other is the tyres.
The R1R , R888 and R888R all hum noticeably at various speeds depending on which tyre you're using.

I've used all of those and can vouch for the noise!....the R888R is probably the best in terms of noise but as you've just changed they wouldn't be an option.

I have all of them and never heard any "hum". Perhaps something to do with the exhaust and induction noise blocking it out :sm4:
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I think im going to have to get new wheel bearing all round just for peace of mind.

i have done my research and and got... 1K0 498 621 as the front wheel bearing assembly and cant find the rear.

can someone let m know if this is the correct part number or let me know what the oart numbers are im looking for (2009 audi s3 8p)


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