A Couple of videos for you :o)


Registered User
Jul 16, 2003
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Just finished these from a load of old footage I have

One of them the Auditribute I have done before but much less quality. These two are brilliant.

1st video: This is of Walter Rohl going through the Portugese rally section. Watching this you can see why group B was banned, jus look at the crazy bystanders. Also check out the footwork. 18mb WMV file: click here

Well this is my famous Audi GRP B tribute vid redux lol
no music, no soundtrack, just the roar and chirping of these now banned Group B cars. I suggest you just turn the speakers up 21mb WMV file click here
A couple of classics and a great reminder of the Audi heritage ...

Superb soundtrack on the second video and astounding footwork in the first. You can spot the 'heel n toe', if you're quick.
