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  1. A

    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Mine shipped last friday, arrived last saturday and will be picked up this saturday. Soooo those of you waiting if its on a ship today / tomorrow you may get it on xmas eve at a push?
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Update on my delivery chaps (A6 Black Ed) But should give an idea of delivery time. Car arrived in the Uk on saturday morning on african highway (Grimsby - 11:30am). The car was confirmed in the compound yesterday, will be delivered to my dealer today and will be collected on saturday at...
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Same here Pederson - i'll let you know what my dealer says... {"orderStatus":"40","statusDate":"2016-12-13T01:07:03+0000"}, {"orderStatus":"39","statusDate":"2016-12-10T01:07:25+0000"}, {"orderStatus":"30","statusDate":"2016-12-06T01:07:08+0000"}...
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Good to hear it mate! My dealer seemed adament that he could confirm a delivery date as soon as it hits the compound. he even went as far to say he's not in on Saturday so it would have to be someone else's handing the car over. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Nearly there... nearly...
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Sooo... Out of the blue, Audi called. Confirming the car is in the uk at the port (grimsby). It is yet to be checked into the compound, which doesnt happen over the weekend. However, he's hopefull that will happen today, with pick up being arranged for the weekend! He has already raised an order...
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Still at status 39 this morning as expected, although I'm certain it's off the boat and in Grimsby. Let's hope they get them checked in today. Any joy with yours Pederson?
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    True, I hadn't reckoned on customs. That being said, I imagine they've got a pretty good system in place getting the cars through. I'll let you know my status in the morning. Great to hear yours found itself on a boat, felt a bit guilty when mine sailed off for grimsby. I fear the dealer will...
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    No update on mine today Pederson, still sat at status 39. Although, as African highway has now left Grimsby, so I'm hoping for an update tomorrow. Then it'll be on the phone to the dealer!!! The process has been rapid for me so far, I just hope the uk car transporter companies aren't the weak...
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    My collection is Lincoln, so its only an hour away from grimsby. Dealer seems pretty proactive so hopefully he'll get it tracked down and delivered asap. Perhaps even next weekend? We shall see... Seems a bit of a lottery with the ships pal. Although, as i say, mine was only at the port for 3...
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Just checked my status. I'm now at 39! so my previous post was correct, my motor is onboard the African Highway arriving at around 11:30 this morning (Grimsby)! Car was only at the port for 3 days! A pre-Christmas pick up is looking possible!!.
  11. A

    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    African Highway left emden this afternoon on route to grimsby, stuffed full of german motors... I hope mine is on board - 3 hours to my update.....
  12. A

    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    No change on mine ether mate. Still status '38'. Not sure where the african highway is off to, but it looks like it's on the sheerness run. I need a grimsby boat, which i believe left grimsby last night and is due in emden later today. That will be my next chance i believe.... Do they ship over...
  13. A

    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    He said his system says its at the 'Port of Exit' so Emden... I guess its a race now till the christmas delays kick in :-/ Mine went into the panel shop last thursday, so its taken a week to get built and up to Emden. Again, im kind of hihghjacking this thread as im awaiting an A6, so your...
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    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    EMS HIGHWAY seems to be doing the Emden - Grimsby run. Literally arriving at grimsby now.... Now get unloaded and go and pick mine up!
  15. A

    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Mine has been tracking the same as yours, albeit not an S3. Mine now reads as follows; "orderStatus":"38","deliveryDealerCode":"*****","orderHistory":[ {"orderStatus":"30","statusDate":"2016-12-06T01:07:08+0000"} Dealer has confirmed its at the port too, although hes saying 4weeks for...
  16. A

    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    Hi all, after an extremely dissapointing call with my dealer i've popped on here for some moral support. Yesterday, my car showed as being in quality control. I received a call from the dealer saying it was due to be built this week. I told him it was actually built last week as i have been...