Search results for query: broker

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  1. Jay.Ing

    Broker or Dealership?

    So im after buying a new A3 Sline Sportback Black edition, so my question is Broker or dealership? Has anyone got an experience with a broker? Would you use them again? whats the best broker to go with? Any discounts offered from being a member on here? Any insights appreciated!
  2. smk82

    broker printouts

    How does everyone here who has used broker figures to negotiate with dealers printed them out? I ask because a lot of the brokers are set up so you can't print out (i.e. so you can't railroad them), and you can get a written quote for £40 or so! (no thanks). Only method I can think of is print...
  3. oldlaw

    Cheapest new car broker?

    As the title says, thinking about buying a new car from a broker rather than a stealer.
  4. farmerpalmer

    Broker dealer

    after a few test drives, i have decided that my next car will be a s3 saloon. i have got some quotes from various brokers ( DTD, C2C, carfile, Carwow). The best discounts at the moment are DTD /C2C (11%), and as my local dealers do not see interested in offering any discount, i will be ordering...
  5. s33nyboy12

    Selling my car any advice ? Broker?

    Selling my car... any recommendations? Broker? Hi , as I look for my next car the time is fast approaching to sell my current RS5. Can anyone here recommend a broker or buyer to help me avoid the nightmare of muppets and time wasters coming to my house. I’ve tried a few places online and...
  6. F

    Insurance broker with drink driving conviction

    ...conviction (IN10 on the record as well, that one was an honest mistake and no penalty as a result). Any recommendations for an insurance broker that might be able to help someone in my circumstances? Car is a 2008 S-line A4 2.0 TDI. Full profile: 22M, 1 incident on record, DR10 and IN10...
  7. J

    Buying car via broker - delivery/handover question

    ...via drivethedeal or orange wheels etc do you still get a car handover like some members have - I've seen pictures with sheets etc. Reason I'm asking is I've never bought a new car via a broker do you only get this service if you buy via a local dealer? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using...
  8. W

    Buying A New FL S3 Saloon - Thinking Of Using A Broker?

    ...fallen head over heals in love with it. I thought picking the car was the easy bit but my friend informed me I can make mega savings using a Broker. So I've had a little scout on here and found a couple of companies that have the S3 on their list. Carwow and Orange Wheels, has anyone ever...
  9. Alistair D

    Insurance broker policy cancellation costs

    It's that time of year again, hunting for the best Car Insurance Policy. I went through a comparison web site and chose One Call Insurance, which offered me a policy from Axa, after doing the deal I changed my mind on the same day and phoned One Call to cancel the policy they told me there was...
  10. RossR

    Cancel dealer order and go to broker?

    I've had a dealer order in place for a month now. To be honest I didn't get a great discount. At the time I didn't mind paying for what I expected to be a smoother process and the Audi PCP rate made it look comparable to drivethedeal's offer. Since then I've been repeatedly disappointed by...
  11. Sandra

    Word Association Game .. . . .

  12. J

    Word Association Game .. . . .

  13. S

    Are you an Estate Agent or Mortgage Broker? online property portal where you can list your properties for free. We also have been generating a fair few leads for mortgages and are looking for mortgage brokers to take them on for a flat fee (negotiable). If anyone is interested then please contact me Thank...
  14. C

    Angry, 2% Price Rise!!

    I thought the broker was there just to find the best quote and put the dealer in touch with you. After that the dealer takes over with respect to ordering going forward.
  15. Jassyo06

    RS3 Build Tracker Spreadsheet

    Well l aint in tune with stuff as much as you are mate don't even know what a broker is ...but l am guessing a broker will get you finance at a lower rate...?
  16. Liquidfusion-S3

    Angry, 2% Price Rise!!

    The Dealer can be any Audi dealership the broker works with.
  17. Bristle Hound

    Angry, 2% Price Rise!!

    That's shocking. Unfortunately, it sounds to me as tho' no order has been placed by the broker IMHO Me thinks you need to get angry with the broker. No very angry Name & shame the broker
  18. W

    yourAudi - Track New Car Order

    I am not bothered about the broker only used them to get a good deal that I wouldn't have got going to the dealer. After the broker gave me the order number it was easier to deal direct with the dealer instead of waiting for the broker to speak to them and pass the messages back and forth. My...
  19. S

    Looking at an A5 Black Ed plus, What sort of discount ?

    Was that through a broker?
  20. cosmicblue

    RSQ3 New RSQ3 sport back owner

    Which broker did you use Rob?